
I am an Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Computer Science at Duke University. I teach algorithms and data science and my research focuses on algorithmic fairness in artificial intelligence, computational economics, and multi-agent systems. Generally speaking, I am interested in algorithmic problems where agents must reason (and possibly learn) about competing preferences in decision problems or strategic environments. My motivation for this work derives from a desire to generate a more humane society with respect to AI and algorithms that can respond to the complexity of preferences in a rigorous and equitable way. I am broadly interested in computer science education, algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.


  • Email: btfain@cs.duke.edu
  • Phone: (919) 660-6504
  • Office: D104, Levine Science Research Center. 308 Research Drive, Durham NC 27708-0129


Ph.D. Computer Science – Duke University – 2019

  • Advisor: Kamesh Munagala
  • Thesis: Algorithms for Public Decision Making (winner of outstanding Ph.D. dissertation award for the Department of Computer Science in 2019)
  • Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Certificate in College Teaching, Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship

M.S. Computer Science – Duke University – 2018

B.A. Physics – Transylvania University – 2014

  • Double Major in Mathematics
  • Minor in Computer Science
  • Honors: Summa Cum Laude