Weddings in Pakistan: Process and Religion
Three wedding dresses, a week of festivities, and a thousand guests: If you’ve never been to a Pakistani wedding, you’re missing out! DKU senior Zarfishar Tayyab walks us through all the details of this colorful tradition.
三件婚纱,一周的庆祝活动,上千名宾客:如果你从未参加过巴基斯坦的婚礼,你一定会错过如此大的场面! 让Zarfishar Tayyab带我们领略这个丰富多彩的传统中的所有细节。
Part 1 巴基斯坦的婚礼是什么样的?
How are Pakistani weddings like?

Aiya: Why did you decide to tell us about Pakistani weddings?
Zarfishar: It’s a huge part of Pakistan. If you look at our economy for the past five years, even if people are having a bad time the wedding industry is consistently growing. It’s the largest industry in our entire country. There are so many layers to it, there’s so much diversity in the functions. But one thing that’s common in all of them is that they’re very festive. It’s at the point where, because a lot of people get married in winter, it’s often called “wedding season.”


Aiya: You said there are many layers to it, can you explain how the whole process goes, beginning with searching for a spouse?
Zarfishar: People will either find a partner themselves or have it arranged. The arranged marriage process is predominant. Once they’re ready for marriage, kids will be asked what qualities they’re looking for and parents will start looking, or hire a matchmaker.


credit: https://www.desiblitz.com/content/the-concept-of-arranged-marriages-in-pakistan

Aiya: I see, are there specific qualities the bachelors and bachelorettes will look for?
Zarfishar: Most of the time they look for someone who’s well educated and financially stable. But sometimes people will have really weird requirements that are classist, even racist.
In lower middle-class families, they’re not as open to girls taking up non-traditional gender roles in marriage. This isn’t as prevalent in upper class families because it’s normal to hire domestic help. People can also make rude requirements like the girl has to be tall, or very light-skinned. Pakistan has a lot of diversity in skin color. But let’s say the girl is too tan, the parents could say no. It’s toxic.


Aiya: And would you say there are fewer arranged marriages among the upper-class than lower class?
Zarfishar: I feel like the internet has really changed things, since now people can meet online. Among all classes it’s become more socially acceptable for you to find your own partner. Now it’s more about whether you have a conservative or progressive mindset. And that distinction is separate from social class. People refrain from dating apps though. I believe Tinder is banned because it’s associated with sex, which is a huge taboo.


credit: https://www.desiblitz.com/content/the-concept-of-arranged-marriages-in-pakistan
Zarfishar: Once a match is made, they’ll fix a date for the wedding, and that’s a small event, attended by immediate family members, or respectable extended family members. Then you fix the date for the engagement. People will rent a banquet hall, buy new outfits, it’ll be a huge ceremony. They exchange rings and the engagement becomes official.


Aiya: How long do wedding preparations take?
Zarfishar: A year is pretty standard. It takes time because on the boy’s side they’re planning for the girl to move in, and on the girl’s side there’s wedding shopping and preparation. A huge part of the preparations is taken up by gift-giving. The groom’s family will have to buy gifts for the bride’s family, her close friends, her teachers —


Aiya: You said teachers?
Zarfishar: Yeah! The Quran is our holy book, so the person who taught the bride the Quran must receive a gift. And the bride’s family will do the same for the groom’s friends and family.


Aiya: Wow, I’m already feeling how expensive the year leading up to the marriage will be. And would the ceremony be expensive?

credit: https://www.nayasafar.pk/blog/how-to-make-pakistani-wedding-less-costly/
Zarfishar: It’d be very expensive. In the three-day traditional ceremony, the first day is Mehndi, and the second day is when the groom’s family comes to the bride’s family to pick her up when the actual wedding itself happens. The wedding would be huge, they average around 500, and really large weddings have 1000+ people. You have to cater food, buy decor, hire a photographer. A day can easily cost around 1.5 million rupees.

What do people do for a wedding?

婚礼进行时/ While the wedding is going on
Zarfishar: But many things happen before the actual wedding. Usually a week before the wedding you’re gonna have small get-togethers in your house where we have this traditional instrument, called a dholki. What happens is all the bridesmaids, the women, gather in the bride’s house or the groom’s house and play this instrument and sing traditional songs about the wedding. People eat and sing and dance the whole night. It starts to get really intense closer to the wedding, where people do this every single night.
And depending on whether you like dancing or not, the friends and family of the bride and the groom will get together and start practicing dances for the first day of the wedding, the Mehndi. Mehndi is the Urdu word for henna. The bride has it on her hands and sometimes on her feet. A lot of small decorative candles are lit, and the bride and groom will be sitting on the stage and in front of them there’s gonna be sweets. The family members are all gonna come one by one, give the bride and groom some money, pick up a sweet from the table, and feed the bride and groom. When that’s all done the dance performance starts. Sometimes people will turn it into a competition, like the bride’s family vs. the groom’s family, and dance all night long.


