Data Dictionary

This is a data dictionary for the Durham County Social Determinants of Health Data. Please contact Mark Yacoub at if you would like access to the data.

Variable NameFull NameDescriptionData TypeData LevelYearsPercent MissingSourceTableNotes
Add_NumberAddress NumberThe whole number identifier of a location along a thoroughfare or within a defined communityCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
St_PreDirStreet Name Pre-DirectionalWord preceding the Street Name element that indicates the direction taken by the street from an arbitrary starting point or line, or the sector where it is locatedCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
St_NameStreet NameThe element of the complete street name that identifies the particular street (as opposed to any street types, directionals, and modifiers)Cross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
St_PosTypStreet Name Post TypeWord or phrase that follows the Street Name element and identifies a type of thoroughfare in a complete street nameCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
St_PosDirStreet Name Post DirectionalA word following the Street Name element that indicates the direction taken by the street from an arbitrary starting point or line, or the sector where it is locatedCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
FloorFloorA floor, story, or level within a building.Cross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
UnitUnitA group or suite of rooms within a building that are under common ownership or tenancy, typically having a common primary entranceCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
Inc_MuniIncorporated MunicipalityName of the incorporated municipality or other general-purpose local governmental unit where the address is locatedCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
Post_CityPostal City NameA city name for the ZIP code of an address, as given in the USPS City State fileCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
Zip_CodeZip CodeFor standard street mail delivery (with a corresponding geographic delivery area), the system of 5-digit codes that identifies the individual USPS Post Office associated with an addressCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
LongitudeAddress LongitudeAddress Longitude, derived based on point placementCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
LatitudeAddress LatitudeAddress Latitude, derived based on point placementCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
NatGridNational Grid CoordinatesNational Grid Coordinate, derived based on point placement. Useful for GIS workCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
DateUpdateDate UpdatedCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
NAD_SourceSourceCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
nad_durm_combineEntire Address CombinedCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
building_typeBuilding TypeCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
errorsProperty/NAD Merge ErrorsCross-sectionalAddress20240National Address Databasenad
yearTax YearCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
reidRecord IDCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
city_pcntCity PercentCross-sectionalAddress202437Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
fire_districtFire DistrictCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
fire_pcntFire PercentCross-sectionalAddress202488Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
land_classLand ClassCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
calculated_acresCalculated AcresCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
zoningZoning CodeCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_land_value_assessedTotal Land Value AssessedCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_bldg_value_assessedTotal Building Value AssessedCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
land_use_valueLand Use ValueCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
use_value_deferredUse Value DeferredCross-sectionalAddress202499.6Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
historic_value_deferredHistoric Value DeferredCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_deferred_valueTotal Deferred ValueCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_prop_valueTotal Property ValueCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
deed_dateDeed DateCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
revenue_stampsRevenue StampsCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
pkg_sale_datePackage Sale DateCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
pkg_sale_pricePackage Sale PriceCross-sectionalAddress202463Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
land_sale_dateLand Sale DateCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
land_sale_priceLand Sale PriceCross-sectionalAddress202494Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
heated_areaHeated AreaCross-sectionalAddress202440Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
number_of_buildingsNumber of BuildingsCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_bedroomsTotal BedroomsCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_bathroomsTotal BathroomsCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_half_bathroomsTotal Half BathroomsCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
neighborhoodNeighborhoodCross-sectionalAddress20240Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
total_obldg_valueTotal Outbuilding ValueCross-sectionalAddress202427Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
gross_leasable_areaGross Leasable AreaCross-sectionalAddress202425Durham Real Property Databaseproperty
EHR_AddressElectronic Health Record AddressThe address formated similar to that of Duke's Electronic Health RecordCross-sectionalAddress20240Self-derivedproperty
FIPS.GEOIDFIPS GEOIDCross-sectionalAddress20240Census Geocoderproperty
blockgroupBlock GroupCross-sectionalAddress20240Census Geocoderproperty
census_tractCensus TractAn area roughly equivalent to a neighborhood established by the Bureau of Census for analyzing populations. Derived from address longitude and latitudeCross-sectionalAddress20240Census Geocoderproperty
n_retNumber of ReturnsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_singleFiling status is singleTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_jointNumber of Joint ReturnsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_headNumber of Head of Household ReturnsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_racNumber of Refund Anticipation Check ReturnsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_elderlyNumber of Elderly ReturnsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
agiAdjusted Gross IncomeTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_total_incNumber of Returns with Total IncomeTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_total_incTotal Income AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_wageNumber of Returns with Salaries and WagesTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_wageSalaries and WagesTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_farmNumber of Farm ReturnsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_unemp _compNumber of Returns with Unemployment CompensationTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_unemp _compUnemployment Compensation AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_txbl_ssNumber of Returns with Taxable Social Security BenefitsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_txbl_ssTaxable Social Security Benefits AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_itemNumber of Returns With Itemized DeductionsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_itemTotal Itemized Deductions AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_alt_min _taxNumber of Returns with Alternative Minimum TaxTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_alt_min _taxAlternative Minimum Tax AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_dep_care _creditNumber of Returns with Child and Dependent Care CreditTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_dep_care _creditChild and Dependent Care Credit AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_child_tax _creditNumber of Returns with Child Tax CreditTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_child_tax _creditChild Tax Credit AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_total_tax _payNumber of Returns with Total Tax PaymentsTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_total_tax _payTotal Tax Payments AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_eicNumber of Returns with Earned Income CreditTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_eicEarned Income Credit AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_excess _eicNumber of Returns with Excess Earned Income CreditTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_excess _eicExcess Earned Income Credit (Refundable) AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_tax_dueNumber of Returns with Tax Due at Time of FilingTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_tax_dueTax Due at Time of Filing AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
n_overpayNumber of Returns with Overpayments RefundedTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
a_overpayOverpayments Refunded AmountTime seriesZip code2015-2021<1IRS Individual Income Tax StatisticsirsNote the naming conventions by this example column name: n_item_16_b3. The first section is the variable name, n_item, followed by a number denoting the tax year, and then an income bucket number, ranging from b1 to b6 or aggregate.
