There are two ways to submit your non-Gradiance work. The first method, submitting from VM shell, always works. The second method, through a web browser, has some caveats.

For each assignment or project milestone, you can sumbit multiple times. Only your last submission will be graded. Each time you submit, please submit all files (including files that have not changed between submissions).

Submitting from VM Shell

When inside your VM shell, go to the directory containing the files you want to submit. For example, suppose these files are file1.txtfile2.sql, and other/design.pdf. Type the following command to submit:
submit file1.txt file2.sql other/design.pdf
The command will ask which assignment or project milestone you are submitting to, as well as for your Duke NetID and password. If you simply run sumbit without files to submit, it will show your submission history.

If you have lots of files to submit, it can become tedious to list them all on the command line. In that case, you can create a compressed TAR archive containing all files and simply submit the archive file alone. For example, suppose you want to submit file1.txtfile2.sql, and all files under directory other/. Type the following commands to submit:
rm all.tgz
tar cvfz all.tgz file1.txt file2.sql other/
submit all.tgz

Submitting via WebSubmit

Use the “WebSubmit” link on the menu bar of the course website to submit. You need to make sure that files you want to submit actually reside on the machine that is running your web browser.

If you work and have your files on a VM in the cloud, a browser running on your own computer will not see these files. We recommend submitting from VM shell instead (see above). (A less convenient alternative is to first download the files by following instructions at Help/Creating and Running VM on Google Cloud, and then use WebSubmit.)

If you use a local VirtualBox VM and have set up file sharing between the VM and host, a browser running your own computer (host) should see files in the shared directory.