The exchange experience is going to go by very quickly. Make sure to take it all in and experience things that may be out of your comfort zone. Here’s a few ways to get involved, meet new people, and have fun!
Every week during the school year, the MBA Association (MBAA) hosts “Fuqua Friday” in the Fox Center. All students are invited, as well as their friends, spouses, children, and faculty, staff, and administrators. Each week has a different theme (often sponsored by a student club). Food and beverages are served, and the menu usually reflects the theme of the event. Themes include: International Talent Show, Fuqua Brand Challenge, Fuqua Carnival, Lunar New Year, Fuqua Idol, Diwali, and Iron Chef.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Our culture is one of engagement, with a wide range of student-led organizations providing opportunities for leadership development, personal fulfillment, and an outlet for contributing to society.
Our student-led government (MBA Association), clubs, and events are an integral part of the student culture and are vital to providing you with a range of experiential learning and individual development experiences. Search the Fuqua Student Club Directory to find the organization for you.
Duke Athletics
Basketball Tickets might be the number 1 question at orientation 🙂 It’s a huge part of Duke’s culture to cheer on the Blue Devils in athletic events (after all your academic responsibilities have been met of course). As far as tickets go, you’ll have to check with a Second Year student to get the details because you may need to wait in line for hours. In 2015, a small group of exchange students were able to drive to Indiana and cheer on the Blue Devils in person at the National Championship game! Maybe you can spot them in the video below? 😉 Duke Basketball Schedule and How to Get Tickets.
Recreation on Campus
Whether your an avid racquetball player or enjoy finding zen during yoga, Duke Rec. has you covered. Familiarize yourself with the recreation resources on campus by visiting Duke’s Recreation and Physical Education website found here! As an exchange student, you have access to all the Duke Recreation amenities found on campus. You can even join sports teams.