ACCESS2Current Lack of Health Insurance among adults aged 18-64A multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged 18-64 who report having no current health insurance coverage. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
ARTHRITISArthritis among adults aged > or = 18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having arthritis (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health professional that you have some form of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia?") The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
BINGEBinge drinking among adults aged > or = 18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report having > or =5 drinks (men) or > or =4 drinks (women) on > or =1 occasion during the previous 30 days. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
BPHIGHHigh blood pressure among adults aged > or = 18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report ever having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they have high blood pressure. Women who were told they had high blood pressure only during pregnancy and those who were told they had borderline hypertension are not included. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
BPMEDTaking medicine for high blood pressure control among adults aged > or =18 years with high blood pressureA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults with high blood pressure who reported currently taking medicine for high blood pressure. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CANCERCancer (excluding skin cancer) among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having arthritis (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you had melanoma or any other types of cancer?" and "no" to the question, "Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you had skin cancer that is not melanoma?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CASTHMACurrent asthma prevalence among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having current asthma (reporting 'yes' to both of the questions, "Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have asthma?" and the question, "Do you still have asthma?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CERVICALCervical cancer screening among women aged 21-65 yearsA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among female respondents aged 21-65 years who did not report having had a hysterectomy and who report having had a Papanicolaou (Pap) test within the previous 3 years OR female respondents aged 30-65 years who reported having had a human papilloma virus (HPV) test alone or in combination with a PAP test (also known as a co-test) within the previous 5 years. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CHDCoronary heart disease among adults aged > or = 18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report ever having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they had angina or coronary heart disease. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CHECKUPVisits to doctor for routine checkup within the past year among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report having been to a doctor for a routine checkup (e.g., a general physical exam, not an exam for a specific injury, illness, or condition) in the previous year. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CHOLSCREENCholesterol screening among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among respondents aged > or =18 years who report having their cholesterol checked within the previous 5 years. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
COGNITIONCognitive disability among adultsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having a cognitive disability (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
COLON_ SCREENColorectal cancer screening among adults aged 45-75 yearsA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged 45-75 years who report having one of the following: a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) within the previous year, a fecal immunochemical test (FIT)-DNA test within the previous 3 years, a sigmoidoscopy within the previous 5 years, a sigmoidoscopy within the previous 10 years with a FIT in the past year, a colonoscopy within the previous 10 years, or a CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) within the previous 5 years. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
COPDChronic obstructive pulmonary disease among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report having ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional they had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, or chronic bronchitis. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
COREMOlder adult men aged > or =65 years who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive servicesA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged 65 years and older as follows: Number of men aged > or =65 years reporting having received all of the following: an influenza vaccination in the past year; a pneumococcal vaccination (PPV) ever; and either a fecal occult blood test (FOBT or FIT) within the previous year, a FIT-DNA test within the previous 3 years, a sigmoidoscopy within the previous 5 years, a sigmoidoscopy within the previous 10 years with a FOBT in the previous year, a colonoscopy within the previous 10 years, or a CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) within the previous 5 years. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
COREWOlder adult women aged > or =65 years who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive servicesA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged 65 years and older as follows: Number of women aged > or =65 years reporting having received all of the following: an influenza vaccination in the past year; a pneumococcal vaccination (PPV) ever; either a fecal occult blood test (FOBT or FIT) within the previous year, a FIT-DNA test within the previous 3 years, a sigmoidoscopy within the previous 5 years, a sigmoidoscopy within the previous 10 years with a FOBT in the previous year, a colonoscopy within the previous 10 years, or a CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy) within the previous 5 years; and a mammogram in the past 2 years. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
CSMOKINGCurrent cigarette smoking among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report having smoked > or = 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and currently smoke every day or some days. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
DENTALVisits to dentist or dental clinic in the past year among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report having been to the dentist or dental clinic in the past year. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
DEPRESSIONDepression among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who responded yes to having ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional they had a depressive disorder, including depression, major depression, dysthymia, or minor depression. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
DIABETESDiagnosed diabetes among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report being told by a doctor or other health professional that they have diabetes (other than diabetes during pregnancy for female respondents). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
DISABILITYAny disability among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who said yes to at least one of six disability questions: 1) "Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?" 2) "Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?" 3) "Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? 4) "Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?" 5) "Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?" 6) "Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone, such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?". The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
GHLTHFair or poor self-rated health status among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report their general health status as "fair" or "poor". The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
HEARINGHearing disability among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having a hearing disability (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
HIGHCHOLHigh cholesterol among adults aged > or =18 years who have been screened in the past 5 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report having ever been screened for high cholesterol and told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they had high cholesterol. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
INDEPLIVEIndependent living disability among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having an independent living disability (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone, such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
KIDNEYChronic kidney disease among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged 18 years and older who report ever having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they have kidney disease. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
LPANo leisure-time physical activity among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having no leisure-time physical activity (reporting 'No' to the question: "During the past month, other than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
MAMMOUSEMammography use among women aged 50-74 yearsA multilevel regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among women aged 50-74 years who report having had a mammogram within the previous 2 years. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
MHLTHMental health not good for > or =14 days among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged > or = 18 years who report that their mental health (including stress, depression, and problems with emotions) was not good for 14 or more days during the past 30 days. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
MOBILITYMobility disability among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having a mobility disability (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
OBESITYObesity among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among respondents aged > or =18 years who have a body mass index (BMI) > or =30.0 kg/m calculated from self-reported weight and height. Exclude the following: Height: data from respondents measuring or =8 ft; Weight: data from respondents weighing or =650 lbs; BMI: data from respondents with BMI or =100 kg/m2. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
PHLTHPhysical health not good for > or =14 days among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who reported 14 or more days, during the past 30 days, that their physical health (including physical illness and injury) was not good. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
SELFCARESelf-care disability among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having a self-care disability (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
SLEEPSleeping less than 7 hours among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report usually getting insufficient sleep duration (<7 hours, on average, during a 24-hour period). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
STROKEStroke among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults who report ever having been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that they have had a stroke. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
TEETHLOSTAll teeth lost among adults aged > or =65 yearsA multi-level regression and post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability among adults aged 65 years and older who report having lost all of their natural teeth due to tooth decay or gum disease. The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202022PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
VISIONVision disability among adults aged > or =18 yearsA multi-level regression, post-stratification approach was applied to BRFSS and ACS data to compute a detailed probability of having a vision disability (reporting 'yes' to the question: "Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?"). The probability was then applied to the detailed population estimates at the appropriate geographic level to generate the prevalence.Cross-sectionalCensus tract202122PLACESplacesNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MHLTH_16_ucl. The first section is the variable name, MHLTH, followed by either a 15 or 16 denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the upper confidence limit (_ucl) or lower confidence limit (_lcl) of that year's measure.
