Spanish Rap Battles
Spanish Rap Battles fill in stadiums and are a whole hip hop subculture on its own, but are hard to navigate without context. In this interview, Carlos Gustavo Salas walks us through this intricate competition that unites most Spanish-speaking countries.
露天体育场里的西语说唱大赛是一种自成一体的嘻哈亚文化。如果不知道它所处的社会文化背景,我们很难去真正了解和理解它。在这篇采访中,Carlos Gustavo Salas 将带我们走进这场连结整个西语世界的神秘赛事。

Aiya: Hi! So you wanted to tell us today about Latino rap, right? Can you start by telling us about improvisation and rap battles?
Carlos: Of course. This movement started in the US, I think it was a way the African Americans found to make their voices heard when talking about oppression and injustice. It became popular after 8 Mile, the movie featuring Eminem.


Credit: https://www.mtv.com/news/2370762/eminem-8-mile-deleted-scene-marv-won/
Carlos: That was around 2002 but it has been really popular since. When I was very young, in Tlaxcala, Mexico, rappers would perform on the streets, on the bus, and in the plazas. It was an underground movement, so people could not make a living from it.
It only started to become huge in 2005 when Redbull had the first international competition of rap battles in Spanish, held in Puerto Rico. They had people from Mexico, Argentina, Spain, and some other countries. The first champion was an Argentinian called Fresco late. Since then it has evolved a lot. Now, there are guys who dedicate their entire lives to rapping. Some of them have partnerships with brands like Puma for example.


Frescolate. Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaZ2GST1a2Y

Aiya: I see. And what was the primary motivation of Red Bull to do a big rap battle?
Carlos: That’s a very good question. I think the initial idea was inspired by the movie 8 Mile. I did some research, in terms of marketing they try to invest in unusual competitions not only in areas like rap but also, for example, competitions of people who build trucks from trash. They do so to promote their drink of course.


Wos won Red Bull Batalla de los Gallos 2018 in front of 11,000 fans. Credit: https://www.redbull.com/int-en/red-bull-batalla-de-los-gallos-history

Aiya: That sounds crazy, but at the same time, really cool!
Carlos: Red Bull held these competitions for a few years before stopping around 2008. After that, there were almost no mainstream freestyle competitions so the movement disappeared from the public eye. However, in 2012, there was a revival in rap battles as there was this competition called “El quinto escalon,” meaning “The Fifth Step” in Argentina and Chile. It gained huge popularity, they had around 5000 people all together in one plaza.
They even made three movies about the competitions. Since it became huge again, Red Bull brought the battles back. From then on they have been investing a lot in this area. They are the main driving force of this movement, sponsoring professional leagues in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Colombia. They are bringing this to Brazil as well.
这样的比赛红牛举办了好几年,直到2008年左右停办。在那之后,拉美地区几乎就没有什么主流的即兴说唱比赛了,于是说唱就从公众的视线里消失了一段时间。但在2012年,说唱比赛又火了起来,因为在阿根廷和智利举办了一个叫El quinto escalon的说唱比赛,El quinto escalon 的意思是“第五步”。这个比赛大受欢迎,大概有5000人聚在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的利瓦达维亚公园里给选手捧场。


Credit: https://urbanroosters.news/la-final-internacional-de-red-bull-batalla-2022-sera-en-mexico/

Aiya: Whoa, there’s really a big part of the world involved. Can you just describe what those battles look like? Do people just come to show off their skills?
Yeah, it used to be like that, people just got together to show their skills. Before, people would focus mostly on how you rap and how you flow over the beat, but now, they have come to appreciate more of the lyrical content. In the professional leagues, there are long battles that can last up to 30 minutes.


Aiya: Wait, a 30-minute battle between two people?
Carlos: Yes, this is because they can judge from various aspects. They have two rounds: easy mode and hard mode. In the easy mode, contestants are given a word every 10 seconds that has to be included in their lines. The duration between prompts is reduced to 5 seconds in the harder mode. They go back and forth, improvising for over one minute each time. In addition to that, the hard mode is also thematic, where the contestants are given a topic to rap to as well.
They also have a classical mode which is a freestyle rap, where there are no prompts at all, and relies entirely on improvisation. You would “attack” your rival for one minute and the other one will have a chance to respond afterwards. You are evaluated not only on what you said but how well you respond to your opponent. Responding to your opponent’s lines can give you extra points in the competition. And finally, you also have the four-by-four, which is when you say one bar and the opponent responds with another. The back and forth is instantaneous. That’s the classic way rap battles are held, where people gather in the plazas and battle it out.


