Course Description
“An ice age here, million years of mountain building there. Geology is the study of pressure and time. That’s all it takes really, pressure, and time” Morgan Freeman in Shawshank Redemption “If one is sufficiently lavish with time, everything possible happens” Herodotus “Change is the only constant” Heraclitus ——————————————————————————— The geological history of North Carolina …
INSTRUCTOR: Alexander Glass (he/him/his) OFFICE: Office hours will be held over Zoom. E-MAIL: alex.glass@duke.edu (this is the best way to get a hold of me) GRADEBOOK ACCESS (ONLY): Website on Sakai WORDPRESS COURSE ACCESS (PRIMARY): Class Website on WordPress is under sites.duke.edu/eos401 OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 3-5pm, GH 1105 Teaching Philosophy Statement Short Biography I was …
Teaching Assistants
Gordon Williams Ph.D. Student in Earth and Climate Science Nicholas School of the Environment Duke University Office Location: LSRC A236 Office Hours: Tuesdays 11am-12pm, and by appointment E-mail: gordon.williams@duke.edu I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area in California atop the San Andreas Fault (seriously its mapped through my parents’ mailbox) before moving to …
A textbook on the Geology of North Carolina has yet to be written. The closest geologists got to achieving this is Fred Beyer’s North Carolina: The Years Before Man, A Geological History below but this text was designed for a high school audience and is now outdated in many of its interpretations. We will NOT have …
Everyone in the course will be provided with the following required items (if you have your own more power to you): Geological Hammer Hand Lens + Lanyard Grain Size Card Acid Bottle In addition, students are required to purchase an official fieldnotebook. You may purchase this online or through your instructor. In addition, you should …
Grading Scheme
Grading: Your final grade will be based on a midterm and final exam (not cumulative) (each 25%), a field-notebook (10%), and lab exercises and assignments (40%). Grades will be posted on Sakai gradebook. Students should regularly check their grades online. If you are missing a grade on gradebook or have found an error contact your …
Course Policies
Special Circumstance and Help: In the times of Covid-19, your personal situation and safety might change quickly. Be assured that we will be as flexible as possible in helping you succeed in this course, without sacrificing academic integrity. We are ready to accommodate your particular situation (and changes) and circumstance, even at a moment’s notice. …
Disability Accommodations
Disability Accommodation: Students with disabilities seeking special accommodations must contact the Student Disability Access Office (SDAO) to obtain appropriate support. See HERE.