AVEAGEAverage Age of DeathThe average age of death here is reported for 2009 (reflecting records from 2005-2009) and 2014 (reflecting records from 2010-2014).Cross-sectionalBlock Group2009, 201449DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RAVGYRAverage Year of Residential ConstructionThe average age of all residential units - including single-family, multi-family, townhouse and all other residential categories.Time seriesBlock Group2012-201647DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
KWHAvg. Monthly Household Electricity UseThis data is derived from household energy use for Duke Energy customers throughout Durham County for the years 2013-2014. Household use is averaged for each bockgroup for each month of the calendar year and then averaged across the year as well. The numbers reported here are calendar year averages.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2013, 201447DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
LUDIVLand Use DiversityThe calculation of this measurement uses the Simpson Index of Diversity, which measures the variety and evenness of different groups. A higher number in this measure reflects both a higher number of land use types in each area and a more balanced number of properties among them. Parcels are categorized as: agricultural, residential, commercial, recreation, industrial, community services, public services (utilities), wild and forested lands. A measure of 1 would mean each of the possible types of land use is present and that there is an equal number of each. A measure of 0 would mean only one type is present.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2001, 2005, 2010, 2015, 202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
REDIVRace/Ethnic DiversityThe calculation of this measurement uses the Simpson Index of Diversity, which measures the variety and evenness of different groups. The component numbers for this measure are blockgroup counts of White (not Hispanic), Black or African American (not Hispanic), Asian (not Hispanic), Hispanic or Latino/a, Two or More Races (not Hispanic), and Other (not Hispanic). A higher number in this measure reflects both a higher number of race/ethnicity categories present and more people of each identity present. A diversity measurement of 1 would mean all race and ethnicity identities are present and equally represented, while a measure of 0 would indicate only one race or ethnicity is present.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2010, 2015, 2020, 202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RESIDENTIAL-SALE-PRICEMedian Sale PriceWe calculate median home price as the median sale price for single-family residential properties over a three year period, centered on the metric year, for time periods with more than five sales total. For example, for the year 2019, the metric value will be the median sale price for any residential sales which occurred between Jan 1, 2018 and Dec 31, 2020. If there were five or fewer sales during that time period within the selected census area, the metric value will show no data. We count as a sale any qualified real estate transaction with a non-zero sale price. This metric excludes, for example, foreclosure sales, sales between related parties, and multi-parcel sales. It only includes single-family residential properties.Time seriesBlock Group1998-202048DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RES-SALE-PRICE-SQFTMedian Sale Price per Square FootWe calculate median home price as the median sale price per heated square foot for single-family residential properties over a three year period, centered on the metric year, for time periods with more than five sales total. For example, for the year 2019, the metric value will be the median sale price for any residential sales which occurred between Jan 1, 2018 and Dec 31, 2020. If there were five or fewer sales during that time period within the selected census area, the metric value will show no data. We count as a sale any qualified real estate transaction with a non-zero sale price. This metric excludes, for example, foreclosure sales, sales between related parties, and multi-parcel sales. It only includes single-family residential properties.Time seriesBlock Group1998-202048DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
VCODEAutomotive Code ViolationsThe number of automotive code violations divided by the square miles of each blockgroup that lie within the City boundary. This measurement includes abandoned and hazardous, as well as junked vehicle violations. It excludes calls found to be not in violation. This measurement reflects a City-only service and parts of Durham County are not represented by this data.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202248DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEANRPMTAverage Residential Building Permit ValueThe average value of residential building permits for each boundary. These permits include new construction as well as renovations and exclude demolitions. As with the value of permits when normalized by square miles, the average permit values shown here are skewed strongly toward areas of Durham that see substantial private investment in apartment building construction.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CCCChild Care Centers per Square MileThis measure includes both child care centers and family child care homes which are licensed by the state of North Carolina's Division of Child Care and Early Development. It does not include unlicensed locations. Data is collected each year in April and reflects a snapshot of the calendar year's licensed centers.Time seriesBlock Group2013-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CC45Child Care Centers with 4 or 5 Star RatingsThis measure includes both child care centers and family child care homes which are licensed by the state of North Carolina's Division of Child Care and Early Development. It does not include unlicensed locations. Data is collected each year in April and reflects a snapshot of the calendar year's licensed centers.Time seriesBlock Group2013-202264DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ TOTALChronic Kidney Disease Rate (Adult Population)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201947DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ ASIANChronic Kidney Disease Rate (Asian Population)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201993DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ BLACKChronic Kidney Disease Rate (Black or African American Population)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201957DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ FEMALEChronic Kidney Disease Rate (Female)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201947DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ HISPANICChronic Kidney Disease Rate (Hispanic or Latino/a Population)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201992DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ MALEChronic Kidney Disease Rate (Male)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201949DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CKD_ WHITEChronic Kidney Disease Rate (White Population)These chronic kidney disease rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Rates selected for inclusion in this site are those matching CDC guidelines as reported by Duke Health.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201957DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CPMTSCommercial Building Permit Values Per Sq MileThe value of commercial, business, and industrial building permits for each boundary divided by the area (in square miles) of each. These permits include new construction as well as renovations and exclude demolitions.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
COBCommercial Certificates of Occupancy per Sq MileCOs included here are the following types: business, mercantile, factory industrial, and mixed use commercial. The count of these per neighborhood or blockgroup is divided by the area in square miles within the City/County Inspections districts.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
