Duke Requirements for ACGME Certification of Training


To fulfill the requirements for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for training in infectious diseases and to maintain satisfactory accreditation of the training program, the Division expects the following specific elements of each trainee in the Duke program:

  1. Completion of one year of clinical subspecialty rotations, with documentation by faculty that the trainee has developed competence in each of the objectives of the rotations. Satisfactory completion of supervised experience in:
    • Inpatient consults
    • Outpatient clinics
    • Infection control and health care epidemiology
    • Antimicrobial use
  2. Attendance and active participation in a majority of scheduled conferences:
    • Interdisciplinary Infectious Diseases Conference (Grand Rounds)
    • Department and Division research conferences
    • Journal Club
    • Infectious Diseases Weekly Case Conference
  3. Completion of an approved mentored-research project, with presentation of the results at a Division, Departmental or national meeting. Trainees are encouraged to submit requests for extramural funding from the NIH, CDC, VA and private foundations for support of their fellowship training.

Vacation and Leave of Absence


The Duke ID fellowship follows the Duke University Hospital Graduate Medical Education Leave of Absence and Vacation Policy.

All vacation requests should be submitted to the Program Coordinator for Program Director/Associate Program Director approval prior to the start of the academic year.  Any additional planned absences (conference attendance, Personal days, etc) should be submitted to the program coordinator via Medhub.  Any requests for changes to previously scheduled vacation time should be submitted a minimum of 3 months in advance to allow for necessary adjustments in schedules/staffing.

For any planned absences, including vacation time, and conference travel it is the fellow’s responsibility to:
1) Notify their respective clinic (1K or DVAMC) to ensure no patients are scheduled.
2) Sign out their personal pager to the GERM pager (970-4376) or a covering colleague to ensure patient-related issues are properly triaged.
3) Sign out EPIC or CPRS in basket to a covering colleague to ensure patient-related issues
are promptly addressed.

4) Submit the requisite time off request form via MedHub (In left hand column)


Medical/Caregiver Leave
Each trainee is entitled to one paid leave of up to six weeks during a single training program for their own serious health condition or to care for a qualifying family member who has a serious health condition.

Parental Leave
In addition, trainees are eligible for up to six weeks of paid continuous leave under DUHS’s Paid Parental Leave Policy for each eligible event.

Fellows should contact the Program Coordinator for planned parental/medical/caregiver leave to initiate the process with the GME office and/or EOHW.


Health Services Phone Numbers


Primary Care Concierge Appointment Scheduling: 

  • 1 (866) 3033659 Monday Friday, 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

Personal Assistance Service (PAS) for GME Trainees:

  • GME premium appointments are available at 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. each week, as well as Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
  • To schedule, call (919) 4161727 Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.


Fatigue/Ride Home Program
The GME Office provides all GME residents & fellows taxi service to assist in the management of fatigue. This service will pickup residents & fellows who experience fatigue and provide transportation home and back to work the following day.  This benefit is only for fatigue use only. No other stops are allowed!
Pickup locations are:
  •  Duke North
  • Duke Regional
  • Duke Raleigh
  • Durham VA
  • WakeMed
  • UNC Hospital

Airport Taxi Transportation Services will pick up at the front entrance of the hospitals and be marked as Airport Taxi & Shuttle Service. To schedule call (919) 4934000. The Safe Code is Education. This code must be given to the taxi driver once picked up. This will indicate no charge for residents & fellows.

Residents & fellows will be required to sign and print their name on the taxi ticket. The cost is free for the residents & fellows. All processes must be followed and documentation must be signed.

Email issues and concerns to dukegme@mc.duke.edu or call (919) 6843491.

Additional Transportation Options

  • Duke’s Parking and Transportation (919) 6847275
  • Triangle Transit Bus 55
  • Bull City Connector This is a farefree, hybridelectric bus service that connects downtown Durham with the Duke University campus and medical facilities.
  • GoPass Duke is offering GoPass, a free local and regional bus pass, to Duke staff and faculty whose offices are on the East, West, Central and Medical Center campuses; the American Tobacco Campus or within onehalf mile of the East, West, Central or Medical campuses. All undergraduate, graduate and professional school students are eligible. To obtain a GoPass, employees may apply in person with a valid DukeCard at Duke’s Parking and Transportation Office.



