Category Archives: Source Code

Area for posting source code for rules, analysis, or data collection

Protocol for testing network load, speed, and throughput from the point of view of the switches involved, using SNMP MIBs seen from a monitoring server.

The monitoring server watches the network loads and CPU loads during several different sets of conditions, ranging from no load to saturation of the network with both data packets and OpenFlow rules.


  • Dell chassis named A, B, and C, and blades named sdn-A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C1, C2, and C3
  • 10G data ports from these blades to 10G Dell internal switches
  • Fibre from the 10G Dell switch to a GBIC connector
  • 10G OpenFlow NEC switches, connected in a variety of ways to one another and the 10G Dell internal switches via the 10G GBIC connector
  • Monitoring server in chassis C named sdn-C4 which can see all 3 NEC switches and do SNMP walks on them
  • 3650 Cisco switch connected to all of the NEC switches, as well as to sdn-C4


  • GridFTP for transferring files
  • SNMPwalk for polling the hardware
  • Shell scripts (in bash) for controlling the GridFTP and SNMP processes over multiple servers
  • Tmux multi-session emulator which can be used to send the same command to multiple ssh sessions almost simultaneously
  • Screen (or tmux) to leave processes running and detach from them
  • Floodlight and POX to send OpenFlow rules to the NEC switches
  • Python to script OpenFlow rules
  • Excel for graphing data

Preliminary Discovery

  • A 1G file (1024*1024*1024= 1073741824) was sent from sdn-B1 to sdn-C1 forty times to confirm the SNMP counter increment.
  • The start time for the 40 pushes was 14:36:44


  • On each of the data blades (sdn-A1 through sdn-C3) set up files 8Gb in size (1024*1024*1024*8 bits = ).  These are filled with the number 1, over and over.
  • Using GridFTP, set up a method for transferring the files over the 10G network easily without filling up the destination hard drive (
  • Also set up a method for sending two or more instances of this file to and from the same machines simultaneously (for example, from sdn-A1 to sdn-B1 and sdn-A1 to sdn-B1) via GridFTP from different ssh sessions via tmux or cron jobs.
    • A sample tmux command-line instruction such as this would ensure that all monitoring in windows 5 and 7 began simultaneously, for example:  for line in 5 7 ;do tmux select-window -t $line;tmux send-keys “sh code/snmp_code/ 3 18$line”;done;tmux select-window -t 0
    • Capture the send data from the server’s point of view using the ‘time’ command. (also
    • Write a script to use the SNMPwalk protocol to record the difference on the octet counters, called IfHCOctetIn and IfHCOctetOut, on the switch ports while the GridFTP sends are running, with timestamps and a 10-second sampling rate.  The SNMP MIBs are by port identifier, which is not the same as port number.  “In” refers to the data coming in to the switch through that port, whereas “Out” refers to the data leaving the switch by that port (
    • While the GridFTP sends are running, sets of OpenFlow rules are pushed to the server, starting at a 100 rules per second test and increasing in the next sets to 300 and then to 700 rules per second.  Mark the start and stop times of the tests (
    • Use Excel formulae to calculate the difference in the SNMP counters, keeping in mind the idea that the counters “roll” (reset to zero) about once per day.
    • The counters are recording the number of bytes (8 bits) that have gone by since the last recorded counter instance, up to 2^64, such that a counter reading of 478041734 would mean a total of 3824333872 bits had gone through that port since the last roll-over of the counter (to 0).
    • Use another script to SNMPwalk the CPU load average while the send tests are running.


  • Source and destination nodes (sdn-A1 through sdn-C3) across one, two, or three switches – even within the same chassis packets are sent out to the external switch and back in again.  This means that packets sent from A1 to A2 are sent across one switch, from A1 to B1 across two, and A1 to C1 can be across two or three switches depending on the rules set in OpenFlow.
  • Size of file sent (8Gb)
  • Number of files sent from the same server at the same time (1-?)
  • Number of sends going through a given switch at a time (1-?)
  • Number of rules pushed to the switches (0-70­0)

Data Interpretation

  • In Excel, each network throughput counter reading is compared with the one previous to it, to calculate the difference between them.  Care must be taken to make sure that the “roll-over” is checked for, leading to an if-then formula in Excel:

meaning that if a number is smaller than the one before it, the difference between it and the end of the counter (2^64) is subtracted from the difference between the prior number and the beginning of the counter (0).  Otherwise, the prior number is simply subtracted from the current number.

Over time, this result can be plotted to show a distinct curve as data throughput is increased or decreased.

  • While these data are processed, it is crucial to note the start times for pushing the testing files (4G or 8G) and also the start times and end times for pushing OpenFlow rules.
  • The CPU load average numbers can be plotted in Excel.


# Need switch (2,3, or 4) and port # - 145-195
if [ -z "$switch" ]
echo "Need switch by IP (2, 3, or 4)"
if [ -z "$port" ]
echo "Need port OID (145-195)"
echo "This loop will run until you ctrl-c it." 
while [ "$switch" > 1 ]
secs=`date | cut -d ' ' -f 5`
walkout=`snmpwalk -c openflow -v1 -On 10.138.97.$switch ifHCOutOctets.$port | cut -d. -f 13 | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
#       echo $compositeout
echo $compositeout >> /home/bryn/data/R$switch-P$
walkin=`snmpwalk -c openflow -v1 -On 10.138.97.$switch ifHCInOctets.$port | cut -d. -f 13 | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
#       echo $compositein
echo $compositein  >> /home/bryn/data/R$switch-P$
sleep 10

