Hey there! I’m Jake and I work here at Duke. My main site is jakeratliff.com. I don’t really update this site so check out my main site for more info.
My work is centered around data analysis, web development, and information architecture. I’ve been in the digital marketing world for around ten years now and I’m happy to say I’m still learning new things.
I got my start as an SEO at an agency that was at the time called Virante, where I had the privilege of working with the talented and hilarious Russ Jones.
While there I learned Javascript, my first programming language. Eventually I began building websites, full stack, in my free time. For more about my websites, please check out my main site.
After 9 years of agency work, in March 2020 I decided to work in-house with Duke Health, right as the global pandemic was kicking off. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m very thankful for all the wonderful folks I’ve worked with in my career, and the amazing team I’m working with now.