GME Moonlighting Policy

Upper-level fellows not on clinical rotations are permitted to participate in certain moonlighting activities. These activities must be approved in advance via the electronic process in Medhub which requires the approval of the Program Director, DOM Vice Chair of and the GME Designated Institutional Official. This document outlines moonlighting policies and procedures for the Infectious Diseases Fellowship.


  1. Trainees must be in good standing in the program (not on corrective action) and have completed their clinical year of ID fellowship training.
  2. Trainees should not schedule moonlighting activities while they are on clinical rotations.
  3. J-1 visa holders are not eligible for TSMA/moonlighting.
  4. Trainees are not permitted to moonlight while on family/medical leave.
  5. Trainees in their last month of training will not have a mechanism for supplemental pay and should not schedule moonlighting.


  1. Approval for all moonlighting activities (including TSMA [internal] and external) is requested via Medhub* and sent to the Program Director, the DOM Vice Chair of Education and the GME office for approval.
  2. Trainees will be notified via email of the approved activity once approval is secured. This approval process can take up to 4 weeks.
  3. Trainees are responsible for ensuring this approval is secured prior to the scheduled moonlighting activity (payment will not be processed without an approved activity in Medhub).
  4. Once approved, trainees are permitted to moonlight up to 24 hours per week (total hours per week, not per activity approved). Requests for > 24 hours per week will not be approved
  5. Trainees are responsible for logging all moonlighting hours in Medhub (logged as the correct category of internal moonlighting) contemporaneous with when the work is done and for ensuring that moonlighting does not result in any duty hour violations (cannot exceed 80 hour/week and must have 1 day off in 7).
    1. Please note that a “week” in Medhub runs from Sun 12AM to Sat 12AM when scheduling activities to avoid any violations.
  6. Moonlighting should not interfere with other duties, clinical and research responsibilities.
  7. All moonlighting approvals need to be renewed on July 1st even if previously approved.
  8. Trainees must provide their own malpractice insurance information for outside moonlighting, as the activity is NOT covered under Duke’s policy.
  9. Failure to comply with the above will jeopardize moonlighting eligibility. 

The Duke GME Moonlighting policy can be found here:


*To complete the request for a new TSMA/Moonligting Activity in Medhub:
1. Log onto duke.medhub.com
2. Go to Schedule Planning
3. Choose TSMA / Moonlighting Request Form
4. Use the form to Submit a new TSMA / Outside Moonlighting request.

  • For each requested activity select the location first and then identify the description, start date, end date and maximum number of hours per week (should not exceed 24).
  • If you have more than one request multiple activities can be done on a single form. To do this, just click the “Add Another Activity” link. If you do not find your location or activity listed, please contact the Payroll Administrator in the GME Office.
  • You must acknowledge that the activity when combined with your training responsibilities is within 80 hours per week and will not exceed what is advisable from a learning/well-being perspective as well as acknowledge that no TSMA payments will be processed without time logged in Medhub.


GME Requirements and Standards


Duke Disability Management


Admitted candidates who have a disability and need accommodations should initiate discussions with the Program Director as soon as the offer of admission is received and accepted. It is the responsibility of a candidate with a disability to provide sufficiently current information documenting the general nature and extent of his/her disability, and the functional limitations proposed to be accommodated. GME reserves the right to request new or additional information.

Evaluating and facilitating effort by the candidate, are the Duke Program Director, Employee/Occupational Health (EOHW) and Wellness, and the Disability Management System. Should a candidate have or develop a condition that would place patients, the candidate or others at risk or that may affect his/her need for accommodation, an evaluation with EOHW may be necessary. As in initial assessments, a complete and careful reconsideration of all the skills, attitudes and attributes of each candidate will be performed.

Duke GME Programs, program directors and selection committees are responsible for adhering to these technical standards and process during the selection of interns, residents and fellows. When an individual enters a Graduate Medical Education Training program it is expected that all necessary accommodations will be detailed and agreed to by the program before (s)he begins training.