Special Circumstance and Help: In the times of Covid-19, your personal situation and safety might change quickly. Be assured that we will be as flexible as possible in helping you succeed in this course, without sacrificing academic integrity. We are ready to accommodate your particular situation (and changes) and circumstance, even at a moment’s notice. So please do not afraid or hesitate to ask for assistance. Learning should be interesting and fun, and not create additional anxieties and stress, especially in these difficult and uncertain times. We will try to move mountains for you, if necessary, BUT this is much, much easier if done ahead of deadlines, and exam dates. Redoing assignments and retaking exams is MUCH more difficult (or impossible), and restricted by larger Duke University rules, than our ability to accommodate your circumstances BEFOREHAND. So PLEASE reach out to us for help in advanced, rather than after the facts.
Announcements: You are responsible for using your official DUKE e-mail account to receive information and communicate with the professor or the teaching assistants. It is not our responsibility to also contact you through an external e-mail provider address. Be sure to check your Duke e-mail at least once a day for possible announcements in EOS 401.
Bad Weather Policy: I live about 30 minutes outside of the city limits of Durham off a small access road in the countryside. On days that we have freezing rain, or heavy snowfall, I MIGHT not be able to make it to class – EVEN if courses are in session on the Duke Campus. The area I live in is relatively remote and regularly experiences power-outs, and closed roads during inclement weather. I will make every effort to notify you of a class being cancelled – please check your e-mail regularly, especially on inclement weather days. Missed classes will be made up, either as rescheduled make-up lectures, or as video recordings made available online.
Attendance and Missing Class: It is essential that you attend all of the lectures. First, we will have several in-class exercises and you will have to make them up if you miss them. Second, exams are based on the material covered in lecture. If you must miss three or more consecutive lectures due to illness or family emergency you MUST contact the instructor immediately (preferably before you miss class). Duke University has established procedures to deal with short-term and long-term absences due to illness, as well as family emergencies. Information can be found by clicking on the icon below:
If you are a member of a Duke athletic or academic team and will have to miss a number of lectures due to official Duke-sanctioned events, you must contact the instructor ahead of time and provide a list of dates that you will miss. If you must miss class (even if excused) it is YOUR responsibility to receive notes from your fellow students and to check for any handouts, assignments, and announcements on Sakai (or contact your TA). The instructor and teaching assistants can answer specific questions about any lecture you missed, HOWEVER it is not their responsibility to go through the entire lecture slide set with you during office hours to bring you up to speed.
If you were excused from an exam you MUST make it up within seven days of its original due date. If you need to schedule a make-up time for an exam, please contact the T.A.
Important Information on Exam Policy: Sometimes students aren’t well while taking the exam and do poorly. I have had multiple requests to retake exams. Know that once you take an exam that you cannot retake said exam. If you are not well, consider a short-term illness form or a meeting with your dean BEFORE taking the exam. Do not take exams whilst feeling ill.
Courtesy: Always be on time! Do not leave early as this is disruptive to other students. Do not eat or sleep. Please do not talk during lectures or you will be asked to leave.
Academic Integrity: Duke University holds its students to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Academic dishonesty of any kind is not tolerated and might result in failure of the assignment, and/or course, and/or expulsion from the university. Plagiarism on written assignments will result in a zero for the assignment and might result in further disciplinary action through the university. As a Duke student you pledge to uphold the Duke Community Standard:
I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors;
I will conduct myself honorably in all my endeavors; and
I will act if the Standard is compromised.
To learn more click on the icon here: