perfSONAR monitoring of campus network health

As noted in an earlier perfSONAR article we are using perfSONAR to monitor overall performance of connections to the campus core network and among nodes in different locations on the campus network.  In addition, we are using perfSONAR to identify problems with those connections.

For example, after enabling the 10Gbps connection of the BioSci building to the new core, we saw some strange behavior as shown in the graph below:

PS - fitz-perfsonar-03.oit to-from phy-pefsonar-02.phy - 2014-08-21

After the network upgrade was completed, one direction of traffic flow showed the expected improvements, but the reverse direction was poor.  The performance of the path from -> did not improve as the Fitz East data center was migrated to the new core nor when the traffic was white listed at the IPS.  The problem was fixed in mid June when an interface on one of the core switches was found to have issues.  Traffic then greatly improved for the path from Physics to Fitz East and the traffic paths were symmetrical.  Traffic stayed consistent between the two paths until late July 2014 (7/23/14) when the traffic from Physics to Fitz East again showed a degradation when compared with the opposite direction.  On 8/12/14, updates to the connection of the core network to the Internet were made and performance again became consistent between inbound and outbound traffic between Fitz and Physics (detail shown below):

PS - fitz-perfsonar-03.oit to-from phy-pefsonar-02.phy - 2014-08-21 - DETAIL

We are instituting a regular review of a number of perfSONAR graphs by Duke’s Service Operations Center (SOC) in order to catch these issues early.  A simple ping of the path will work and so our normal monitoring services (link monitoring or ping monitoring) may not be sufficient to determine problems which only appear under load.  iPerf tests that are part of perfSONAR appear the best way to reliably monitor links for their usable and available bandwidth.

The perfSONAR monitoring of traffic between Fitz East and Physics seems to be a good barometer of the health of connections between the campus core and building networks.  A live view of this can be found at fitz-personar-03 (NetID login required).

perfSONAR Monitoring of OIT Network Upgrades

OIT has deployed a number of perfSONAR (PS) nodes around campus and have found that using PSfor bandwidth testing has identified a number of opportunities for bandwidth improvements as well as clearly showing the ongoing improvements to the Duke core network.

PS - fitz-perfsonar-03.oit to-from bio-pefsonar-02.biology - 2014-08-21

The initial data shows the performance of the network when connected via a 1 Gbps network connection to the original OIT core.  In mid-May, the network was migrated to the new core and connected at a speed of 10 Gbps.  However, at that time the Fitz East data center was not yet connected to the new core.  The reduction of network capacity from 1Gbps to 500 Mbps was tracked down and found to be related to the througput of a single stream through the Cisco Source Fire IPS devices used in the new core.   After whitelisting the traffic through the new IPS, the performance between the two servers was improved to about 1.5 Gbps although there was some asymmetry in the traffic rates between the two servers.  On June 9th, the Fitz East data center was moved to the new core network and bandwidth improved to a reliable 2.5 Gbps in each direction.  The only things in the path between the two servers were the SourceFire IPS (which was not inspecting the traffic) and a virtual firewall context.  It was surmised that the 2.5 Gbps limitation on bandwidth was due to the firewall.  The server was taken off-line and migrated to a new IP address that was in the biology data center but not on the Biology VRF.  When the server was restored to service at the new IP address on July 9th, performance immediately improved to an expected 5-7 Gbps.

Similar data is shown below for the network connection between two servers on the same VRF but in different buildings.

Physics has servers in both the Physics Building as well as the BioSci building data center.  The graph below shows traffic flowing between and

PS - bio-perfsonar-04.phy to-from phy-pefsonar-02.phy - 2014-08-21

Both the Physics building and BioSci building were upgraded to 10Gbps and connected to the new core on May 15th (shown in more detail below).  The network between the two buildings immediately improved to delivery of 6-8 Gbps of bandwidth from the earlier limit of 1 Gbps.

PS - bio-perfsonar-04.phy to-from phy-pefsonar-02.phy - 2014-08-21 - DETAIL

It is important to remember that PS shows the available bandwidth, these graphs do not directly show how much is being used.

