Exam 01 Logistics: Practicum

This post outlines the Practicum of Exam 1. See the in-person Exam 1 or Practicum 1 Update posts for details on the other parts.

  • Modules covered: 2 – 5
  • When: Friday 2/28 12:01am to Saturday 3/1 11:59pm
    • There is no class on Friday.
    • It should take around 2-3 hours to complete, but you can take as long as you want. It must be submitted before the deadline.
  • Study Practicum in exam Box folder
  • This can be done in a pair. See details below on the logistics, the definition of collaboration, and the consequences if collaboration happens without citation.
  • It is a take-home, open book, open note, open internet, and open LLM practicum.
    • Each question will have a variable you set to True or False to indicate if you used an LLM when answering this question.
  • It is closed to anyone outside you (and your partner if you have one). So, do not ask someone to do it for you or ask on places like stackoverflow.
  • It focuses on coding and interpreting the results of that code.
  • Consists of a Jupyter Notebook and a data set
    • Recommendation: Discuss in advance with your partner (if you have one) how you will create the final submission and who will submit it.
  • At the start of the practicum, a Canvas announcement will go out with a link to the Box folder containing all the files you need.
  • The act of submitting or being part of a submission means that you are upholding the Duke community standard that you contributed equally to this submission and only talked amongst yourselves when working on it.
  • Protect the integrity of the practicum and your submission.
    • Take your practicum:
      • In a secure location where only you (and your partner) can see your screen (and only your partner can talk to you).
      • In a place where you will not be distracted or tempted to talk to someone beyond your partner (if you have one).
    • You can do the following only after grades have been published for the Practicum Update. Doing any of these before grades are published will be considered a violation of the Duke Community Standard.
      • Discuss what you did on the practicum.
      • Show your solutions to other students.
      • View other solutions.
  • If you have a question during the practicum, ask it as a private new message on the class forum, in helper hours, or during class time when Prof. Stephens-Martinez will be in the helper hours Zoom room.
    • We cannot help you debug your code. If the notebook or autograder appears to be not working, but it turns out your code has a bug, you will be graded according to your submission.
    • We will do our best to always have someone checking the forum. However, we cannot promise that someone will instantly answer your question.
    • The practicum is tested for readability, so the wording should be straightforward.

Collaboration on the Practicum

  • Working in a pair means you collaborated on the Practicum.
    • Collaboration – 2 people have collaborated if one or both have given or received work/help on the Practicum. Notice these are “or’s.” That means if you share your Practicum with another person, even if that person did not give you anything in return, you both are now considered collaborators and should include each other in your notebook(s) as a partner.
    • This also means that if 2 people submit together and then 1 person shares that submission with a 3rd person, who then submits something too similar to have been done in isolation, all 3 are considered collaborators because it is impossible to detect who shared with whom. This collaboration is then considered a violation of the rules and, therefore, a violation of the Duke Community Standard.
  • The NetIds of all those who worked on the notebook must be listed in the notebook. There will be a 0-point test case with two variables for the NetIds of you and your partner. If you are solo, the notebook will state what to fill in for the other variable.
    • If you do not do this and we detect your notebooks as too similar to have been done in isolation, this is considered a violation of the Duke Community Standard.
  • You and your partner may submit notebooks separately or as a single submission. If you plan to submit identical files, submit as a single submission. Please help the graders be efficient.

Grading Scale and Points Allocation

This is the same as Exam 1’s in-person exam, with the following addition:

  1. For Exemplary – The code is clean and easy to read (see the study exam for examples of what this means).
  2. Unit tests in the autograder for the Practicum will earn you points up to, but not quite, the U level.
  3. How much fewer points an S is worth compared to an E depends on the practicum part. The practicum totals to 100 points. The goal is earning only S’s results in a low A. So, for example, if the Practicum has only 4 questions, an S would lose 2.5 points compared to an E, which means getting all S’s is a low A (90%), but still guarantees an A on the Practicum.

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