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Zoom Information for Interview Day

Tips for Using Zoom on Your Interview Day

If you have any questions or concerns on your interview day, please do not hesitate to call or text:

Brittany Nelson, Program Manager, (718-708-3533)

Jashi Abhirajan, Program Coordinator, (919-324-2614)

Ebonie Ryals, Asst. Program Coordinator, (919-638-1689)

Feel free to also use the chat feature in Zoom for a quicker response if you should need assistance during an interview.


  • Position your camera so that you remember to look at the lens during interviews.(Interviewers will appreciate the feel of knowing you are looking at them).•Please remember to have your phone and zoom link accessible at all times.
  • Please join the ZOOM meeting at 9:20AM using the link that was provided by email. You will want to use this time to ensure your video and audio work properly.
  • A “Welcome/Program Overview” breakout room will open and you will receive a prompt to join the room. Please select “Join Room” to participate in the discussions with our Program and Department Leadership..
  • Interviews will begin at 11:00AM. Each applicant will be assigned to an individual breakout room designated by their name.


  • You will see a pop-up screen like the one above, inviting you to join your breakout room. BEFORE joining, please confirm that you are assigned the right room. If not, inform Brittany/Jashi immediately via the chat function, and they will reassign you to the correct room.
  • Please note: Faculty will be joining your breakout room throughout the day, depending on your interview schedule.
  • If technology disruptions occur and cannot be resolved with 2-3 minutes or occur repeatedly, please anticipate that your interviewer might suggest moving your meeting to Facetime/telephone call.
  • Please do not leave your breakout room or log off of Zoom during your breaks between interviews. Instead, please mute your microphone and turn off your camera. Once your break is over please remember to turn on your microphone and camera to resume your interviews.
  • If you accidently click “Leave Meeting” at any point please text Brittany/Jashi to let them know and immediately log back into the Zoom meeting
  • At 11:55AM the Breakout rooms will be closed automatically to pull everyone back into the main room.
  • A Resident Panel breakout room will open and you will receive a prompt to join the room. Please select “Join Room” to participate in the panel discussions with our residents.
  • At 12:55PM, all applicant breakout rooms will reopen, and you will need to press “Join room” again to enter your interview breakout room


When you are finished with your final interview of the day, you may click “Leave Meeting” to exit.

We hope you enjoyed your day with us, and we wish you the best of luck during this Interview Season!