What you hear:  

In this sound clip, one can hear the opening of a swab wrapper used for self-testing. A cap is twisted off a vile and twisted tightly back on. A bag is then sealed shut with the vile inside and dropped into the cooler, which can be heard being open and closed. In the back, one can hear an athlete greeting a member of the staff that checks people in.

What you see:

4 white tents are set up outside of the Yoh Football Center. Each tent has a table that allows for 2 athletes to test at once inside the tent, accompanied by a cooler where ready-to-go COVID testes are put.

What is captured:

This recording captures the sounds of self-swabbing outside of the Yoh Football center. All athletes at Duke participate in daily testing. This clip reflects the mundane sounds self-swabbing and COVID testing has become for athletes.