As I mentioned in discussion the other day, the main takeaway I got from Doctor Robin Kirk was the fact that if we really want to make change and be “successful” activists, we need to frame our issue as an issue regarding human inequality and injustice. The fact of the matter is that at this point, the problems relating to climate change, pollution, etc. is more than just an environmental issue. People are not only losing their land, but they’re losing their lives as well.

Take for example hog farming in our lovely state of North Carolina. Hog farming is the process of creating large plots of land for pigs to live on so Americans can consume their daily dosage of bacon, ham, sausage, etc. As a result of these farms, methane emissions are through the roof, deforestation rates and water usage is sky-rocketing and pools of waste are being created on our land by the day. While all of those environmental factors are detrimental to our conservationist and preservationist ideals, the one thing that most people don’t consider is the acts of racial inequality and injustice happening here. What I mean by this is that the majority of these hog farms are built on or near the property of poor minorities and people of color. The runoff and effects of these hog farms causes drinking water to be undrinkable, air to be unbreathable, and lives to be unviable. This in hand causes life-threatening health issues, inability to work, and being unable to support a family. On top of that, corporate corruption has led to these victims being threatened with violence and fines whenever they try to speak out or act against the issue.

This is just one example of the inequality and injustice issues we have at hand. It’s time to take action. No longer can we preach about the polar bears, the trees, and the ocean, it’s time to address the elephant in the room and that happens to be human lives. As Doctor Robin Kirk said, “Once we begin to shape our issue into being about people rather than nature, you will start seeing change.” It’s time to do just that and start saving lives.