Arista testing notes

For various reasons, the Arista testing started with POX and ended with RYU controllers running the switches.

The server sdn-a4, which runs the controllers, had been left in an active state with the POX controllers running in a screen session for the duration of the testing.

The first set of tests was just load testing and ran without a problem.  I was unable to saturate the switches, even when sending as many as 6 files concurrently across one switch to various destinations.

Unfortunately the screen session running POX froze up and had to be killed out.  When it was revived, it refused to allow traffic across all of the ports.  It was speculated that this had something to do with the ARP tables filling up or being depopulated.

As a result of this traffic blockage, it was decided that we would repurpose the POX code for the RYU controllers and use RYU to load multiple rule sets onto the switches for the second stage of testing.

The raw data showed that sending 6 files across one switch with 700 rules per second came close to saturating the switches (with an average of 10G/second of traffic), but did not overload the CPUs of the switches, and they handled it with only a barely perceptible slowdown.

Arista switch preliminary testing

The Arista switches are racked, powered on, and plugged in.  After a very brief discovery process I got the SNMP MIBs for the ports and CPU load (imagine naming your MIBs after the actual port number printed on the outside of the case!!), I found that these switches don’t have the 64-bit packet load counters that the NECs had, so I get to do lots of math.  (Yes, I’m asking Arista, we’ll see.)

OpenDaylight is working quite well, but I do not offhand see how to add rules to it, whether it is running or not.

Perfsonar configuration

This post is mainly a place to stash information about the perfsonar configuration.  The perfsonar image isn’t great at keeping prior configs, so we’ll probably need this again the next time it updates.

This last update turned off sdn, turned off bwctl, and made owamp be the only test allowed.  I had to go to and turn on the checkboxes for PingER, perfSONAR-BUOY Throughput and Latency Testing and Measurement Archive, BWCTL, OWAMP, SSH, and Traceroute MA and Scheduler.

Protocol for testing network load, speed, and throughput from the point of view of the switches involved, using SNMP MIBs seen from a monitoring server.

The monitoring server watches the network loads and CPU loads during several different sets of conditions, ranging from no load to saturation of the network with both data packets and OpenFlow rules.


  • Dell chassis named A, B, and C, and blades named sdn-A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C1, C2, and C3
  • 10G data ports from these blades to 10G Dell internal switches
  • Fibre from the 10G Dell switch to a GBIC connector
  • 10G OpenFlow NEC switches, connected in a variety of ways to one another and the 10G Dell internal switches via the 10G GBIC connector
  • Monitoring server in chassis C named sdn-C4 which can see all 3 NEC switches and do SNMP walks on them
  • 3650 Cisco switch connected to all of the NEC switches, as well as to sdn-C4


  • GridFTP for transferring files
  • SNMPwalk for polling the hardware
  • Shell scripts (in bash) for controlling the GridFTP and SNMP processes over multiple servers
  • Tmux multi-session emulator which can be used to send the same command to multiple ssh sessions almost simultaneously
  • Screen (or tmux) to leave processes running and detach from them
  • Floodlight and POX to send OpenFlow rules to the NEC switches
  • Python to script OpenFlow rules
  • Excel for graphing data

Preliminary Discovery

  • A 1G file (1024*1024*1024= 1073741824) was sent from sdn-B1 to sdn-C1 forty times to confirm the SNMP counter increment.
  • The start time for the 40 pushes was 14:36:44


