“An ice age here, million years of mountain building there. Geology is the study of pressure and time. That’s all it takes really, pressure, and time”
Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption
“If one is sufficiently lavish with time, everything possible happens”
“Change is the only constant”
The geological history of North Carolina goes back more than 2 billion years. Throughout its formation, the state has been at the heart of two separate supercontinents, experienced multiple tectonic collisions, and has seen the highest global sea levels in geological history. Our class will explore this varied history, from the Appalachians, the oldest mountain chain on Earth, to the geological young and ever-changing barrier islands off our coast. In our quest we will ascend craggy mountain peaks, search for precious stones, and encounter giant reptile predators in our very own backyard. Throughout the course we will learn about North Carolina history, its people, and how its geological roots have shaped settlement patterns, economic development, and local identity.
Official Undergraduate Course Bulletin Description:
Field Exploration of the Geology of North Carolina. NS, STS. Introduction to the geological history of North Carolina with an emphasis on active learning and field-based inquiry. Class time serves as preparation and background for two one-day and one overnight weekend field trips. An introductory geology background is useful but not required. Instructor: Glass. One course.
Times and Location:
Monday and Wednesday 1:45pm-3:00pm
Grainger Hall 1105