Credit: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-latin/batalla-de-los-gallos-rap-battle-red-bull-767967/

Aiya: For people without any knowledge of music theory, could you explain to us what you mean by four-by-four?
Carlos: One bar has four beats, so if it’s a four-by-four, rappers will do a bar-long rap. Some will do eight-by-eight, which is double of that. But oftentimes, these rappers haven’t received much education in music theory, so they will just follow the beat and improvise from there on.


Aiya: So it seems like they are just naturally talented in improvising. You also mentioned beats that the rappers rap on, could you expand more on that?
Carlos: So the beat is the base over what you rap. It can be somebody else beatboxing or instrumental beats produced beforehand. Beatboxing is more common when rapping on the streets, while in most competitions use instrumental beats. There’s now a huge industry around this, with people who only make beats for these battles. Using other songs could cause copyright issues.


Credit: https://www.becomesingers.com/techniques/who-invented-beatboxing

Aiya: How diverse are the beats?
Carlos: So that’s kind of interesting because just a few weeks ago it was the finals for the Red Bull Rap Battles in Mexico (Red Bull Batalla Nacional México). During the final round they had this beat that sounded like a traditional music mix. There was also a competition in Chile where they had to rap over salsa and cumbia rhythms. But it can be difficult to adapt and rap over them.
这个问题很有意思!几周前墨西哥的红牛说唱决赛刚刚结束(Red Bull Batalla Nacional México),而在最后一轮比赛里,选手们用的节奏听起来就像各种传统音乐的大杂烩。在智利也有一场比赛,参赛者必须用salsa和 cumbia 的节奏来说唱,但是要适应并且掌握这些节奏真的挺难的。
注: Salsa (萨尔萨:指在60-70年代美國的古巴及波多黎各移民所創作的音樂風格,以及在80年代由此發展出來的浪漫萨尔萨(Salsa Romántica)。萨尔萨音樂最初是在拉丁舞廳裡所彈奏的音樂,是拉丁音樂核心所在)。
Cumbia (坎比亚:指拉丁美洲的一些音乐节奏和民间舞蹈传统,其内容通常涉及美洲印第安人、殖民时期被奴役的非洲人和欧洲人的音乐和文化元素)。


Aiya: That must be super hard to rap over! Do rappers have a chance to even draft something at home or have a couple of punch lines ready before the battle?
Carlos: Preparing lines beforehand is not received well by the audience, they believe rap is supposed to be improvised. However, the movement is so much more content-focused now that it is hard to achieve that.
However, there are different ways in which you can try to make sure that they are improvising. For example, fixing certain words that participants have to rhyme with or evaluating how they respond to opponents. If they go off topic or constantly avoid something, people will start to notice. Also, there is a different feeling when you have something that is prepared or something that is improvised at the moment.


Credit: https://www.thehypemagazine.com/2021/04/worlds-largest-spanish-freestyle-rap-battle-red-bull-batalla-opens-application-period-for-2021-u-s-national-finals/

Aiya: I see, I see. And how many people do you think watch these rap battles, are they popular?
Carlos: In terms of the general population, not that many. Most of the people who watch it are young, around their 20s or teens. However, ever since the last international competition, where the champion was Mexican, it has risen in popularity. The Red Bull competition has a huge influence in the industry. Now, they are sponsoring the Austrian tours of the previous two Mexican worldwide champions.


Credit: https://kulturehub.com/spanish-battle-rapper-yartzi-red-bull-interview/

Aiya: Would it be hard for somebody who does not speak Spanish, to understand the rap?
Carlos: If you’re not native it could be confusing. Sometimes it could make no sense if you try to translate it directly to English. Rapping in Spanish is a bit tough as well because Spanish is kind of a hard language to rhyme in. You need to pronounce every letter in every word so sometimes it’s hard to accommodate it in a phrase while ensuring that it rhymes and makes perfect sense.


