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A textbook on the Geology of North Carolina has yet to be written.  The closest geologists got to achieving this is Fred Beyer’s North Carolina: The Years Before Man, A Geological History below but this text was designed for a high school audience and is now outdated in many of its interpretations.  We will NOT have a required textbook in this class and my lectures are based entirely on the primary literature, however, occasionally I will draw upon the following, excellent popular references and guides.  These are completely optional and you do not need to purchase any of these.

North Carolina, the Years Before Man: A Geologic History by Fred Beyer (Carolina Academic Press, 1991)

The North Carolina Shore and Its Barrier Islands by Pilkey et al. (Duke University Press, 1998)

A Roadside Guide to the Geology of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park by Harry L. Moore (University of Tennessee Press, 1988)

Exploring the Geology of the Carolinas: A Field Guide to Favorite Places from Chimney Rock to Charlston by Kevin G. Stewart and Mary-Russell Roberson (The University of North Carolina Press, 2007)

A Geologic Adventure Along the Eno River by Phil Bradley (North Carolina Geological Survey Circular 35, 2007)

A Geologic Adventure Along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina by Carter et al. (North Carolina Geological Survey Bulletin 98, 1999)


Years Before Man North Carolina Shore and its Barrier IslandsGreat SmokeyGeology of the CarolinasGeological AdventureBLue Ridge Parkway

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