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I’m Hooman Barati Sedeh, a second-year Ph.D. candidate working alongside Professor Litchinitser in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Duke University. Born and raised in Tehran, Iran, I completed my BSc in Electrical Engineering at the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). As an undergraduate, I delved into the fascinating world of Transformation Optics (TO) theory and worked on metamaterial-based antennas. Continuing my academic journey, I pursued my MSc in Electrical Engineering, focusing on Electromagnetics and Optics, at Northeastern University (NEU) and explored the potential of time-modulated metasurfaces for various applications. Now at Duke University, I am driven by a deep curiosity for understanding light-matter interactions on a subwavelength scale. Under Dr. Litchinitser’s guidance, I’m conducting both theoretical and experimental research into meta-atoms for diverse applications, such as nonlinear optics, chiroptical responses, and scattering manipulation.

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