曼海蒂 “Mahndi” credit: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehndi#/media/File:Mehndi_front.JPG
Zarfishar: The second day is when the wedding contract is signed, and the bride traditionally wears red, but people are moving away from that, wearing pastels and lighter colors too.


Aiya: And what is the wedding contract like?
Zarfishar: The wedding contract is very detailed. Religiously, the husband is required to give his wife an amount of money, called mehr, that he can never take away from her. Sometimes people get a huge amount written in the contract, like 5 million rupees, about USD 50,000. The religious reason for that is it’s supposed to make the woman feel secure, so even in the horrible case that they divorce, she’s not left stranded. In the contract, they write down the amount and the exact date the groom will give it.
The bride has to sign it first, so that she can add any clauses she wants. In the contract the bride has the right to divorce, or she can choose to not keep it. There’s also a clause where if the bride wants, the husband can’t marry somebody else without her consent first. Islam allows multiple marriages, but it’s taboo to actually have a second marriage, everyone looks down upon it. Everyone sympathizes with the woman if the husband does have a second marriage. But the bride still has the right to keep the husband from marrying someone else without her legal consent. The clauses the bride can add can be anything from “I will never cook or clean for you,” to “I will go and work wherever I want.” Once the bride has signed the groom will sign.


credit: www.desiblitz.com/content/why-pakistani-bride-rights-matter-in-a-nikkah-contract
Zarfishar: But because a huge part of our population is not literate, there are women who don’t know they have these rights, even though they’re signing with their own hand. Their families are also often illiterate, so nobody knows about these legalities. It’s sad because in a society that’s not literate the boy and the girl don’t know what the paper says and just listen to what their family tells them. It’s a bad social divide. The upper class can educate their children equally. Because they’re educated their marriages are more egalitarian; the girls are more aware of their rights, and the boys know that these are life partners, not servants.
That evening after the wedding contract is signed, the groom’s family comes to pick up the bride, and there’s a lot of small traditions here. For example, the bride’s sisters and friends are gonna hide the groom’s shoes, and only return the shoes for money. And then the bargaining starts, where the bride’s friends will ask for money and the groom will ask for his shoes back. The groom’s friends are gonna be on the search for the shoes.
Another event is when the bride’s friends pour milk into a glass and decorate it with mirrors and crystals, before making the groom drink it and ask him for money in exchange.
Money exchange happens all the time during a Pakistani wedding. Every wedding guest is expected to give some amount of money to the couple. It’s similar to how in Chinese culture they give hongbaos. It’s considered super rude if you don’t give money or a gift to the couple that’s getting married.
After the wedding ceremony, people will usually put a cloth on the bride’s head, and hold the Quran over her, kind of like an umbrella until she’s sat in the car. When the bride arrives at the groom’s house even more money exchange happens.


credit: https://lifeinsaudiarabia.net/what-does-islam-say-about-holding-the-quran-over-the-brides-head/
Zarfishar: The youngest brother of the groom sits on the bride’s lap, or holds her knees, and asks for money in exchange for leaving. Before the bride and groom are allowed to enter the house, the girls from the groom’s side are gonna block the way to the entrance until they’re given money. It’s all fun and banter, and people are having a good time.


Aiya: Okay, so how much will you have to pay for someone to let you go, or get out of your lap?
Zarfishar: If you’re from a decently rich family 5000 rupees would be enough. But there’s no fixed rule, it’s honestly just people teasing. I feel like it’s a way for the bride to be eased into the house so she feels more comfortable about her first night.


新娘的准备/ The bride’s preparations

Aiya: Can you explain how the bride prepares for her wedding?
Zarfishar: Pakistani culture is so vibrant and colorful, so the bride has a lot to do to stand out. She’s going to get the biggest dress and add sequins, stones, and crystals. She would also get her makeup, hair, hands, and nails done. A lot of people go for a full-body wax as well.


Aiya: So you’re into high fashion right? Can you tell me more about any significant parts of the bride’s dress or any particular colors the wedding will be themed to?
Zarfishar: The bride is going to try and make sure everything is themed to the wedding and that her dress stands out. There’s different types of dresses. One is a lehenga, which is a blouse and a long, huge skirt completely covered in sequins and stones. Another is a longer shirt that comes to your mid-thigh with pants that are so wide you could fit four people in one leg. But with all these different styles, the bride’s dress has to be the heaviest, her jewelry the heaviest. Usually her head is covered with a cloth that goes with the dress. On the first day, for the Mehndi it’s usually yellow and greens and oranges; on the second day, usually, it will be shades of red or at least a veil that’s red. On the third day, she will be wearing lighter tones that are more pastel, ivory, or cream.


