Class reunion field trip to the Duke Lemur Center

As a follow up to our summer’s class, a group of us visited the Duke Lemur Center on Friday 26 September.  Our excellent guide talked about Madagascar biogeography, and then showed us some of the excellent lemurs at the center.


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How kangaroos walk with 5 legs

What, 5 legs?  Yes, turns out Kangaroos use their tail more than their legs when they walk! (cool youtube video)

macropod encounter at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

macropod encounter at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve

Read more about it in:
S M. O’Connor, T J. Dawson, R Kram, J. M Donelan. 2014 The kangaroo’s tail propels and powers pentapedal locomotion Biol. Lett. July, 2014 10 201403811744-957X


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Some group photos from our trip

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Tasmanian Devils: brought to you by Yasmanian Devil



When I was a little girl, my brother used to call me “Yasmanian Devil.” I was a bit of a hyperactive child, just like the Loony Tune, and it worked with my name. Soon my friends were calling me “yasmanian” or “yas-devil” or some oother form of the pet name. It stuck so much, in fact, that it has now become my name on most form of social media. Yet, in spite of being called Yasmanian Devil for years, I had never actually seen my namesake. That is, until about 3 weeks ago.


I first saw a real live Tasmanian Devil when we went to Featherdale Animal Park after leaving the Blue Mountains. I had always been curious as to what they looked like, but for some reason I had never bothered to look it up. I knew what the Loony Tune looked like, so I assumed it would be something like that, just a little less cartoon-y. And with legs attached to its body, instead of a whirling tornado. Knowing this, I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when I went to the Tasmanian Devil exhibit and caught a glimpse of the animal I thought I knew. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


Sarcophillus Harrisii (aka the Tasmanian Devil) is honestly about as far from the Looney Tune as you can possibly be. Here’s the breakdown of where this creature stands in the animal kingdom:

Kingdom: Animalia (like us)

Phylum: Chordata (Has a spine. Also us)

Class: Mammalia (Gives live birth, has fur, gives milk to young. Also us)

Order: Dasyuromorphia (Carnivorous marsupial. Not us)

Family: Dasyuridae (Related to Tasmanian Tigers and quolls…Definitely not us)

Genus: Sarcophillus (Greek for “meat-loving”)

Species: Harrisii (named after George Harris, a naturalist who described the Devil)

But beyond all this, the Tasmanian Devil just didn’t look anything like I expected it to look. Its morphology took me completely by surprise. First of all, it was much smaller than I thought it would be. Although the Tasmanian Devil is the largest living carnivorous marsupial, it only weighs about 25 pounds, at maximum. It ranges from 20-30 inches long, and has a bushy tail that is about half of its body length. The animal itself is stocky and stands on 4 short legs that end in sharp claws. It has very strong forequarters, and a pouch that opens backwards. The Devil’s fur is black, but it has a white patch on its chest, that sometimes extends along its sides and rear. Its ears are red, and they turn redder if it is agitated. Finally, it has a bear-like nose/snout (that can smell up to 1 kilometer away), sharp teeth (which it keeps from birth; they never lose them), and long whiskers, which are pretty much the only resemblances it has to its cartoon depiction.


The Devil was named for its vicious appearance. Its ever-present snarl gave it a bad reputation. However, with the exception of the mating ritual and the fact that it is a carnivorous creature, the Tasmanian Devil is rarely aggressive. In fact, they have been known to play with each other like puppies. Different types of play include play-fighting and play-chasing, which are both fairly self-explanatory. There is also “parallel play.” Parallel play is when two individual Devils play on their own, but near each other. Seems a little funny, doesn’t it? Regardless, social play is an important part of the Tasmanian Devil’s day-to-day life.

Two Tasmanian Devils play fighting

For food, the Tasmanian devil is a hunter and a scavenger interchangeably. It eats fairly regularly, but it isn’t picky. When prey is found, several devils will surround it and go at it, giving priority based on their social hierarchy (the females typically have authority over the males, except during mating season).  The Devils really chow down at mealtime; they eat practically the entire carcass of their prey, leaving behind only the skin and larger bones (ie the skull or pelvis). Devils particularly enjoy eating other marsupials, like wombats and wallabies. When they hunt, they attack their prey by biting it in the back of the neck, skull, or chest. Their strong jaws incapacitate their prey completely, allowing them to feast. And when I say feast, I mean feast. Devils can eat 40% of their own weight in a given meal! Impressive, I know.


