Diatonic Flute

  • Origin: London, England
  • Date: c. 1850
  • Maker: Abel Siccama
  • Collection: E 75

Wooden flute, contains wood, metal, string, pads, and possibly silver. “Siccama/Patented/London/404” inscripted on middle joint. Contains keys operated by long levers, which improved spacing of the instrument’s holes for proper intonation.

This model of flute was the preferred instrument of the famous English flautist Joseph Richardson, who formerly had employed a Nicholson flute made by Thomas Prowse. For further information, see section titled “On the London Periphery: Clinton, Siccama, Drouet” in Jeremy Sexton’s blog post, Boehm’s Ghost: A Vicarious Portrait of a Flute Maker in London.