AFTERNOON-COOL-ISLANDSAfternoon Cool OasesThis metric reports the percentage of area in each census blockgroup or tract which was in the bottom quintile for temperature according to the CAPA heat watch study model. In this case, that equated to temperatures at or below 83 degrees Fahrenheit. The CAPA study modeled temperature between 3-4pm on a typical summer day in degrees Fahrenheit using a random forest machine learning model, trained on data points collected in July 2021 by Durham volunteers and the Museum of Life and Science as part of the CAPA Heat Watch Program.Cross-sectionalBlock Group202166DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
EVENING-COOL-ISLANDSEvening Cool OasesThis metric reports the percentage of area in each census blockgroup or tract which was in the bottom quintile for temperature according to the CAPA heat watch study model. In this case, that equated to temperatures at or below 78.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The CAPA study modeled temperature between 7-8pm on a typical summer day in degrees Fahrenheit using a random forest machine learning model, trained on data points collected in July 2021 by Durham volunteers and the Museum of Life and Science as part of the CAPA Heat Watch Program.Cross-sectionalBlock Group202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PRUNSDPoor or Unsound State of RepairState of repair for all properties is reported in 5 categories in the Tax Administration's property records. The five categories are good, normal, fair, poor, and unsound. The latter two are defined as follows: poor, showing marked deterioration; unsound, may be unfit for habitation or condemned. For the measure reported here, these two categories are combined.Time seriesBlock Group2013-201547DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ TOTALDiabetes Rate (Adult Population)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201947DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ ASIANDiabetes Rate (Asian Population)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201981DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ BLACKDiabetes Rate (Black or African American Population)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201967DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ FEMALEDiabetes Rate (Female)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201947DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ HISPANICDiabetes Rate (Hispanic or Latino/a Population)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201976DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ MALEDiabetes Rate (Male)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201948DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DIABETES_ WHITEDiabetes Rate (White Population)These type 2 diabetes rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201957DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
D_SQMDrug Crimes per Square MileDrug-related crimes include all incidents involving drug and paraphernalia manufacturing, distributing, and possession charges. For more detailed Durham crime reporting visit RAIDS Online.Time seriesBlock Group2012-201653DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
SUMEJECTSummary Ejectments Per Square MileDataWorks acquires civil process records from the Durham County Sheriff's Department for use at the neighborhood level. These are records of the Sheriff's Department notifications to tenants and do not include any personally-identifiable information. The number of these summary ejectment filings per Census blockgroup is divided by the area of the blockgroup in square miles. NOTE: Summary ejectment counts published here are revised as of May 17, 2019. These counts represent a modest increase across the county per year with the largest change (an additional 203 summary ejectments) in 2013. Among the blockgroups of the county, these new counts vary from previous summaries published here, with 81% of blockgroups seeing less than a 10-count change in any given year. These Compass summaries are now managed within our databases to ensure future stability in counts and reproducibility. To learn more about this change and how we manage evictions data contact seriesBlock Group2000-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTGNRLGeneral Election ParticipationThe Board of Elections codes voters 'inactive' when their most recent address may be inaccurate. Due to the potentially inaccurate addresses of inactive voters, the spatial analysis for 2012 relied only on the active voters. For the 2012 general election, there were 175,721 active voters as compared with 212,654 total registered voters in Durham County. For 2020, this metric uses data from a commercial voter database published by L2 Political. For 2020, this data was generated using data from the Redistricting Data Hub.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2012, 202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
HEARTATTACK_ TOTALHeart Attack (Adult Population)Heart attack or MI diagnoses are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Heart attack or MI incidents are those coded as ICD 410.01, 410.11, 410.21, 410.31, 410.41, 410.51, 410.61, 410.71, 410.81, 410.91, I21, I22 and I25.2.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201962DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
HEARTATTACK_ BLACKHeart Attack (Black or African American Population)Heart attack or MI diagnoses are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Heart attack or MI incidents are those coded as ICD 410.01, 410.11, 410.21, 410.31, 410.41, 410.51, 410.61, 410.71, 410.81, 410.91, I21, I22 and I25.2.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201985DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
HEARTATTACK_ FEMALEHeart Attack (Female)Heart attack or MI diagnoses are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Heart attack or MI incidents are those coded as ICD 410.01, 410.11, 410.21, 410.31, 410.41, 410.51, 410.61, 410.71, 410.81, 410.91, I21, I22 and I25.2.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201987DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
HEARTATTACK_ MALEHeart Attack (Male)Heart attack or MI diagnoses are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Heart attack or MI incidents are those coded as ICD 410.01, 410.11, 410.21, 410.31, 410.41, 410.51, 410.61, 410.71, 410.81, 410.91, I21, I22 and I25.2.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201975DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
HEARTATTACK_ WHITEHeart Attack (White Population)Heart attack or MI diagnoses are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017). Heart attack or MI incidents are those coded as ICD 410.01, 410.11, 410.21, 410.31, 410.41, 410.51, 410.61, 410.71, 410.81, 410.91, I21, I22 and I25.2.Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201983DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
AFTERNOON-HEAT-ISLANDSHeat Islands (Summer Afternoon)This metric reports the percentage of area in each census blockgroup or tract which was in the top quintile for temperature according to the CAPA heat watch study model. In this case, that equated to temperatures at or above 84.5 degrees Fahrenheit. The CAPA study modeled temperature between 3-4pm on a typical summer day in degrees Fahrenheit using a random forest machine learning model, trained on data points collected in July 2021 by Durham volunteers and the Museum of Life and Science as part of the CAPA Heat Watch Program.Cross-sectionalBlock Group202166DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