Tasmanian Devils evolved from the first Australian marsupials, which appeared around 70 million years ago. Over the years marsupials have branched into many different forms. As a species, the Devils are fairly young. Their fossils date back tens of thousands of years, which isn’t very much time geologically. They are most closely related to the small carnivorous quolls that roam the australian continent. Although they are currently the largest carnivorous marsupial, they were also related to a species called the Thylacine, or the Tasmanian Tiger. This was another, larger carnivorous marsupial, that has recently gone extinct. Here’s what it used to look like:


Come March, the Tasmanian Devils begin to mate. Mating occurs throughout the month, at any time of day. You can tell when the female is ready to mate because she will undergo several “personality” changes. These changes include: loss of appetite, aggressive behavior, and going into hiding. As I mentioned earlier, mating is the only time where males are dominant over females. But, regardless of dominance, the Devils’ mating process is fairly aggressive all-around. Males are intense about guarding their mates from competitors, and females are aggressive about preferring older, bigger male companions.

Like I said, aggressive.


After all that the female eventually gets pregnant. Typically 20 or more eggs will be laid in the pouch, but most of them die. The gestation period is 3 weeks, but young will remain in the pouch for up to 5 months. For some reason, the female to male birth ratio is 2 to 1, which may be causing a decline in the genetic diversity of the species. A litter size typically ranges from 1-4 babies. When they are born, they look kind of like puppies—they are pink and hairless. No hair grows on them for 17 days! They stay in the pouch for about 100 days, and after that time they either stay in their den or ride around on their moms’ backs. The Devils become fully independent after 9 months.  Under normal circumstances, it takes a female Tasmanian Devil around 2 years to become sexually mature and begin mating. Unfortunately, this is beginning to change.


Rather than mate after 2 years, the Devils are beginning to mate after just one. Why, you might ask? Because the population of Tasmanian Devils is receding so quickly, they are being forced into it. Simply put, the Devils are mating at a younger age because it is their only hope for survival. They have to do it before they get infected with the disease that is killing them off, otherwise their species will never last. This adjustment actually marks the first recorded time in evolutionary history that an infectious disease has caused a significant behavioral change in a species, which is as fascinating as it is depressing.

It all started back in 1996. This year marked the appearance of the first case of Devil Facial Tumor Disease, or DFTD. DFTD is a highly contagious cancer that is wreaking havoc in the remaining population of Tasmanian Devils. With a 100% mortality rate, the survival of the entire species is coming into question

The name of the cancer makes it fairly clear what the disease actual does. Once they are infected, the Tasmanian Devils begin to develop large, painful tumors on their faces, which often inhibit sight, smell, and the strength of their jaws. So, if the disease itself doesn’t kill them, the rest die from starvation.

No one really knows how the disease develops. It appears that an infectious cell develops in the Devil and is contagious. It is transmitted through biting, which unfortunately happens fairly often in day-to-day Tasmanian Devil interactions. It is believed that DFTD is most often spread during group eating and mating rituals. The reason the disease has become such an issue in the Devil population is because their immune system simply doesn’t recognize the infectious cells as foreign. As a result, it doesn’t try to fight them off, and the disease can travel through their bodies (and communities) unchecked


Some scientists believed that a lack of genetic diversity was part of the reason why the Devils weren’t able to recognize the cancer and fight off the disease. However, further research has concluded that seems unlikely. Although the Devils do have a relatively low genetic diversity in their population, it has remained at roughly the same level for the past 100 years. They are a species that is prone to boom and bust fluctuations in their population size, so it appears their limited DNA hasn’t hindered them in the past. This information also gives scientists hope for their survival.


Although they are predicted to go extinct in the next 5 years, there is still a possibility that they will survive the outbreak of DFTD. Significant efforts are being made for their conservation, despite limited hope. The current plan is simple, and kind of sad. Because there is no cure for their disease, conservationists hope to simply quarantine the healthy devils, and let Devil Facial Tumor Disease run its course through the wild population. Then, once the rest of them have died off, they will reintroduce the quarantined devils into the wild. Not for the faint-hearted, I know. But if all goes well, the plan may work.

Tasmanian Devils earned much of their fame and notoriety under false pretenses. They are nothing like the Loony Tune that brought them to my attention years ago. In spite of this, they’re quite lovable and unique creatures. I hope that efforts to conserve them prove successful, because in my opinion, they deserve to be remembered by more than just a silly little cartoon…

Don’t you agree?



Works Cited

Crowther, M. S. “Morphological Variation Within Antechinus agilis and Antechinus stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae).” Australian Journal of Zoology. 50 (2002): 339-356. Web.

Deakin, J E, J A M Graves, W Rens. “The Evolution of Marsupial and Monotreme Chromosomes.”  Cytogenetic and Genome Research 137.2-4 (2012): 113-29. Web.

