Duke Reference Data
Legal Name: Duke University | Duke University Board of Trustees |
Date of Incorporation: January 12, 1841 | Duke University Certificate of Existence |
Applicant Organization: Duke University Office of Research Administration | IRS Tax Status: 501(c)(3) Duke’s National Provider Identifier (NPI): 982862637 Entity Type: 2 ORGANIZATION EIN or TIN (Employer / Tax Identification Number): 56-053-2129 (or 1560532129A1 if a Sponsor requires a prefix and/or a suffix) DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System): 044387793 Congressional District: NC-001 |
Make checks payable to: Duke University | |
Mailing address for Checks: Duke University Accounts Receivable Lockbox P.O. Box 602651 Charlotte, NC 28260-2651 | Physical address: Wells Fargo Lockbox Duke University Accounts Receivable Lockbox 602651 1525 West WT Harris Blvd – 2C2 Charlotte, NC 28262 |
Wire Transfer Information: Contact Duke Accounts Receivable | |
Communications/PR Officer for Proposals: | |
Financial/Fiscal Officer for Proposals: Authorized Representative / Administrative Official for Proposals: | |
Current Indirect Cost (F&A) and Fringe Benefit Rates Negotiated with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) | |
OMB A-133 Audit – Duke Financial Services | |
Regulatory Information | |
Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) Accreditation Number: 363 AAALAC International Accreditation Date: October 4, 1974 PHS Policy, Animal Welfare Assurance Number: A3195-01 or Newly assigned D16-00123 Animal Welfare Act, (USDA) Registration Customer Number: 863, Certificate No. 55-R-0003 | |
CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) Code: 4B478 | |
Cognizant Agency for Electronic DHHS Proposals: Department of Health and Human Services, Darryl W. Mayes, (202) 401-2808 | |
European Commission Participant Identification Code (PIC): 998693959 | |
FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education) Code: 002920 | |
Human Subject Federalwide Assurance: (FWA) Number:
| |
Misconduct in Science, Initial Assurance: December 21, 1989 | |
NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) Code: 611310 | |
NIH Institutional Profile File (IPF) Number: 2221101 | |
Office of Export Controls The Office of Research Administration works with the Office of Export Controls to provide assistance with activities in embargoed/sanctioned countries. Travel and/or financial transactions may be restricted in these countries. Please contact the Office of Export Controls before engaging in any activities involving these countries. https://export.duke.edu/ |