EVENING-HEAT-ISLANDSHeat Islands (Summer Evening)This metric reports the percentage of area in each census blockgroup or tract which was in the top quintile for temperature according to the CAPA heat watch study model. In this case, that equated to temperatures at or above 81.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The CAPA study modeled temperature between 7-8pm on a typical summer day in degrees Fahrenheit using a random forest machine learning model, trained on data points collected in July 2021 by Durham volunteers and the Museum of Life and Science as part of the CAPA Heat Watch Program.Cross-sectionalBlock Group202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RESIDENTIAL-DEMOLITION-PERMITSHome DemolitionsDemolitions are permitted by the Durham City-County Inspections Department, along with permits for new construction, additions and alterations. The information included here reflects only full demolitions of residential structures. For every year of data available, the number of these for each area on the map is divided by the square mileage of the area to create the rate displayed here.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PROXBANKHouseholds Within Walking Distance to BanksThis measurement includes both commercial bank locations and credit unions. These are identified primarily by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 52211 and 52213 and then conducting a qualitative scan of additional community businesses. Households are identified in this case as parcels with dwelling units and the 1/4 mile distance is Euclidean, or as-the-crow-flies. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of dwelling units within a 1/4 mile of banks or credit unions by the total number of dwelling units in the blockgroup. Which blockgroup a parcel belongs to is determined by where its centroid is placed.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2014, 2018, 202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PROXBUSHouseholds Within Walking Distance to Bus StopsHouseholds include all residential units, not just residential parcels. Bus stop locations used in this calculation are those active during the spring of each calendar year. Households are identified in this case as parcels with dwelling units and the 1/4 mile distance is Euclidean, or as-the-crow-flies. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of dwelling units within a 1/4 mile of bus stops by the total number of dwelling units in the blockgroup. Which blockgroup a parcel belongs to is determined by where its centroid is placed.Time seriesBlock Group2013-201847DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PROXCFHomes Near Fast Food and Convenience StoresFast food and convenience store locations include fast food chains, gas station/convenience stores, dollar stores and pizza places. These are identified first by using North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for convenience stores and fast food in the InfoUSA data set and then conducting a qualitative scan of additional community businesses. Households are identified in this case as parcels with dwelling units and the 1/4 mile distance is Euclidean, or as-the-crow-flies. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of dwelling units within a 1/4 mile of these food retailers by the total number of dwelling units in the blockgroup. Which blockgroup a parcel belongs to is determined by where its centroid is placed.Cross-sectionalBlock Group201847DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PROXGRHouseholds Within Walking Distance to Full Service GrocersFull service grocers include chain grocery stores and independent full-service stores but do not include farmers' markets. Full service grocers are identified primarily by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 44511 and then conducting a qualitative scan of additional community businesses. Households are identified in this case as parcels with dwelling units and the 1/4 mile distance is Euclidean, or as-the-crow-flies. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of dwelling units within a 1/4 mile of grocers by the total number of dwelling units in the blockgroup. Which blockgroup a parcel belongs to is determined by where its centroid is placed.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2013, 201847DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CLINICHouseholds Within Walking Distance to Health ClinicsClinic locations are current as of May 2018 and sourced from the Durham County Social Services Department, Lincoln Community Health and Duke Division of Community Health. Households are identified in this case as parcels with dwelling units and the 1/4 mile distance is Euclidean, or as-the-crow-flies. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of dwelling units within a 1/4 mile of health clinics by the total number of dwelling units in the blockgroup.Cross-sectionalBlock Group201847DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PROXPHHouseholds Within Walking Distance to PharmaciesPharmacies include traditional storefront locations of independent and chain drug stores, as well as big-box retail locations. These are identified primarily by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 44611 and then conducting a qualitative scan of additional community businesses. Households are identified in this case as parcels with dwelling units and the 1/4 mile distance is Euclidean, or as-the-crow-flies. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of dwelling units within a 1/4 mile of pharmacies by the total number of dwelling units in the blockgroup. Which blockgroup a parcel belongs to is determined by where its centroid is placed.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2014, 2018, 202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RCODEMinimum Housing Code Violations per Square MileThe number of minimum housing code violations divided by the square miles of each blockgroup that lie within the City boundary. This measurement includes all minimum housing code violations, excluding calls found to be not in violation. This does include orders to repair, demolish, unsafe structures, and boarded properties.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202248DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PCTIMPImpervious AreaThis measurement is derived from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 30-meter national dataset. It represents the percent of total land within each block group that is impervious and not covered by tree canopy.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2001, 2006, 2011, 2016, 201947DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEDAGEMedian AgeThe age at the midpoint of the population. Half of the population is older than this age, and half is younger.Time seriesBlock Group2011-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
HMINCMedian Homebuyer IncomeMedian homebuyer income is reported here in annual nominal dollar values and are therefore comparable to the dollar values reported in median household income and median home price. Records included in this analysis are for originated, owner-occupant mortgages only. Starting with this update (April 2023), prior years of data have been revised to incorporate updates from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB receives late reporting from lending institutions and revises data retrospectively. Prior Compass updates of this variable continually incorporated each new year's release.Time seriesCensus Tract2007-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
OUT-OF-STATE-VALUEOut of State Ownership (all properties)This dataset is sourced from parcel ownership information acquired from the Durham County Tax Assessor's office and Durham's Open Data Portal. These data show property ownership for each year as of roughly the beginning of the year. This compass variable identifies the percent of total assessed value owned by entities whose mailing address is located in a state other than North Carolina, taken as a percent of total assessed value where the owner has a valid mailing address (excluding, for example, property which has been taken as Right-of-Way). We are missing 2006 data in our dataset, so that year is omitted.Time seriesBlock Group2001-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
OUT-OF-STATE-RES-VALUEOut of State Ownership (residential properties)This dataset is sourced from parcel ownership information acquired from the Durham County Tax Assessor's office and Durham's Open Data Portal. These data show property ownership for each year as of roughly the beginning of the year. This Compass variable identifies the percent of total residential assessed value owned by entities whose mailing address is located in a state other than North Carolina, taken as a percent of total residential assessed value where the owner has a valid mailing address (excluding, for example, property which has been taken as Right-of-Way). Residential properties are identified as any parcels with a residential land use or with an apartment building. We are missing 2006 data in our dataset, so that year is omitted.Time seriesBlock Group2001-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