“Evolution Down Under.” Understanding Evolution. Berkeley University, June. 2013. Web. 20 July 2014.

Figueirido, Borja, Christine M. Janis. “The Predatory Behaviour of the Thylacine: Tasmanian Tiger or Marsupial Wolf?” The Royal Society Biology Letters. 7.6 (2011):  937-940. Web.

Miller, Webb, et al. “Genetic diversity and population structure of the endangered marsupial Sarcophilus harrisii (Tasmanian devil).” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 108.30 (2011): 112348-12353. Web.

Oberg, Kate. “Tasmanian Devil trying to mate with another…!” Youtube. Youtube, 5 Apr. 2013. Web. 20 July 2014.

“Tasmanian devil.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 20 July 2014

Ujvary, Beata, et al. “Evolution of a contagious cancer: epigenetic variation in Devil Facial Tumour Disease.” Proceedings of the Royal Society 280.1750 (2012): n.pag. Web. 20 July 2014.

“Tasmanian Devil, Sarcophilus harrisii.” (2012).  San Diego Zoo Library. Web. 20 July 2014.


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Cairns – The Great Barrier Reef

Our excursion to the Great Barrier Reef fell short of no one’s expectations. The reef is a rich habitat of many of the most diverse fish imaginable. It’s not uncommon to see a parrotfish on your right, a manta ray resting on the floor below you and be pursued by a reef shark a few feet behind you (ok not pursued if you tend to be lucky). The plethora of species totals 1625 fish species and 1400 coral species, across 133,000 square miles. The reef is even visible from space.

A satellite image of the reef. FYI, The Great Wall of China isn’t visible from space at all.

The parrotfish. This creature chips and eats the coral, creating the crunching sound heard at the reef.

We departed from Cairns and visited two sites. During our dives, we encountered numerous fish, coral species, and a few sharks and rays.


Parrotfish are the most colorful and noticeable fish on the reef, swimming in every corner of the reef. Totaling thirty species, parrotfish are important to the ecosystem as they convert coral, their diet, to sand, which over time produces islands and fills beaches with fine, white coral sand ( While common and conspicuously living in the shallow waters above the reef, their behavior is much more mysterious. Their gender changes repeatedly over their life, often to maintain a balanced number of males and females in their school. At night, they envelope themselves in mucous-made cocoons, likely to protect their scent from predators like the Murray eel (



The wrasse is a fish larger than most humans. The Great Barrier Reef’s Humphead or Maori Wrasse is a monstrous fish, unsurprisingly a predator to many small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. They move slowly and roam around and above the coral and ocean floor. Now endangered after years of overfishing and eating, wrasses can live up to thirty years. Seeing and observing the wrasse was definitely a highlight of our snorkel.

Maori Wrasse







Clownfish are prevalent in the Great Barrier Reef, and even more on family televisions. More extreme to the parrotfish, the clownfish coats itself with mucous, acting as a defense against predators and the poisonous anemones the species inhabit. Their scent may remain hidden, but they are visible to divers since they occupy the shallow waters. Totaling twenty eight species, they are common in Australasian countries and likely due to their defensive ability are not threatened at all.

The number of species and diversity in the reef is unparalleled. Our trip to Cairns was enriching and a finale to our course in Biogeography, in the richest underwater habitat around Australia.


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Coral: What We Are and What We Eat

Coral are animals and fall under the class Anthozoan and the phylum Cnidaria. Anthozoan contains many more organisms than coral alone including sea anemones. Scleractinian coral are a group of coral that are also referred to as stony coral. What we usually observe as one piece of coral is actually hundreds of thousands of tiny individuals called polyps. Like many organisms in the phylum Cnidaria, coral have a fairly primitive structure. Each polyp has three layers, an outer layer epidermis, an inner layer that is used for digestive purposes and one layer in between those two. Polyps have a gastrovascular cavity that only opens one end which we usually refer to as the mouth. It is here that food is enters and waste products are discarded. Polyps also have tentacles which are essentially an extension of the body walls. One thing coral feed on is plankton and the tentacles give the coral a mechanism with which they can catch that food. It is also used to keep debris away from the internal cavity and is a method of defense. One key method of defense that is characteristic of Cnidarians are nematocytes, a type of cell that stings. In some species of coral, this sting can be lethal which is why it is also used to catch prey.