  • On each of the data blades (sdn-A1 through sdn-C3) set up files 8Gb in size (1024*1024*1024*8 bits = ).  These are filled with the number 1, over and over.
  • Using GridFTP, set up a method for transferring the files over the 10G network easily without filling up the destination hard drive (
  • Also set up a method for sending two or more instances of this file to and from the same machines simultaneously (for example, from sdn-A1 to sdn-B1 and sdn-A1 to sdn-B1) via GridFTP from different ssh sessions via tmux or cron jobs.
    • A sample tmux command-line instruction such as this would ensure that all monitoring in windows 5 and 7 began simultaneously, for example:  for line in 5 7 ;do tmux select-window -t $line;tmux send-keys “sh code/snmp_code/ 3 18$line”;done;tmux select-window -t 0
    • Capture the send data from the server’s point of view using the ‘time’ command. (also
    • Write a script to use the SNMPwalk protocol to record the difference on the octet counters, called IfHCOctetIn and IfHCOctetOut, on the switch ports while the GridFTP sends are running, with timestamps and a 10-second sampling rate.  The SNMP MIBs are by port identifier, which is not the same as port number.  “In” refers to the data coming in to the switch through that port, whereas “Out” refers to the data leaving the switch by that port (
    • While the GridFTP sends are running, sets of OpenFlow rules are pushed to the server, starting at a 100 rules per second test and increasing in the next sets to 300 and then to 700 rules per second.  Mark the start and stop times of the tests (
    • Use Excel formulae to calculate the difference in the SNMP counters, keeping in mind the idea that the counters “roll” (reset to zero) about once per day.
    • The counters are recording the number of bytes (8 bits) that have gone by since the last recorded counter instance, up to 2^64, such that a counter reading of 478041734 would mean a total of 3824333872 bits had gone through that port since the last roll-over of the counter (to 0).
    • Use another script to SNMPwalk the CPU load average while the send tests are running.


  • Source and destination nodes (sdn-A1 through sdn-C3) across one, two, or three switches – even within the same chassis packets are sent out to the external switch and back in again.  This means that packets sent from A1 to A2 are sent across one switch, from A1 to B1 across two, and A1 to C1 can be across two or three switches depending on the rules set in OpenFlow.
  • Size of file sent (8Gb)
  • Number of files sent from the same server at the same time (1-?)
  • Number of sends going through a given switch at a time (1-?)
  • Number of rules pushed to the switches (0-70­0)

Data Interpretation

  • In Excel, each network throughput counter reading is compared with the one previous to it, to calculate the difference between them.  Care must be taken to make sure that the “roll-over” is checked for, leading to an if-then formula in Excel:

meaning that if a number is smaller than the one before it, the difference between it and the end of the counter (2^64) is subtracted from the difference between the prior number and the beginning of the counter (0).  Otherwise, the prior number is simply subtracted from the current number.

Over time, this result can be plotted to show a distinct curve as data throughput is increased or decreased.

  • While these data are processed, it is crucial to note the start times for pushing the testing files (4G or 8G) and also the start times and end times for pushing OpenFlow rules.
  • The CPU load average numbers can be plotted in Excel.


# Need switch (2,3, or 4) and port # - 145-195
if [ -z "$switch" ]
echo "Need switch by IP (2, 3, or 4)"
if [ -z "$port" ]
echo "Need port OID (145-195)"
echo "This loop will run until you ctrl-c it." 
while [ "$switch" > 1 ]
secs=`date | cut -d ' ' -f 5`
walkout=`snmpwalk -c openflow -v1 -On 10.138.97.$switch ifHCOutOctets.$port | cut -d. -f 13 | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
#       echo $compositeout
echo $compositeout >> /home/bryn/data/R$switch-P$
walkin=`snmpwalk -c openflow -v1 -On 10.138.97.$switch ifHCInOctets.$port | cut -d. -f 13 | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
#       echo $compositein
echo $compositein  >> /home/bryn/data/R$switch-P$
sleep 10

# Puts the given file on each of the 9 machines via the SDN network, and writes the output to /home/bryn/log/$hostname-gridftp-$size-$today.out.
# It sits in crontab and will run every hour on the hour or whatever test timing seems appropriate.
hostname=`hostname -s`
if [ -z "$size" ]
echo "Need size (4G or 8G) "
if [ -z "$line" ]
echo "Need target (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3) "
if [ -z "$instance" ]
echo "instance ? of ? (i.e. 2 of 3)?"
echo >> $filename
echo $filename
echo $line-10g
echo >> $filename
echo To: sdn-$line-10g >> $filename
start=`date +%T`
echo Start: $start >> $filename
/usr/bin/time -v -ao$filename /usr/bin/globus-url-copy -v file:///home/bryn/data/$hostname-$size.txt sshftp://sdn-$line-10g/ramdisk/$hostname-$size-$instance-received.txt
echo /usr/bin/time -v -ao$filename /usr/bin/globus-url-copy -v file:///home/bryn/data/$hostname-$size.txt sshftp://sdn-$line-10g/ramdisk/$hostname-$size-$instance-received.txt
stop=`date +%T`
echo Stop: $stop >> $filename
echo >> $filename
####  WARNING - this will fill up / very quickly, do something!
ssh sdn-$line-10g rm /ramdisk/$hostname-$size-$instance-received.txt

