After watching Bidder 7 and reading the Monkey Wrench Gang, my idea of what constitutes an activist has once again changed. To me, an activist is no longer one who fights for a cause, but rather one who inspires others to fight for a cause. It is this inspiration that separates an activist from a terrorist or criminal. While the cause is also important, an activist is equal to the cause but rather an activist is equal to the method by which he/she brings about the cause.
For example, I would argue that Tim (bidder 7) would not have been an activist if all he had done was monkey wrench the auction. Instead he became an activist after he rallied people to support his cause by creating Peaceful Uprising. His actions became a rallying cry for the organization and his actions and imprisonment although clearly criminal and unlawful became a rallying point for the members of the organization. He used the auction as a springboard to create this organization and subsequently become an activist.
Likewise, Hayduke became an activist and the rallying point behind the entire Monkey Wrench Gang. Although his ideas and actions were a bit unorthodox even for the members of the Gang, his ideas and motivation and even willingness to die for his cause clearly inspired the group and drove them to action. He continued to live in their hearts even after his “death” and inspired others to blow up the Glen Canyon bridge.
Therefore activism is not a one time event but rather a chain reaction that builds upon itself. No singular act in the series can be said to be activism but rather activism is the ability of each singular event to inspire others to continue after it and pursue the same cause.