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Asia Bingaman

    My name is Asia Bingaman and I am from southern California. I attended UCLA for my undergrad in African American Studies and graduated in 2019. I moved to Greensboro that same year and completed a term of service in AmeriCorps. Afterward, I started teaching high school at Grimsley High where I teach African American History, American History, and Sociology. When I am not teaching, I enjoy walks around the neighborhood, playing video games, and the company of my cat. At the request of my students, I have recently started watching more anime, in addition to the plethora of movies and tv shows that are already on my list.

    Preferred Name: Asia

    Please share the title of a book you’ve recently enjoyed and would recommend to your GLS colleagues.
    Chocolate Cities: The Black Map of American Life by Marcus Anthony Hunter and Zandria Robinson

    What movie or television show that you watched recently would you recommend to the rest of us?
    Bob’s Burgers

    We’re going to make a GLS 2022 playlist on Spotify. Please recommend a song to include that speaks to how YOU feel as you embark on this new learning journey. It could be something that you’re listening to a lot now, or a longtime favorite that captures the moment for you.
    9 to 5 by Dolly Parton

    Coming to the Duke GLS program, I hope to become a better writer and scholar.