Polyp Diagram


As stated before, coral are animals and therefore they are secondary consumers and require plants to convert light energy into chemical energy for them to feed on. Thus, in coral reefs, the primary energy source is sunlight which algae, phytoplankton, and many other plants go through the process of photosynthesis and their chemical energy is absorbed by coral. Coral reefs contain a huge variety of organisms that interact with each other. Coral in particular are the homes of several fish, crustaceans, eels, and other aquatic animals. Some of these are deleterious and eat the coral or the algae on them and while others protect them. The coral’s main predator is the Crown of Thorns which feed on coral polyps and are currently destroying reefs all around the world.

Parrotfish Eating Coral

Another major predator is the parrotfish which is actually seeking out the algae that live on the coral. At first, Parrotfish were though to do more help than damage because in addition to algae, they eat various types of seaweed. A study was completed in the coral reefs in the United States in 1997 to determine weather or not the parrotfish were helping more than hurting the coral. It showed that it was difficult for coral to establish a settlement where seaweed already was, it was worse to put the parrotfish in the habitat because, yes, they ate the seaweed, but they also feasted on the algae on the coral thus killing the animal. In order to get the algae, they take bites out of the coral, break the skeleton into tiny grains, sift out the algae and eat it, and excrete the remains of the skeleton. Each Parrotfish can produce approximately 5 tons of sand every year.

Shrimp Protecting its Home

Luckily, coral do have some defenders. Eels, some fish, crabs and shrimp use the coral for protection and attack fish that come near their homes. Coral reefs are an important part of the food chain and reef ecosystem.





History of Sclerantinian Coral                 

Based on fossil evidence, it appears that the first reefs began to form from calcareous algae around two billion years ago during a time called the Precambrian era. Coral along with sponges and bryozoans did not inhabit reefs or enhance reef growth until the Paleozoic Era which was 245 to 570 million years ago. This era, however, had many periods of reef decay. Approximately 65 to 245 million years ago, Sclerantinian coral became the primary reef builders and reefs became very prominent until the end of that era when the majority of coral families (according to Linnean taxonomy) went extinct. The reefs we have today show strong relations to the coral that composed reefs 2 to 65 million years ago.

Homes for the Scleratinian Coral

Sclerantinian coral are coral with hard skeletons made out of calcium carbonate. They are often referred to as reef forming coral or stony coral. Species within this clade are found in many places including the Western Atlantic near Bermuda, Belize, Florida, and the Caribbean islands and Indo-Pacific oceans like in the Red Sea, Panama, and the Persian Gulf, typically within 30 degrees North and 30 degrees South latitudes.

Location of Coral Reefs

Sclerantinian are usually found in depths of less than 150 feet in clear water where rough waves are frequent because in these conditions sunlight can reach them efficiently, nutrients are washed towards them from deep cold currents, distribution of coral larvae is achievable, and sediment is removed from the coral’s surface. Even so, some can be found 19,700 feet deep because of an adaptation they utilize to absorb sunlight. In addition to these conditions, temperature is also a major determining factor for where these coral can live. A temperature of sixty eight to eighty two Fahrenheit is imperative. Lastly, high salinity and low carbon dioxide concentrations need to be present because the precipitation of calcium from the water occurs under these conditions and the coral need it to form their hard skeletons. All in all, warm shallow tropical waters are ideal and where most of them are found.

Picture Showing How Close to the Surface Coral Can Be


A Major Mess: Phylogeny of Coral

When Linneaus created the system of naming which we now call Linnean Taxonomy, he used the tools that he had-his eyes. In other words, everything was grouped into categories based on what they looked like. Long after his time, DNA was discovered as well as tools that allow us to process and analyze the molecular data locked inside. From analyzing DNA, scientists found that they could trace the ancestry of animals and began to reorganize them based on their genetic past. This new system is called Cladistic Taxonomy and each group of species with a common ancestor is now referred to as a clade. Scientists soon realized that while some animals based on morphology were related, many of them were not. This phenomenon is evident in Sclerantinian coral. In short, the phylogeny of Sclerantinian coral is complicated. Most phylogenetic trees look very straightforward with a few minor blips here and there, but the coral phylogenetic trees look like a catastrophe.

Example of Normal Phylogenetic Tree

Example of Phylogenetic Tree of Coral

[Click the link above to compare trees]

The reason for this is because there are many species of coral that look nearly identical but their DNA shows little to no relation between them. It appears that different branches of coral managed to evolve through different genetic pathways and, yet also managed to converge in terms of morphology. Unfortunately for the scientists trying to clean up the mess in the naming of these coral, there are also coral that are closely related and have nearly no physical features in common. To give you a short introduction to how muddled this mess is, imagine that there are 100 species of coral that look like fans. Of that hundred only 70 share a common ancestor but that ancestor also produced 2 species of coral that look like fans, and one that looks like a staghorn. The remaining 50 that do not share a common ancestor are like the fans and staghorns in this example-they fit somewhere seemingly related. Of course, we cannot forget that there are thousands of types of coral out there. It is also not helpful that many of them were placed into a genus which means that most of them already have a name. Based on looking at the phylogenetic trees, it seems that the best way to go about naming coral is to completely rename them to minimize future confusion.

