We quickly identified Airtable as a useful tool for keeping organized and staying on track when preparing to submit a grant application. Applicants can now access the Duke Nephrology Grant Workspace in Airtable and select from custom built templates for grant application checklists to use in their own personal Airtable workspace. 


To get started

  1. Click the following link to be invited to share the Duke Nephrology Grant Workspace (Airtable)
  2. Login or Register for a free account by entering your preferred email address and password
  3. The Duke University Grant Workspace should now be visible as a workspace within your Airtable account
  4. Double clicking the icons listed under the Duke Nephrology Grant Workspace will allow you to preview each template but with only ‘Read Only’ permission rights. Note you will not able to edit or access drop down menus and other functionality options when opening the templates directly from this base.
  5. To begin working with a template, simply right click on the template icon and select ‘Duplicate Base’ and select which personal workspace you would like the copy of the base template to be saved. 
  6. The copy of the template will now be accessible from your personal workspace. Once a base is duplicated, you have full editing rights of the copy and can customize and use the template as you see fit.


Airtable-Grant Application Checklist Demo