Personal History 朝花夕拾 The One-Child Legacy: Tracing Identity Journeys of Chinese American Transnational Adoptees Returning to China JAS SANTOS & YUQING WANG On the tail end of the one-child policy, Knight and Veazey were among the last of the big adoptee waves. They describe the weight of returning to a new China, and the difficulty witnessing intact families with parents looking after more than one child. Autobiographies of Language Learning JAIYU SHI Sissi (虞悦) is a sophomore studying Media and Arts at DKU. During her free time, she enjoys listening to music, traveling and visiting art galleries Keeping Halal and Learning to Listen JIALONG WANG A Hui Muslim student responds to Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story” Re-learning My Native Language LI SHUHAN My language-learning journey from English to Chinese and back again. 亚洲人的脸 AUDREY ROBERTS 来到中国之后,作为美籍华裔的洪京博 (Audrey Roberts)开始对自己的身份认同产生了疑问。她那看似亚洲人的面孔下实则有着 “typical American” (典型的美国人)的灵魂。而那些向她发问的人问得愈是紧迫,她愈想将此问题探究清楚。 我学习中文欣赏汉文化的旅程 ZACHARY SCHRAGE “中文就是我人生的一部分。”来自美国的萧智瑞如是说道。那么,中文与他有着怎样一段缘分呢?在这里,他将分享他认知,学习,和使用汉语的故事。 Intersections: A Journal of Language, Culture, and Ideas is an online magazine featuring writing in Chinese and English by members of the Duke Kunshan community. 《交集:语言文化论刊》是一栏由昆杜人撰写的中英双语线上杂志。