The Great Barrier Reef: Conservation Status

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the Natural Wonders of the World as well as a World Heritage site. It spans approximately 2,300 km along the coast of Queensland, a state in East Australia and is made up of over 2,900 reefs and 940 islands and cays. According to the World Wildlife Fund, “The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is 345,000 square kilometres in size, five times the size of Tasmania or larger that the United Kingdom and Ireland combined.The reef is immensely diverse. It is home to more than 1,500 species of fish, 411 types of hard coral, one-third of the world’s soft corals, 134 species of sharks and rays, six of the world’s seven species of threatened marine turtles, and more than 30 species of marine mammals, including the vulnerable dugong. Add to that stunning marine suite as many as 3,000 molluscs and thousands of different sponges, worms and crustaceans, 630 species of echinoderms (starfish and sea urchins) and 215 bird species, of which 22 are seabirds.” 

The World Wildlife Fund as well as many other organizations are making efforts to protect the reef due to the fact that it is such a gem for the world and harbors thousands of species of plants and animals. Unfortunately, despite those efforts, the Great Barrier Reef is still going through much destruction for several reasons.

Coral Bleaching and Global Warming

As you probably know, there are many reports of highest temperatures ever recorded in many places around the world. Not only is the air temperature reaching record highs, but as expected, so are water temperatures. Coral are very sensitive animals and cannot survive in water that is too hot or too cold. If the temperature change is too much for them to handle, a process known as coral bleaching can occur. Coral Bleaching is the event where coral expel the algae growing on them which cause them to look white and pale. This does not necessarily mean that the coral are dead, but it is extremely stressful for the animals and often leads to death. This can be extremely detrimental as shown in 2005 when the U.S and Puerto Rico lost half of its coral due to coral bleaching.

Pollution, Overfishing, and Industrialization

The pollution in the Great Barrier Reef is quadrupled in the past 150 years and there are many things that are hindering the growth of coral. One particular example is the wealth of nutrient flow that has been washed in that is food for the Crown of Thorns which eat the coral. This has increased the numbers of the Crown of Thorns Starfish dramatically and even though there are many efforts to remove them, they are causing the extinction of many species of coral. In addition, some fishing practices such as trawling for prawns are permitted in a third of the reef. This is one major practice that is causing the destruction of coral and the removal of many types of fish that get caught unintentionally. Like with any other ecosystem, removing a section of the food chain can cause the whole ecosystem to fail. Currently, the Queensland government is dumping many tonnes of seabed and rock into the reef to create space for Abbot Harbor which stretches for 50 km. This will create the world’s largest coral harbor and is increasing the destruction of the reef dramatically.


When I was a little girl, my mother showed me a picture of the Great Barrier Reef and it became #1 on my bucket list before I even knew what a bucket list was. I remember hearing about the reef being destroyed in 2005 and how it was going to die much faster than it would have if humans had not had such a negative impact on it. I’m proud to say that I had the privilege of going to the reef last month and I have to say it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It actually look exactly like it does in National Geographic magazines-full of colorful coral, fish, stingrays, and sea turtles. Although allowing people to visit the reef poses a threat to it simply because its easy for a diver to kick off a piece of coral or for the animals to become stressed out, I do like the idea of ecotourism and the fact that hundreds of people get to see the reef. I like to hope that the people, especially those that live in Australia, will fight to protect it so that it can last long enough for future generations to see it.




World, Wildlife Fund. “Threats to the Great Barrier Reef.” wwf. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Aug. 2014. <

“Great Barrier Reef · Learn · Australian Marine Conservation Society.” Great Barrier Reef · Learn · Australian Marine Conservation Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Aug. 2014. <>.

Brodie, Jon. “Are increased nutrient inputs responsible for more outbreaks of crown-of-thorns starfish? An appraisal of the evidence.” Elsevier 51.1-4 (2005): n. pag. Science Direct. Web. 1 Aug. 2014.

Miller, Margret , and John Hay. “Effects of fish predation and seaweed competition on the survival and growth of corals.”Oecologia 113.2 (1997): 1. Print.

Huang, Danwei, Andrew Baird, Wilfredo Licuanan, and Hironobu Fukami. “Cleaning up the ‘Bigmessidae’: Molecular phylogeny of scleractinian corals from Faviidae, Merulinidae, Pectiniidae and Trachyphylliidae.” BMC Evolutionary Biology 11 (2011): 1-5. Print.



