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Jakob Sieber

    Hi there GLS! My name is Jakob and I am from Düsseldorf, Germany. Previous to coming to Duke I have studied Law with International Relations at the University of Sussex in southern England. I have a passion for politics, and law, and am excited to expand my knowledge, especially within economical areas. Besides that, I love to play field hockey, tennis, as well as piano. I am more than excited for the GLS journey to start!

    Preferred Name: Jakob

    Please share the title of a book you’ve recently enjoyed and would recommend to your GLS colleagues.
    The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

    What movie or television show that you watched recently would you recommend to the rest of us?
    Breaking Bad

    We’re going to make a GLS 2022 playlist on Spotify. Please recommend a song to include that speaks to how YOU feel as you embark on this new learning journey. It could be something that you’re listening to a lot now or a longtime favorite that captures the moment for you.
    Cindy by Tammany Hall Nyc

    Coming to the Duke GLS program, I hope to gain experiences, friends, and knowledge for the rest of my life.