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Fall 2022 Teaching Assistantship for Bass Connections Project; Apply by April 15

By: John Zhu

Teaching Assistant Opportunity – Fall 2022

STEM graduate students! We are looking for a teaching assistant (paid) to support the fall 2022 semester course for our Bass Connections project, Laboratory Art in Practice: Building a Model for the Art/Science Lab at Duke. The course will meet weekly on Friday afternoons and the graduate TA will assist with the preparation and instruction of the “laboratory practice” component of the course (e.g., hands-on activities with microscopy, lab notebooks, Drosophila rearing and dissection, immunostaining, etc.). The ideal graduate student would continue with the project in the spring, earning graduate course credit, but continued participation is not required.

Interested? Please contact kristen.tapson, mark.olson, and nina.sherwood by April 15th with a description of your interests and background relevant to the course. For more information, see also

Nina Tang Sherwood, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of the Practice, Biology

Co-Director of Admissions, Cell and Molecular Biology Program
Duke University

Box 90338
Biological Sciences Building

Rm. 0052 (office) or 0035 (lab)
Science Drive
Durham, NC 27708