Boehm system flute, constructed with nickel silver, pads, cork
Regarding English maker Harry Bettoney:
Harry Bettoney studied flute and clarinet in England and was one of the first English players to use the Boehm system clarinet. He played in various orchestras and studied engineering and acoustics of woodwind instruments. He came to the United States in 1893, performing in various ensembles and making woodwinds. He purchased Wurlitzer and Cundy companies in 1901 and 1907, becoming Cundy-Bettoney Co. His early instruments were made for professionals, in direct competition with the Haynes flutes. Later he concentrated on the student flute market, and flutes became standardized and of lesser quality. By 1920 it was the largest woodwind instrument manufacturer in the United States. (“H. Bettoney Flute” 2022)
For further information on maker Theobald Boehm and the Boehm system flute, see sections titled “Refinements and Foreign Patents: The Godfroy Boehm Flute” and “A London Response to Boehm’s Work: Rudall, Rose & Carte” in Jeremy Sexton’s, Boehm’s Ghost: A Vicarious Portrait of a Flute Maker in London