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What are they?

Platypus.  (Plural: platypi or platypodes)

The Platypus


Physical description: It’s as if God or nature or whatever force in this world picked up a Mr. Potato Head and chose random appendages in a drunken flurry to affix onto a brown lump.

Echidna.  (Plural: echidnas)



Physical description: A porcupine and hedgehog mix that got its nose stuck in a hole and spent a decade trying to pull it out while being phenotypically influenced by Japanese animators.

* * *

All jokes aside, these two unique animals play highly specialized roles that make up the cozy little phylogenetic corner of order monotremata.  But wait—how can such animals look so different but be so closely related? The platypus and echidna diverged around 25 million years ago according to DNA sequencing, but fossil evidence has revealed a span of up to 100 million years. Thanks to all this time, their similarities have become hard to see aside from the apparent fact of their uniqueness. They’re a bit under the surface.

The most readily noted commonality is the fact that they are oviparous, or egg-laying, mammals. They have single cloacas for reproduction and excretion, which is why their order is called monotremata, meaning “one-holed”. Instead of having nipples for feeding, monotremes secrete their milk through their skin and onto their fur for their offspring to suckle. Unlike other mammals, they have a less-coiled inner ear bone and in the case of the platypus, limbs that are attached to the sides of their bodies rather than below. In males, there are spurs on their hind limbs, which are only venomous on the platypus. Rather than having teeth, they have horny pads, and they both have capacities of electroreception. So, yes, they are indeed very much related.

The Platypus

The original name of the platypus was dulaiwarrung, mallangong, and tambreet depending on the Aboriginal tribe. The indigenous people who first discovered the duck-billed anomaly surmised an equally strange story of origin. According to Aboriginal dreamtime legend, the platypus was the result of an encounter with an attractive female duck and a lonely water-rat. When the British colonists first laid eyes on the platypus and sent a specimen home, the general public retorted in disbelief and thought it to be an elaborate hoax. Meanwhile, the colonists settled with calling it “duckbill” or “water mole”. It wasn’t until 1788 that it was given a scientific name by Dr. George Shaw: Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the only one of its kind. Today, the platypus yet remains a single species under the family Ornithorhynchidae.

Some facts about the platypus…

The fossil record indicates a much larger geographic spread over 100 million years ago, but nowadays, these semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammals with beaver tails and bills are endemic to the eastern edge of Australia. Their front feet are webbed underwater, but on land, the skin folds back until the feet resemble paws rather than paddles, allowing the platypus to walk and dig burrows easily. These carnivore-insectivores are fitted with up to 40,000 electroreceptors in their bills to detect the electrical fields of their prey underwater. As they swim, they swing their heads side to side to enhance their scan. Upon detection, they are able to swim straight to their targets. Additionally, mechanoreceptors line their bills equipping them with an acute sense of touch as well, thus the bill acts as the platypus’s primary sense organ. Platypi are listed under ‘least concern’ for its conservation status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, but because they only live in freshwater ecosystems, the potential of threat exists contingent to the preservation of such ecological locales.

The Echidna

Unlike the single-species platypus, the echidnas are comprised of 4 species under 2 genera in family Tachyglossidae. Genus Tachyglossus contains one species of the short-billed echidna: Tachyglossus aculeatus, and genus Zaglossus contains three species of the long-billed echidnas: Zaglossus bruijnii, Z. bartoni , and Z. attenboroughi. (However, “spiny anteater” was their colloquial name.) The name echidna originated from the Greek goddess Ekhidna who was a hybrid of a reptile and mammal.

Some facts about the echidna…

Often called the spiny anteater, the echidna resides in Australia, Tasmania, and parts of New Guinea. Their diet consists of termites and ants that they slurp up with sticky tongues. They take shelter in burrows they dig and hibernate from April to July during the cold season. In accordance with their terrain-bound lifestyle, they are endowed with an acute sense of smell and embedded with electroreceptors in their bills to make up for their poor eyesight. The long-billed echidnas sport around 2000 while their short-billed counterparts have around 400. Though electroreception helps them detect underground prey, the ability is mostly useful in semi-aquatic environments. (ie. the platypus) Taking into account the varied habitats they live in, the discrepancy in numbers suggest that electroreceptors are being evolutionarily picked out. Fortunately, echidnas are listed to be of ‘least concern’, but they are in danger as individuals from stochastic factors and isolated animal attacks.


