Many believe that the Himalayas were first settled around 1500 B.C.E. by a warrior people known as the Khasa, who landed in the western part of the mountain range. It would go on to be further settled in by Tibeto-Burmans from southeastern Asia, who traveled to the eastern and central mountains. Manjira have been around for much of this Himalayan migration, being a part of Indian religious ceremonies for thousands of years.
The role of these cymbal instruments expanded with the construction of the monasteries of Ladakh, spanning from 1000 to 1655 C.E. Ladakh is a cold, mountainous, isolated region, bordered by Pakistan and China. For centuries it has maintained a strong Buddhist presence, and the many monasteries reflect as such. Manjira have been used as a part of Buddhist ceremonies throughout these centuries, accompanying ritual chants along with other instruments as monks gather together to invoke blessings, cleanse spirits, and bring peace upon themselves. Chants are performed often, sometimes daily, so the sound of manjira can be heard often throughout the Ladakh region even to this day.
“Buddhist Chanting of Ladakh: Recitation of Sacred Buddhist Texts in the Trans-Himalayan Ladakh Region, Jammu and Kashmir, India.” Intangible Cultural Heritage. UNESCO, 2012.
Jha, Meenketan. “The Monasteries of Ladakh.” Outlook Traveller, September 29, 2018.
“Ladakh.” Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., January 31, 2013.
Singh, Vikram Jit. “Manjeera.” Indian Mirror. Accessed June 15, 2022.
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