Weather and Climate
Climate Variations Our journey through Australia will take us from equatorial to tropical to subtropical to temperate climate zones. All this variation, however, does not capture all the micro-climates we will experience as we move from sea level to 1000 meters in elevation, from flat lying country to mountainous terrain (and even caves!), from open desert …
Accommodations Accommodations will vary. In general we will stay in youth hostels or other backpacker-type of accommodations. These usually consists of bunk rooms (4-10 people) with shared bathrooms and shower facilities in the hall. We have chosen accommodations that are safe, affordable, and most importantly, conveniently located to the things we want to see and …
NOTE: Many of the meals are covered by your course fee. Below is a list of which meals are and which are not RED – not included GREEN – included BLUE – meals might or might not be provided by airline (details on your e-tickets) UPDATED FOR 2024: Disclaimer: Breakfasts at the accommodations is generally “continental” in …
Personal Safety Despite popular misconception, not every plant and animal in Australia is trying to kill you. However, it is always sensible to be careful when dealing with unknown flora and fauna. This is true for Australia as it is for the United States. Imagine the pitfalls a nature tourist in the US could experience …
Currency and Money
The Australian Dollar The official currency of Australia is the Australian Dollar $. Here we distinguish between the Australian Dollar AU$ and the US Dollar US$. The current currency conversion rate is as follows (as of November 17th, 2023). 1 US Dollar = 1.5 Australian Dollars For up-to-date conversion rates see here Australian Prices The …
Internet and Cell Phones
Internet Although an Australian company invented WiFi, access to the internet is not as readily available in Australia as it is in the US, and when it is available it is usually of limited bandwidth. Things are changing rapidly but in a country with several incredibly isolated cities with vast distances between them, the network …