inside women's lacrosse
During the fall of 2020, most girls on my team would agree that going to practice was the most normal part of our daily routines. While almost all other programs were shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, here at Duke University operations were being conducted smoothly. Thanks to the Keep Playing protocols put in place for athletes, we were able to get through the fall with only 6 positive COVID cases throughout the entire athletic department.
In the fall of 2020, fall athletes participated in daily COVID testing. Spring athletes were tested twice a week. Testing consistently allowed the women’s lacrosse program to have the opportunity to keep playing, unmasked, while many other programs shut down. Come spring, all athletes at Duke are being tested daily. This is a privilege that can be granted to students-athletes and has allowed the continued success of the sports programs.
This was not done without sacrifice. Anxieties around COVID run high. Online schooling on top of daily practices is hard as it is and to throw in daily COVID testing, masking and distancing around teammates, and a limited social life, we can all agree that stress, fatigue, and exhaustion are warranted.
What keeps us going?
To me, playing throughout the fall and having the opportunity to finish our 2021 season is a privilege. I think back to early March 2020 when all spring sports came to an end. It was go our year! How could it all just come to an end? Receiving the news of the cancelling of our season was surreal. In a matter of 3 days, I had packed up my apartment and said goodbye to my teammates and coaches. The gut retching feeling of it being ripped away in a matter of days is why I play now with gratitude and heart. I took for granted the days of showing up to practice and assuming I had another. Never again. COVID has shown me to be appreciative of every day and every moment I have with the people around me.