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Spring 2023 Archival and Digital Expeditions; Apply by Oct. 31

By: John Zhu

Spring 2023 Archival and Digital Expeditions

Are you interested in developing your skills in designing learning experiences for students? Interested in engaging students with digital and physical primary source materials? Consider participating in Archival and Digital Expeditions!

Archival and Digital Expeditions is a unique opportunity for graduate students to work with a faculty member to design a learning module involving archival materials. The collections can be physical materials in Duke’s David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, or any variety of digital collections available at Duke or elsewhere. There are numerous possibilities.

Eligibility: Any Duke PhD student who has completed one academic year at Duke.

Stipend: $1,500 for designing the module. An additional $500 is available to students who teach their module in a subsequent semester.

Expected time commitment: 70-75 hours over the course of the semester to be spent consulting with their sponsor, library staff and other experts and researching, developing and testing the module

Timeframe: Spring 2023

To learn more and apply:

Applications are due October 31st, 2022

For more information contact Brooke Guthrie ( or Arianne Hartsell-Gundy (

Arianne Hartsell-Gundy

Head of the Humanities and Social Sciences

Librarian for Literature


William R. Perkins Library, Duke University

Box 90175, Durham, NC 27708


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