莱亨加 “Lehenga” credit: www.pakstyle.pk/blog/best-lehenga-dresses-design-for-wedding-b165.html
Zarfishar: But nowadays the color of the dress doesn’t matter as much. A dress wouldn’t be white though, because culturally that’s the color of mourning. Besides, nobody wears black, that’s very taboo. But every other color is basically acceptable.
There’s this thing called the Mayun, it’s not something everyone does, but four days before the three-day wedding functions, they’re gonna put this yellow stuff all over the bride to beautify her. And she’ll wear a yellow-colored dress sent to her by the groom’s family.


麻允 “Mayun” credit: Pakistani Indian Bride Tumeric Haldi Paste Stock Photo
Zarfishar: So there’s three wedding dresses the bride will wear. One will be bought by the bride’s family. The other two have to be sponsored by the groom’s side. It’s a whole thing, the groom’s mother and sisters will take the bride to go wedding dress shopping, shoe shopping, makeup shopping.


Aiya: That’s cool.

新婚之夜/ The first night

Aiya: So I have a question, if talking about sex is taboo how do couples know what to do on the first night?
Zarfishar: I think somebody tells them what to do, usually friends or cousins that are a couple of years older and already married. But things are changing now because of the internet. It would be stupid to think one is not going to look up what these things are.
When the guests leave, all the ceremonies are done, the bride is expected to wait for the groom inside the bedroom. And he has to sweet talk to her, get to know her, comfort her. There is this thing which translates to “the revealing of the face,” in English, and he has to give her a gift. Like a necklace or bracelet, something pretty and nice, something that is hers and he can’t take back. But there’s no religious requirement that they have to have sex on the wedding night, it’s completely up to them. But you’re right, sex is a taboo topic, you just can’t bring it up.


credit: https://www.desiblitz.com/content/first-night-stories-arranged-marriage
Zarfishar: Because religion is a huge part of it, it’s mandatory for the man to set the mood and make the woman comfortable with kissing and foreplay. You can’t get straight into sex, that’s literally forbidden. You have to make sweet talk and comfort the woman every single time you approach her. Islam has different things that become jurisdiction, the Quran and the prophet’s teachings (hadith). It’s forbidden to approach your wife aggressively, it’s compared to something that animals do. And also the man has to care for the woman’s pleasure, you have to make sure your partner is having a good time. So religiously all these things are discussed, but culturally they’re never brought up.


Aiya: I see, I didn’t know that those details are included in the hadith! It’s nice to let people know that they should do these things, to care about women’s pleasure too.
That makes me wonder, how much of the Pakistani wedding process is influenced by Islam and how much is specific to Pakistan?

credit: unitedwithlove.com/2018/12/11/muslim-pakistani-wedding/
Zarfishar: If you marry someone based on the laws of Islam, it’s a very short process, not at all extravagant. You go to a mosque and just sign the documentation, have witnesses from each side, and that’s it. Then the groom has to give food to people. Everything else is 100% Pakistani. A lot of things, like the Mehndi, are influenced by Indian culture because we were basically one country up until 74 years ago. Someone who’s not from Pakistan or India, if they look at a picture of an Indian wedding and a Pakistani wedding, probably can’t tell the difference. There’s some difference with clothing, because people don’t show a lot of skin in Pakistan and in India they show a little more. Indian weddings also have Hindu ceremonies, but other than that, they’re culturally very similar.


Zarfishar Tayyab is a senior student majoring in Institutions and Governance. Her interests include business, entrepreneurship, cross-cultural communication, fashion, cooking super-specific meals, and drinking an insane amount of coffee and bubble tea. She chose to talk about weddings in Pakistan because it sounded fun and was something she thought would be interesting for non South Asians to read about.
Zarfishar Tayyab是一名机构与治理专业的大四学生。她的兴趣包括商业,创业,跨文化交流,时尚,烹饪很特别的食物,喝大量咖啡和奶茶。她选择谈论巴基斯坦的婚礼,因为这听起来很有趣,她认为非南亚人读起来会很有趣。
Aiya Kuchukova (Anika Kuchukova) is a senior student at Duke Kunshan University, majoring in Applied Mathematics. She is also an editor for Intersections and she likes to sing, play the ukulele, and interview people about their cultures.
Aiya Kuchukova (孔楚安)是DKU的一名大四学生,她的专业是应用数学。她也是《交集》的编辑之一,她喜欢唱歌,弹尤克里里,也喜欢采访人们跟他们文化相关的事。

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