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Jarred Papcsy

    My name is Jarred Papcsy. I am originally from Nazareth, PA. I studied my undergrad at NC State University in Sports Management with a minor in Business Administration. I come to Duke as a graduate transfer for the wrestling team. My hobbies outside the classroom are watching sports, playing golf, and spending time with family. I am excited for the school year to start and be a member of the Blue Devil Family!

    Preferred Name: Jarred

    Please share the title of a book you’ve recently enjoyed and would recommend to your GLS colleagues.
    Make Your Bed by Admiral William H. McRaven

    What movie or television show that you watched recently would you recommend to the rest of us?

    We’re going to make a GLS 2022 playlist on Spotify. Please recommend a song to include that speaks to how YOU feel as you embark on this new learning journey. It could be something that you’re listening to a lot now or a longtime favorite that captures the moment for you.
    Don’t Blink by Kenny Chesney

    Coming to the Duke GLS program, I hope to explore how minds work, from an individual and cultural standpoint.