#!/bin/sh -
# Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# If you have PyPy 1.6+ in a directory called pypy alongside, we
# use it.
# Otherwise, we try to use a Python interpreter called python2.7, which
# is a good idea if you're using Python from MacPorts, for example.
# We fall back to just "python" and hope that works.
#export OPT="-u -O"
export OPT="-u"
export FLG=""
if [ "$(basename $0)" = "" ]; then
export OPT=""
export FLG="--debug"
if [ -x pypy/bin/pypy ]; then
exec pypy/bin/pypy $OPT "$0" $FLG "$@"
if type python2.7 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
exec python2.7 $OPT "$0" $FLG "$@"
exec python $OPT "$0" $FLG "$@"
from pox.boot import boot
if __name__ == '__main__':

Test 1 700 rules

Send 8G files from sdn-a1 to sdn-b1 and sdn-a2 to sdn-b3 (b2 is still AWOL) while monitoring the rate of change of the SNMP counters for ports in switches OF-1 and OF-2 in from sdn-a1, between the switches, and out to sdn-b1 and the same for sdn-a2 -> b3.  The SNMP sampling rate is once/10 seconds, and the difference to the counters is calculated in the spreadsheet.
The files were sent starting at 11:25:48.

During that test, 700 OpenFlow rules per second were pushed, starting at 11:30:27.
These graphs are in order, from sdn-a1 and a2 to switch of-1 to switch of-2 to sdn-b1 and b3.

Test 1 300 Rules

Send 8G files from sdn-a1 to sdn-b1 and sdn-a2 to sdn-b3 (b2 is still AWOL) while monitoring the rate of change of the SNMP counters for ports in switches OF-1 and OF-2 in from sdn-a1, between the switches, and out to sdn-b1 and the same for sdn-a2 -> b3.  The SNMP sampling rate is once/10 seconds, and the difference to the counters is calculated in the spreadsheet.
The files were sent starting at 15:49:29.

During that test, 300 OpenFlow rules per second were pushed, starting at 16:02:54 .
These graphs are in order, from sdn-a1 and a2 to switch of-1 to switch of-2 to sdn-b1 and b3.

Test 1 100 rules

Send 8G files from sdn-a1 to sdn-b1 and sdn-a2 to sdn-b3 (b2 is still AWOL) while monitoring the rate of change of the SNMP counters for ports in switches OF-1 and OF-2 in from sdn-a1, between the switches, and out to sdn-b1 and the same for sdn-a2 -> b3.  The SNMP sampling rate is once/10 seconds, and the difference to the counters is calculated in the spreadsheet.
The files were sent starting at 14:39:06.

During that test, 100 OpenFlow rules per second were pushed, starting at 14:53:36.

These graphs are in order, from sdn-a1 and a2 to switch of-1 to switch of-2 to sdn-b1 and b3.

40 sends of a 1G file

1G-sdn-b1-in1G-sdn-b1-out1G-of-2_56-in1G-of-2_56-out1G-of-3_56-in1G-of-3_56-out       1G-sdn-c1_in 1G-sdn-c1_out1G-of-2-cpu-40-1G-sends1G-of-3-cpu-40-1G-sends
These graphs show the number of packets sent through the switches during 40 repeats of sending a one GB file (1073741824 bits).  The series starts at timestamp 14:36:44.
The graphs are named and labeled according to their position on the switches – for example, the port that holds sdn-B1’s connection is labeled sdn-b1. There are both in and out datasets for each port.  The “in” dataset shows information coming in to the switch from outside of it, and the “out” dataset shows information being sent elsewhere in the switch for processing.

There are also two graphs of CPU load (taken as a 4-second average), one for each switch.