POPUPopulationThis data is from the 2010 and 2020 Decennial Censuses. The Neighborhood Compass will report 100% population counts from the Decennial Census until population estimates for blockgroups and incorporate mid-decade updates from the ACS for Census tracts. This will allow for the best-available data at the sub-county level.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
POPDENSPopulation DensityThis measurement provides the population per square mile based on the 2010 and 2020 Censuses using blockgroups.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTPRIMPrimary Election ParticipationFor 2012, the data included in this measure reflect active voters only. The Board of Elections codes voters 'inactive' when their most recent address may be inaccurate. Due to the potentially inaccurate addresses of inactive voters, this spatial analysis relies only on the active voters. As of January 2014, there were 176,148 active voters out of a total 200,885 registered in Durham County. For 2020, this metric uses data from a commercial voter database published by L2 Political. For 2020, this data was generated using data from the Redistricting Data Hub.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2012, 202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
P_SQMProperty Crimes per Square MileProperty crimes are commonly reported with parts 1 and 2 separate. This measurement is different, including all part 1 property crimes and these part 2 crimes: fraud, forgery, embezzlement, counterfeiting, stolen property and vandalism. The number of property crimes occurring in each boundary is divided by the area (in square miles) of the boundary, rather than the population. This is intended to control for how crime often happens in areas that are less populated. For more detailed Durham crime reporting visit RAIDS Online.Time seriesBlock Group2012-201647DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RPMTSResidential Building Permit Value Per Sq MileThe value of residential building permits for each boundary divided by the area (in square miles) of each. These permits include new construction as well as renovations and exclude demolitions. Even when normalized by square miles, as these numbers are, strong outliers skew the data. Some areas of Durham receive tremendous amounts of housing investment as private apartment development continues near downtown.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
CORResidential Certificates of Occupancy per Sq MileCOs included here are the following types: residential, single family, townhouse, condominium, duplex, manufactured homes, and mixed-use residential. The count of these per neighborhood or blockgroup is divided by the area in square miles within the City/County Inspections districts.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202047DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
SWTORDSidewalks to RoadwaysThe intention of this measurement is to indicate how well neighborhood roads serve pedestrians. Pedestrian or bike paths not adjacent to roadways are not among the sidewalks counted here. Areas reporting 'N/A' are outside City limits and do not contain annexed communities - the City does not maintain or build sidewalks in those areas.Time seriesBlock Group2013-201648DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
STROKE_ TOTALStroke (Adult Population)These stroke rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalBlock Group2015, 2017, 2018, 201956DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
STROKE_ BLACKStroke (Black or African American Population)These stroke rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201976DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
STROKE_ FEMALEStroke (Female)These stroke rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201966DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
STROKE_ MALEStroke (Male)These stroke rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201971DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
STROKE_ WHITEStroke (White Population)These stroke rates are based on health care visits documented in this combined dataset, including a total of 169,115 adults of a countywide total of 245,572 (2017).Cross-sectionalCensus Tract2015, 2017, 2018, 201980DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
AFTERNOON-TEMPERATURESummer Afternoon TemperatureThis metric reports the average modeled temperature between 3-4pm on a typical summer day in degrees Fahrenheit across each blockgroup or tract. The temperatures were modeled using a random forest machine learning model, trained on data points collected in July 2021 by Durham volunteers and the Museum of Life and Science as part of the CAPA Heat Watch Program.Cross-sectionalBlock Group202169DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
EVENING-TEMPERATURESummer Evening TemperatureThis metric reports the average modeled temperature between 7-8pm on a typical summer day in degrees Fahrenheit across each blockgroup or tract. The temperatures were modeled using a random forest machine learning model, trained on data points collected in July 2021 by Durham volunteers and the Museum of Life and Science as part of the CAPA Heat Watch Program.Cross-sectionalBlock Group202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
REVALPercent Change in Residential Property ValuesData here show the median rate of tax value change for each residential parcel in the blockgroup. Half the residential properties in each blockgroup changed at a rate higher than that shown and half at a rate lower than that shown.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2016, 201947DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PCTTREETree CoverageThis measurement is derived from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 30-meter national dataset. It represents the percent of total land cover within each block group that is tree canopy, whether in forests, along streets, or individual trees.Cross-sectionalBlock Group2001, 2006, 2011, 201647DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
WCODEUnmaintained Property Violations per Sq MileThe number of unmaintained property violations divided by the square miles of each blockgroup that lie within the City boundary. This measurement includes all unmaintained property ('weedy lot') violations, not including calls found to be not in violation or those involving commercial properties. This measurement, along with residential building code violations and abandoned, hazardous or junked vehicles reflect a City-only service and parts of Durham County are not represented by this data.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202248DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
V_SQMViolent Crimes per Square MileThe violent crimes per square mile metric shows the average number of arrests per square mile for violent crimes by the City of Durham Police. Reported violent crimes include simple assaults, certain sex offenses, child abuse and kidnapping. The number of property crimes occurring in each boundary is divided by the area (in square miles) of the boundary, rather than the population. This is intended to control for how crime often happens in areas that are less populated.Time seriesBlock Group2012-201647DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTASNLAsianThe percent of the total population reporting their race to be Asian and ethnicity as not Latino or Hispanic.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTBLKNLBlack or African AmericanThe percent of the total population reporting their race to be Black or African American and ethnicity as not Latino or Hispanic.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
BIKEWKCommuting to Work by BicycleAs with all measurements from the American Community Survey in the Neighborhood Compass, this data represents 5 years' worth of surveying. With each annual update, the 5-year period advances by dropping one year and incorporating the next. For this reason, annual releases of this measurement are not suitable for true time series comparison until no overlap exists among the survey periods.Time seriesBlock Group2012-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEDGRENTMedian Gross RentThe median gross rent is at the midpoint of all rent costs for each neighborhood. Half of the rental units in this Census tract cost more and half cost less. Gross rent includes the contract rent plus estimated monthly costs of utilities and heating fuels if these are paid for by the renter (ACS).Time seriesBlock Group2011-202152DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