In the past, the monotremes were thought to be a transitional point between reptiles and mammals, which really wasn’t the worst of misconceptions. First and foremost, both monotremes and reptiles are oviparous, meaning that they lay eggs. Digging a little deeper though, the fact that the venom in the hind legs of platypi have a similar chemical makeup as that of snakes makes it all the more believable that monotremata could, in fact, be a bridge between two disparate classes.

Amniotic divergence

Figure 1. Amniotic Divergence

However, phylogeny shows us that it is essentially impossible for there to have been a transition between reptiles and mammals because of their differing paths of origin. Though both classes evolved from the same amniote, they diverged by way of the synapsid—the evolutionary path of mammals— or sauropsid—the path for reptiles and birds. Figure 1 shows this divergence from the ancestral amniote.

As evidenced in more detail in this next figure, we can see even more clearly that monotremes came after the amniotic split, but moreover understand their position in the evolution of mammals. Or at least try to—scientists are actually still trying to figure it out.

Figure 2. Therian Hypothesis

Figure 2. Therian Hypothesis

Figure 2 shows the theria hypothesis. This traditional view states that monotremes diverged first from both marsupials and eutherians (placental mammals) and that the marsupials diverged from the eutherians afterwards. This is the largely accepted hypothesis due to the large amount of morphological data, but an important and potential exception was noted based on teeth. According to Kühne, the similar pattern of tooth replacement in marsupials and monotremes indicate the marsupionata theory, which claims that monotremes and marsupials diverged from a common eutherian ancestor before they diverged from each other as depicted in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Marsupionata Hypothesis

Figure 3. Marsupionata Hypothesis

The marsupionata theory gained more credibility in 1997 when Axel analyzed 12 mitochondrial protein-coding genes in monotremes and marsupials and

found them to be sister groups. However, 8 years later, van Rheede published an extensive nuclear DNA analysis of mammals and contended that Axel’s study was swayed by base compositional bias, a common confounding factor in a number of phylogenetic conclusions. (For example, microbats and megabats were deemed to be in the same phylogeny through DNA analysis because factors such as higher numbers of adenine and thymine that result from the ability to fly were not taken into account.) In other words, being influenced by base compositional bias is like concluding that a cookie and cake are of the same phylogenetic branch because they both contain milk, eggs, and flour.  Though the therian hypothesis is more readily accepted, the debate between it and the marsupionata hypothesis continues today.


Figuring out this little Rubik’s cube of a clade means taking the motions and being able to apply it to the larger puzzle of mammalian evolution. The monotreme genome offers a wealth of potential knowledge. By analyzing the platypus genome, we can make comparisons with birds and reptiles. The disparity in shared characteristics can then be noted as specific genomic sequences privy to only mammals in their early evolution. More specifically, by comparing the genomes of the platypus and chicken, scientists have been able to more precisely set dates for evolutionary landmarks that occurred before and after the phylogenetic divergence of the monotremes. In fact, thanks to the platypus (and birds to which it was compared) we discovered that the origin of human sex chromosomes was 149 million years earlier than we originally thought. Furthermore, analyzing the platypus genome has helped pinpoint specific gene sets for typical mammalian characteristics such as lactation. Comparative studies of monotremes and other animals have even impacted the field of neuroscience. Because the ancestor of monotremes emerged over 130 million years ago, and present-day monotremes have retained primitive features, they may very well represent the ancestor of all mammals. Analyzing monotreme brains in tandem with that of other animals has provided insight into the evolution of the neocortex—chronological analyses have shown that cortical fields were not developed sequentially. Further studies may help fill in the blanks of the processes of brain evolution.

The platypus and echidna’s unique ecological roles have put them in an interesting and perhaps even pivotal position to advance our knowledge on the processes of evolution as a whole. It is imperative that they are studied and conserved for years to come.

“Australian Platypus Conservancy | Platypus Fact File – – Discovery and Naming.” <>

Britt-Lewis, Tony. Echidna flicking tongue in natural habitat. Digital image. How  the Echidna Lost Its Venom. University of Sydney, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 3 Aug.  2014. <>.

Carritt, Rachel, comp. “Echidnas Helping Them in the Wild.” (n.d.): n. pag. National Parks NSW. National Parks and Wildlife Service, 1999. Web. 3

Aug. 2014. < factsheet3echidnas.pdf>.

“echidna.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic  Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2014. Web. 04 Aug. 2014. <>.

Grützner, Frank. “Platypus Genome Provides Unique Insights into Early  MammalianEvolution and Monotreme Biology.” eLS.

Hall, Brian K. “The paradoxical platypus.” BioScience 49.3 (1999): 211-218.

