
“Understanding the Trump Win:  Populism, Partisanship, and Polarization in the 2016 Election,” forthcoming (with D. Sunshine Hillygus and Jack Zhou). Forthcoming, #21 (2018)  Publications of the Bavarian American Academy series, Winter, The Heidelberg University Press.

Strategic Voting and Political Institutions,” in John H. Aldrich, André Blais and Laura Stephenson, eds. The Many Faces of Strategic Voting (Ann Arbor, MI:  University of Michigan Press) (with Blais and Stephenson), chapter 1, 2017.

The Effect of National and Constituency Expectations on Tactical Voting in the British General Election of 2010,” 2017. in John H. Aldrich, André Blais and Laura Stephenson, eds. The Many Faces of Strategic Voting (Ann Arbor, MI:  University of Michigan Press) (with Paul R. Abramson, Abraham Diskin, Aaron Houck, Renan Levine, Thomas Scotto, and David Sparks).

When Do Voters Act Strategically? Institutional and Individual Variation in the Incidence of Strategic Voting in Democracies,” 2019. In Peter John Loewen and Rubenson, Daniel, eds. Duty and Choice:  The Evolution of the Study of Voters and Voting (Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press), pp. 257-273 (with Laura B. Stevenson).

Understanding the Trump Win:  Populism, Partisanship, and Polarization in the 2016 US Presidential Election,” 2019. In Heike Paul, Prutsch, Ursula, and Gebhardt, Jurgen, eds. The Comeback of Populism:  Transatlantic Perspectives. (Heidelberg, Germany: Universitatsverlag, Winter, 2019), pp. 65-87 (with Jack Zhou and D. Sunshine Hillygus).

Does a partisan public increase democratic stability?”, Research Handbook on Political Partisanship, ed. by Henrik Oscarsson and Soren Holmberg. (Chltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, Publishing, 2020), pp. 256-265 (with Austin Bussing, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Nicolas Madan, Katelyn Mehling Ice, Kristen M. Renberg and Hannah M. Ridge)

EITM:  Applications in Political Science and International Relations,” Sage Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations: Luigi Curini and Robert J. Franzese, Jr., editors. (Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications, 2020). pp. 142-157 (with Jim Granato).

Does the Gift Keep on Giving?: House Leadership PAC Donations Before and After Majority Status,” 2017. Journal of Politics, (with Andrew O. Ballard, Joshua Y. Lerner, and David W. Rohde).

Party, Policy, and the Ambition to Run for Higher Office,” 2017. Legislative Studies Quarterly 42(2): 321-343 (with Danielle M. Thomsen).

New forms of mobilization, new people mobilized? Evidence from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems,” Party Politics (2018): 1354068818797367. (with Rachel K. Gibson and Pedro C. Magalhães).