UNFOWNCost-Burdened Mortgage HoldersThis includes selected monthly ownership costs such as mortgage or similar debts, taxes, insurance, utilities, and condo or homeowners fees.Time seriesBlock Group2011-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
UNFRENTCost-Burdened RentersGross rent as a percentage of household income is a computed ratio of monthly gross rent to monthly household income.Time seriesBlock Group2011-202248DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTLATHispanic/LatinoThe percent of the total population reporting their ethnicity to be Latino or Hispanic.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTAIANIndigenous PopulationThe Census Bureau categorizes respondents' race into one of 6 racial categories, one of which is "American Indian and Alaska Native," or AIAN. The census labels people's race as AIAN when they meet the definition of "a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment."Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PCTC30Commuting 30 Minutes or MoreThis data includes all those commuting to the workplace, whether in personal vehicles, bicycles, walking or by public transit. As of 2010, the Durham County mean commuting time was 21.7 minutes.Time seriesBlock Group2011-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEDINCMedian Household IncomeThe household income at the midpoint of all households. Half of the households in this Census tract earn a higher annual income and half earn a lower annual income.Time seriesCensus Tract2011-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEDINC-BLACKMedian Household Income (Black Households)This metric value shows the household income at the midpoint of all households with householders who were identified as Black by the census. In most cases, the householder is the person or one of the people in whose name the home is owned, being bought, or rented. Within each census area, half of the households with Black householders earn an annual income that's greater than the median, and half earn an annual income lower than the median.Time seriesCensus Tract2011-202225DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEDINC-HISPANICMedian Household Income (Hispanic or Latina/o Households)This metric value shows the household income at the midpoint of all households with householders who were identified as Hispanic or Latino/a by the census. In most cases, the householder is the person or one of the people in whose name the home is owned, being bought, or rented. Within each census area, half of the households with Hispanic or Latino/a householders earn an annual income that's greater than the median, and half earn an annual income lower than the median.Time seriesCensus Tract2010-202253DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
MEDINC-WHITEMedian Household Income (White Households)This metric value shows the household income at the midpoint of all households identified as white (and not Latinx) by the US Census. In most cases, the householder is the person or one of the people in whose name the home is owned, being bought, or rented. Within each census area, half of the households with white householders earn an annual income that's greater than the median, and half earn an annual income lower than the median.Time seriesCensus Tract2010-202224DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTPOCPeople of ColorThe percent of the total population reporting their race on the census as non-white and/or their ethnicity to be Hispanic or Latino.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2013-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PCIPer Capita IncomeAverage obtained by dividing aggregate income by total population of an area. These amounts are inflation-adjusted for 2011.Time seriesBlock Group2011-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
BACHPercent of Adults with a Bachelors Degree or MoreAlong with other tract data from US 2020 Census included here, this measure is derived from 1970-2020 US Census Bureau surveys for 2020-normalized Census tract boundaries.Time seriesCensus Tract2000, 2010, 2018-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
EDUCATION-HEALTH-CARE- SOCIAL-SERVICE-WORKERSPercent of Workers in Educational, Health Care and Social Assistance ServicesThese estimates refer to the civilian employed population 16 years and over who are working in these sectors: educational services, and health care and social assistance.Time seriesCensus Tract2010-201822DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
ACCOMMODATION-WORKERSPercent of Workers in the Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, and Accommodation & Food ServicesThese estimates refer to the civilian employed population 16 years and over who are working in these sectors: arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services.Time seriesCensus Tract2010-201922DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
RETAIL-WORKERSPercent of Workers in the Retail Trade IndustryThese estimates refer to the civilian employed population 16 years and over who are working in these sectors: retail trade.Time seriesCensus Tract2010-201822DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PCTRENTRenter-Occupied HousingAll occupied units which are not owner occupied, whether they are rented for cash rent or occupied without payment of cash rent, are classified as renter-occupied. Renter-occupied status also applies to units in continuing care arrangements, such as assisted living.Time seriesBlock Group2011-202247DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PT65UPRetirement-Age PopulationThe percent of population 65 years of age and older is calculated using the same Decennial Census counts of population as those used for total population, population density, and race and ethnicity. The population 65 years and older is divided by the total population for each blockgroup.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
DRALONESingle-Occupancy CommutersThis data indicates the percentage of surveyed residents who commute by driving a personal vehicle such as a car, truck or van with no additional passengers.Time seriesCensus Tract2011-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PCTSSISupplemental Security IncomeSupplemental Security Income (SSI) is a nationwide U.S. assistance program administered by the Social Security Administration that guarantees a minimum level of income for aged, blind, or disabled individuals.Time seriesCensus Tract2010-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
BUSWKTaking Public Transportation to WorkPublic transportation" in this national data set refers to buses, trolleys, streetcars, subways and el trains, railroads, or ferryboats.Time seriesCensus Tract2011-201922DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
WLKWKWalking to WorkUnclear/Not specified on DataWorks's Website.Time seriesCensus Tract2011-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTWHNLWhite or CaucasianThe percent of the total population reporting their race to be White and ethnicity as not Latino or Hispanic.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
WKHOMEWorking from HomeUnclear/Not specified on DataWorks's WebsiteTime seriesCensus Tract2011-202122DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
PTUND18Youth PopulationThe percent of population under 18 years of age is calculated using the same Decennial Census counts of population as those used for total population, population density, and race and ethnicity. The population under 18 years of age is divided by the total population for each blockgroup.Time seriesBlock Group2010, 2015-202147DataWorks NCdataworksNote the naming conventions by this example column name: MEDINC_11_moe. The first section is the variable name, MEDINC, followed by a number denoting the year, and then a second optional post-fix noting the value as the margin of error (_moe) of that year's measure.