# Puts the given file on each of the 9 machines via the SDN network, and writes the output to /home/bryn/log/$hostname-gridftp-$size-$today.out.
# It sits in crontab and will run every hour on the hour or whatever test timing seems appropriate.
hostname=`hostname -s`
if [ -z "$size" ]
echo "Need size (4G or 8G) "
if [ -z "$line" ]
echo "Need target (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3) "
if [ -z "$instance" ]
echo "instance ? of ? (i.e. 2 of 3)?"
echo >> $filename
echo $filename
echo $line-10g
echo >> $filename
echo To: sdn-$line-10g >> $filename
start=`date +%T`
echo Start: $start >> $filename
/usr/bin/time -v -ao$filename /usr/bin/globus-url-copy -v file:///home/bryn/data/$hostname-$size.txt sshftp://sdn-$line-10g/ramdisk/$hostname-$size-$instance-received.txt
echo /usr/bin/time -v -ao$filename /usr/bin/globus-url-copy -v file:///home/bryn/data/$hostname-$size.txt sshftp://sdn-$line-10g/ramdisk/$hostname-$size-$instance-received.txt
stop=`date +%T`
echo Stop: $stop >> $filename
echo >> $filename
####  WARNING - this will fill up / very quickly, do something!
ssh sdn-$line-10g rm /ramdisk/$hostname-$size-$instance-received.txt

#!/bin/sh -
# Copyright 2011-2012 James McCauley
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# If you have PyPy 1.6+ in a directory called pypy alongside, we
# use it.
# Otherwise, we try to use a Python interpreter called python2.7, which
# is a good idea if you're using Python from MacPorts, for example.
# We fall back to just "python" and hope that works.
#export OPT="-u -O"
export OPT="-u"
export FLG=""
if [ "$(basename $0)" = "" ]; then
export OPT=""
export FLG="--debug"
if [ -x pypy/bin/pypy ]; then
exec pypy/bin/pypy $OPT "$0" $FLG "$@"
if type python2.7 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
exec python2.7 $OPT "$0" $FLG "$@"
exec python $OPT "$0" $FLG "$@"
from pox.boot import boot
if __name__ == '__main__':

Mininet, Pox, and Generating Flows per Second

Development for testing Layer2 flows per second was successful! The goals were the following:

  • get a controller to generate X number of flows (currently L2 flows) to see how many flows a switch could handle
  • 2nd, get a controller to generate X number of flows per second

Both were successful thanks to mininet.

Mininet creates virtual hosts, controllers, and switches in an instant. This was developed by people that wanted create a tool to help with openflow/SDN development.

It was pretty easy to get setup by just following their directions on their website. Once I downloaded the mininet VM, installed it… it was up and running.

The entire testing setup consisted:

  • a Mininet VM, which had an openflow switch and two hosts
  • a POX openflow controller on my local machine

All I had to do to get mininet to connect to the controller on my local machine was to point it to my actual network interface that go me outside of my machine on to our production network.

sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=,port=6633

I tried from mininet to have it use my loopback address and the nat’d gateway address, but neither worked until I used my local computers prodcuction network NIC.

Once I did that, mininet connected to my machines POX controller…

INFO:openflow.of_01:[00-00-00-00-00-01 1] connected
DEBUG:forwarding.ryan_l2:Switch 00-00-00-00-00-01 has come up.

Here is the code that is used for Flows per second testing… 

The default for the code is 100 flows total, 10 per second. This can be changed by edit a couple of the numbers commented in the code.

In mininet, in order to see the flows you type the following…

mininet> dpctl dump-flows
*** s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
 cookie=0x0, duration=31.849s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=31, dl_dst=01:23:45:d6:52:a3 actions=output:2
 cookie=0x0, duration=34.973s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=34, dl_dst=01:23:45:98:8d:f4 actions=output:2
 cookie=0x0, duration=33.935s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=33, dl_dst=01:23:45:2f:8d:55 actions=output:4
 cookie=0x0, duration=36.006s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=36, dl_dst=01:23:45:d5:1a:2e actions=output:4
 cookie=0x0, duration=32.899s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=32, dl_dst=01:23:45:db:89:8d actions=output:4

Since each line is a flow (except the first line) we can just use the wc (word count) command to see the number…

The output will be:

# of lines, # of words, and # of characters

mininet> dpctl dump-flows | wc
*** s1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 101 803 12107

So we have 101 lines, or 100 flows.

POX L2 Flow Generator Code module

from pox.core import core

from pox.lib.util import dpid_to_str

import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of

import pox.lib.packet as pkt

from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr

from random import randrange

from pox.lib.recoco import Timer



log = core.getLogger()

flows = 0 #flows counts the number of flows we want there in the end it’s defined as a global VAR


class testFlows (object):

def __init__ (self):



def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event): # as soon as a switch starts up we’re going to start writing random flows to it

log.debug(“Switch %s has come up.”, dpid_to_str(event.dpid))

def pushflows():

global flows

if flows < 100: #Change this number to the maximum number of flows you want installed

print “starting timer in 1secs” #you can take or leave this one… just a test

for x in range(0, 10): # set the number of rules that you want per second to the second number in the range

macaddress = ’01:23:45:’+hex(randrange(16,255))[2:]+’:’+hex(randrange(16,255))[2:]+’:’+hex(randrange(16,255))[2:] # create a random mac. random number 16-255 and then convert to hex

port = randrange(2,5) # assign to random port in a range

msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()

#msg.priority = 32768 # set priority

msg.match.dl_dst = EthAddr(macaddress) # match our random mac address to a destination port

msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = port)) # set destination port

event.connection.send(msg) # send our flow out

log.debug(“installing flow for destination of %s” % (macaddress)) # log it

flows = flows + 1

Timer(1, pushflows, recurring = True)  #timer is set to 1 second

def launch ():

core.registerNew(testFlows) # startup and run class