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Gratitude & Next Steps

I am incredibly grateful for Brodhead Service Program for providing me with the opportunity to spend an extensive period of time dedicated to serving my community. Through this fellowship, I was able to design my own project and work with a community partner that could share their expertise and network within the local, underprivileged communities. Furthermore, I have a clearer vision of my future path and goals in medicine through this extensive, experiential opportunity.

I will always consider the Gift of Love as a sanctuary where I can be in touch with human kindness and devotion to helping destitute people in need. I find it so rewarding and enriching to connect with people very different from my own background through clinical and community service, and I believe that productive efforts are fruitful through community service and civic engagement. It is immensely important to me that I get to bring joy and peace to people in their final moments of life at the hospice, and to truly understand the living condition of people in the street. I am glad I am part of the Gift of Love family and am forever grateful that it opened my eyes to the many pockets of communities that always need a helping hand.

I will continue to volunteer at Gift of Love whenever I can, including school breaks such as Thanksgiving break, Winter break, and Spring break. It is important to me that I maintain connections with existing patients and to hear the stories of new patients, sharing empathy, humanity, and the gift of love.