3 square, brass keys mounted in wood rings; the C key with fishtail touchpiece. Duplicate E-flat keys to permit playing with either hand above. L-3 hole double-drilled. 2 tuning holes in bell. “ERNST STIEBER / TUBINGEN” on back of upper joint. “8” sticker in bell. Material: rosewood with plastic (simulated ivory) ferrules. 3 sections. Length: 56.1 cm. Bore: Conical. Top upper joint, 0.7 cm.; bottom upper joint, 0.9 cm.; bottom lower joint, 1.4 cm.; bell diameter, 3.6 cm. Condition: excellent, apart from few cracks in bone.
This instrument is a reproduction of a late 18th century oboe, probably German, and similar in some respects to Type D (Halfpenny) classification. Pitch uncertain without proper reed, but probably close to A-440.
Ernst Stieber (1907-1990) was an instrument maker from Germany. He was originally trained as a violin maker, and later opened a music store in Mannheim, Germany with his brother. In 1947 he moved to Tübingen, where it seems he primarily made recorders. Between the years of 1949-1961, all marked with the Ernst Stieber signature were reportedly built by his employee at the time, Joachim Paetzold. Joachim left to open his own shop in 1961, and from then on Ernst Stieber bought his recorders from Alexander Heinrich (Max König & Sons workshop).
“Stieber, Ernst.” Blockfloeten. Accessed June 16, 2022. https://www.blockfloeten-museum.de/blockfloetenbauer/in-neuer-zeit/stieber-ernst.html?language=de.
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