Aiya: What are the common themes or topics in rap battles? Do they try to talk about politics or are they just trying to bring their opponents down?
Carlos: That depends. Usually, in written battles they would do something more direct, to bring the opponent down but other times they go into political ideologies. An example is the phrase “I want Cuba Libre”, which can have multiple meanings, it can mean “I want to free Cuba” but it can also mean “I want a free drink.”
However, some people try to avoid controversial topics. Because even though you might have good arguments, you might lose because of your stance on the specific issue. For example, there was a rap battle about abortion between a guy and a girl and of course, the guy lost because he was pro-life and the woman pro-choice.
这就要看情况了。在提前准备好内容的比赛中,他们通常会更注重眼前的对手,但其他时候他们会发表一些政治见解。比如说 “I want Cuba libre”,这句话有多种含义,它可以是 “我想解放古巴”,但也可以是 “我想喝‘自由古巴’鸡尾酒”。


Aiya: Oh I see. In Russian rap battles, people usually only try to bring their opponent down. They will actually try to find information about their opponent before the battle to put him at his lowest, but, how would this happen in Spanish rap?
Carlos: People don’t do a lot of research because you know a lot of them are not well educated. Most of the guys from Spain went to a good school or university. But some of the guys from Latin America didn’t even finish their middle school or high school, so they don’t read a lot, they don’t do a lot of research. They try to work with what they know and with what they can perceive. When people go too personal, it’s not seen very well. It sounds like you cannot win using your lyrics or your abilities but rely on making things personal and uncomfortable for the opponent. It starts to feel uncomfortable for the audience as well.


Aiya: I actually quite like that, because I feel it is like a very different culture, and it is a healthier one.
Carlos: I don’t know about that. Since it became huge, people started focusing more on the results, who wins or loses, rather than enjoying the rap battles itself. I guess it is important since it’s a competition, everybody’s trying to be the best, but it can foster a toxic environment as well.


Credit: https://remezcla.com/music/red-bull-batalla-spanish-freestyle-rap-battle-2021/

Aiya: Do you think music coming from a more educated or privileged background is able to resonate with people?
Carlos: That’s a good question. The thing is, people who were into the rap movement in the beginning, were the same people who used to listen to rock. Rap was frowned upon by a lot of people because it was often associated with drugs, alcohol, gangsters…those kinds of things. So people with a more educated background were not that into it.
But now, people are becoming more interested in rap because of the wordplay, rhetorical figures and sometimes the deep stories told through freestyle. I think it is really cool to see how people manage to use our language, which varies so much from country to country, and play it over a beat and simply rap.


Aiya: What do you think is a distinct feature of Spanish rap?
Carlos: I think English rap is mainly focused on pre-written rap while Spanish ones are more freestyle. With written battles, you really have to dig into what they are saying, so you have to put in effort to understand the references because people usually want to touch on deeper subjects. With freestyle, people are just really passionate about it. It’s really cool, I really like it. You can see a lot of energy. It’s like a crazy mix of seeing a very exciting soccer match while being at a concert. It’s that kind of atmosphere where everyone can enjoy themselves.


Carlos Gustavo Salas is a rising senior at Duke Kunshan University, directly from Mexico, he is a Data Science student interested in Economics and Political Science. He loves tolisten to music and spend time with the people whom he likes.
来自墨西哥的Carlos Gustavo Salas (郭尧杰) 是DKU的一名即将升入大四的学生。作为一名数据科学专业的学生,他同时对经济和政治科学感兴趣。他喜欢听音乐,也喜欢和他喜欢的人一起共度时光。
Aiya Kuchukova (Anika Kuchukova) is a senior student at Duke Kunshan University, majoring in Applied Mathematics. She is also an editor for Intersections and she likes to sing, play the ukulele, and interview people about their cultures.
Aiya Kuchukova (孔楚安)是DKU的一名大四学生,她的专业是应用数学。她也是《交集》的编辑之一,她喜欢唱歌,弹尤克里里,也喜欢采访人们跟他们文化相关的事。