Oil on Water’s overarching message is a powerful and realistic one, portraying the oil exploitation of foreign companies in developing countries such as Nigeria. These companies enter the African market with one goal in mind: profits. Thus, the welfare of the Nigerian citizens and the environment suffer the consequences, which Oil on Water paints a vivid and powerful picture of.

It is critical to keep the African oil drilling situation in mind, especially as other nations look to expand their oil excavation projects. For instance, back home in Norway, the debate of opening for oil drilling in Lofoten, a group of islands known for its breathtaking nature, midnight sun, and northern lights, dominated politics last year in the wake of the Norwegian election. Lofoten heavily depends on tourism and fishing, and the latter might take a hit if oil drilling takes place off the coast of the islands. Furthermore, an oil spill would have a devastating effect on the community, with fish, birds, and humans in harms way. And this is not even mentioning the fact that Norway will export the oil worldwide, contributing to climate change.

Lofoten. Link: https://honeythatsok.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/moskenes_lofoten_northern_norway.jpg

But once again, profits are the motive behind the proposed project. Norway has experienced a huge success and economic boom following oil discoveries in the 1960s and 70s, prompting the nation to become one of the largest oil exporters in the world. And it has transformed Norway into one of the wealthiest and economically stable countries in the world. In fact, the government has a money reserve intended for the Norwegian citizens in case of an economic crisis; and the entire reserve is generated by oil export profits. Thus, expanding oil drilling projects to Lofoten makes sense for politicians wanting to protect the nation’s economic future.

The debate boils down to an important question; do we as a nation want to protect ourselves economically on the expense of the environment and potentially the rest of the world? It is a polarizing topic, but it is critical that we consider cases such as Oil on Water effectively portrays when finalizing a decision.