rac_TotNum _JobsTotal number of jobsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _<29Number of jobs for workers age 29 or youngerNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _30-54Number of jobs for workers age 30 to 54Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _55+Number of jobs for workers age 55 or olderNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _<1250Number of jobs with earnings $1250/month or lessNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _1251-3333Number of jobs with earnings $1251/month to $3333/monthNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _3333+Number of jobs with earnings greater than $3333/monthNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _AFFHNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 11 (Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _MQOGNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 21 (Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _UtilNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 22 (Utilities)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _ConstNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 23 (Construction)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _ManufNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 31-33 (Manufacturing)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _WSaleNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 42 (Wholesale Trade)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _RSaleNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 44-45 (Retail Trade)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _TrWaNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 48-49 (Transportation and Warehousing)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _InfoNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 51 (Information)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _FinInsNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 52 (Finance and Insurance)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _RERLNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 53 (Real Estate and Rental and Leasing)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _PSTSNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 54 (Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _MgmtNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 55 (Management of Companies and Enterprises)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _ASWSRNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 56 (Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _EduNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 61 (Educational Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _HlthSANumber of jobs in NAICS sector 62 (Health Care and Social Assistance)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _AERNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 71 (Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _AFSNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 72 (Accommodation and Food Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _OtherNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 81 (Other Services [except Public Administration])Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _PANumber of jobs in NAICS sector 92 (Public Administration)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _WhiteNumber of jobs for workers with Race: White, AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _BAANumber of jobs for workers with Race: Black or African American AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _AIANNumber of jobs for workers with Race: American Indian or Alaska Native AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _AsianNumber of jobs for workers with Race: Asian AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _NHPINumber of jobs for workers with Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _TwoNumber of jobs for workers with Race: Two or More Race GroupsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _NotHLNumber of jobs for workers with Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or LatinoNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _HLNumber of jobs for workers with Ethnicity: Hispanic or LatinoNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _<HSNumber of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: Less than high schoolNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _HSNumber of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: High school or equivalentNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _SomeCollegeNumber of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: Some college or AssociateNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _BachDegree+Number of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: Bachelor's degree or advanced degreeNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _MaleNumber of jobs for workers with Sex: MaleNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
rac_NumJobs _FemaleNumber of jobs for workers with Sex: FemaleNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_racNote the naming conventions by this example column name: rac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, rac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_TotNum _JobsTotal number of jobsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _<29Number of jobs for workers age 29 or youngerNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _30-54Number of jobs for workers age 30 to 54Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _55+Number of jobs for workers age 55 or olderNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _<1250Number of jobs with earnings $1250/month or lessNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _1251-3333Number of jobs with earnings $1251/month to $3333/monthNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _3333+Number of jobs with earnings greater than $3333/monthNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _AFFHNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 11 (Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _MQOGNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 21 (Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _UtilNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 22 (Utilities)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _ConstNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 23 (Construction)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _ManufNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 31-33 (Manufacturing)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _WSaleNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 42 (Wholesale Trade)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _RSaleNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 44-45 (Retail Trade)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _TrWaNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 48-49 (Transportation and Warehousing)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _InfoNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 51 (Information)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FinInsNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 52 (Finance and Insurance)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _RERLNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 53 (Real Estate and Rental and Leasing)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _PSTSNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 54 (Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _MgmtNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 55 (Management of Companies and Enterprises)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _ASWSRNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 56 (Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _EduNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 61 (Educational Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _HlthSANumber of jobs in NAICS sector 62 (Health Care and Social Assistance)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _AERNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 71 (Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _AFSNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 72 (Accommodation and Food Services)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _OtherNumber of jobs in NAICS sector 81 (Other Services [except Public Administration])Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _PANumber of jobs in NAICS sector 92 (Public Administration)Number of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _WhiteNumber of jobs for workers with Race: White, AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _BAANumber of jobs for workers with Race: Black or African American AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _AIANNumber of jobs for workers with Race: American Indian or Alaska Native AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _AsianNumber of jobs for workers with Race: Asian AloneNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _NHPINumber of jobs for workers with Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _TwoNumber of jobs for workers with Race: Two or More Race GroupsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _NotHLNumber of jobs for workers with Ethnicity: Not Hispanic or LatinoNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _HLNumber of jobs for workers with Ethnicity: Hispanic or LatinoNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _<HSNumber of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: Less than high schoolNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _HSNumber of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: High school or equivalentNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _SomeCollegeNumber of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: Some college or AssociateNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _BachDegree+Number of jobs for workers with Educational Attainment: Bachelor's degree or advanced degreeNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _MaleNumber of jobs for workers with Sex: MaleNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FemaleNumber of jobs for workers with Sex: FemaleNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmAge _<1Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Age: 0-1 YearsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmAge _2-3Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Age: 2-3 YearsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmAge _4-5Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Age: 4-5 YearsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmAge _6-10Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Age: 6-10 YearsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmAge _11+Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Age: 11+ YearsNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmSize _<19Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Size: 0-19 EmployeesNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmSize _20-49Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Size: 20-49 EmployeesNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmSize _50-249Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Size: 50-249 EmployeesNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmSize _250-499Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Size: 250-499 EmployeesNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.
wac_NumJobs _FirmSize _500+Number of jobs for workers at firms with Firm Size: 500+ EmployeesNumber of JobsCensus Tract2002-201922Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Origin-Destination Employment Statistics, Resident Area Characteristicslodes_wacNote the naming conventions by this example column name: wac_NumJobs_<1250_02. The first section is the variable name, wac_NumJobs, followed by a 2-digit number denoting the year.