Courses at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business prepare you to lead people, to manage resources, and to work in teams to achieve an enterprise’s goals.
On FuquaWorld (NetID required) you can browse the Course Offerings and Descriptions and read relevant feedback from previous classes. You can also view more information on how you will be evaluated here.
View more detailed instructions on how to access the Course Descriptions and Course Reviews.
To add clarification around the registration piece here are the 2 points you must consider
1. Your number one priority in exchange is your academic responsibility.
To give you context, a typical student on exchange will take 4 Fuqua classes each semester (2 classes each term) with the option to increase with special permission. 1 class = 3 credits = 27 contact hours, or class time.
2. You must comply with your home institution’s guidelines.
Fuqua Classroom Norms:
- Classes will start on time and end on time; breaks will end at the time specified. Students should be in their seats and prepared for class discussion before class starts and before the break ends.
- Always bring your name tent.
- Some classes have handouts and/or require you to turn in an assignment before class starts. You should arrive in time to pick up a handout at the front of the class or turn in an assignment. Don’t walk to the front once class has started.
- If you arrive late, take a seat at the back of the classroom so as to avoid disturbing others. It is fine to move into a better seat at the break.
Courtesy – In General
- Don’t leave the classroom while class is in session. Wait until a break or until class ends. If you are ill, or awaiting news because of a family emergency, let the instructor know before class and sit at the back of the classroom.
- All electronic devices should be turned off during class. If you need to be in touch because of a family emergency, let the instructor know before class and keep your device on vibrate.
- Eat before you come to class; beverages are okay.
- Clean up after yourself and others.
Courtesy – Class Discussion
- Listen carefully to the professor and to your classmates.
- Raise your hand when you want to speak and wait to be acknowledged by the professor.
- Do not interrupt someone else who is speaking.
- If someone else makes the comment you planned to make, put your hand down. Don’t repeat a comment someone else has already made.
- Be respectful of others’ comments and ideas.
- Come to class having completed all the assigned readings, cases and other assignments.
- Bring all the necessary class materials with you to class including cases, readings and an extra copy of your assignment (if one is due).
- Cold calls are fair game, though it is better if you initiate the discussion.