Healesville Sanctuary. “Echidna.” Healesville Sanctuary. Zoos Victoria, -. Web. 4 Aug. 2014.

Krubitzer, Leah. “What can monotremes tell us about brain evolution?.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 353.1372 (1998): 1127-1146.

Longman, Addison W. Phylogeny of the Amniota. Digital image. Amniote Phylogeny. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 1999. Web. 05 Aug. 2014. <>.

“Mammals | Echidna.” Echidna. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2014. <>.

Platypus and Wildlife Spotting. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Aug. 2014. <>.

Thibodeau, Margaret. “Investigation.” Monotremes. Tree of Life Web Project, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2014. <>.

“Truth in Science.” Platypus: A Darwinian Cautionary Tale. Truth in Science, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2014. <>.

Van Den Bussche, Ronald A., et al. “Base compositional bias and phylogenetic analyses: a test of the “flying DNA” hypothesis.” Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 10.3 (1998): 408-416.

Warren, Wesley C., et al. “Genome analysis of the platypus reveals unique signatures of evolution.” Nature 453.7192 (2008): 175-183.

ZSL. “EDGE of Existence.” EDGE of Existence. ZSL Living Conservation, -. Web. 05 Aug. 2014.

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An Always within Never

Never in my life has a museum artifact immobilized me.

At first glance, they seemed to be random pieces of art. Two small, feather-wound wooden boxes dotted with intricate patterns and blanketed with earth-toned paint sat before me in a glass display cube. I stood in the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.


Warnamaleda. Translation: Bone Box

I was only about twenty steps into the first of many museums we would encounter in our month-long terra-voyage atop the hot, red earth of Australia, so I figured I would quickly skim the explanatory plaque and mosey along through the rest of the museum to better allot my time.

But by the first sentence, I was hooked. No, transfixed is a better word.


Bone box. The artifacts were sacred vessels crafted to hold the bones of a deceased baby; however, they weren’t exactly coffins. “Living coffins” might be a better term. The mother would keep this box that contained her baby’s bones. If she were to have another child, he or she was believed to be the former child’s reincarnation. At the new child’s birth, the bones of the first baby would be transferred from the box to a hollow doll that the new child would keep as a play toy throughout childhood.

I felt a lunge of sorrow for the children who never got to witness the aging of their parents, the changing landscape against a constant horizon, the growth of their own selves. Death is the father of never, but here before me in a museum in Australia…was an always within never.

There is beauty in this.

In our society, miscarriages and early deaths are generally events that are surrounded by a “hush hush” mentality. Eventually, anything to do with the child, even a memory of him or her becomes an emblem of pain and sadness. Any mention of the child’s death becomes nearly offensive before the parents, even to themselves. Often, people forcefully try to move on, brushing the pain up under a rug to hide their loss.

I didn’t find out about my uncle’s miscarried child until a year after his passing.

Reacting to loss by way of denial is in no way a fault. In wanting to insulate your pain, there is no blame to cast. It is natural; it is human—just like acceptance and community…

…qualities exemplified by the Aboriginals who first inhabited Darwin. Nothing was hidden. The family and village members of the vilomah attended to the necessary warnamaleda procedures, sharing the grief throughout the community rather than letting it concentrate in one household. Moreover, the child became a permanently appreciated part of its family instead of morphing into a rarely spoken, pain-stricken taboo. The evidence of its life preserved and valued, not masked. By keeping the tradition of the bone boxes, there formed an always within never.

What the Aboriginals lived out is the universal truth that a life’s value has no relation to its length. The boxes were no longer “random pieces of art” in my eyes but rather testaments to humanity.


Brief Afterthoughts

Cave paintings. Spears. Tools of stone. Didgeridoos. Huts. Boomerangs. From only a first glance, our westernized minds are conditioned to assume that the Aborigines are of an outdated era. It becomes so easy to pigeonhole our view to a caricatured shell of a culture. In the colonization of Australia, it is clear that one of the main factors of European imperialism was a fervent subscription to the false belief of its own superiority against a culture it deemed primitive. Such attitudes still lie at the core of so many societal issues today: the belief that one way is the only one right way and, moreover, acting on it. Imposition destroys.

These thoughts reminded me of a phrase I read in the Duke in Australia handbook while skimming through it this past May: “It’s not wrong, it’s just different. Enjoy the differences!” The Duke Global Ed motto, folks.




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Parrots of Australia

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Parrot Paper

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The Sounds of the Australian Outback: the Kookaburra!


A kookaburra in a gum tree!

A kookaburra in a gum tree!

“Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree; Merry, merry king of the bush is he; Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra! What a life you lead…” This popular Australian nursery rhyme exemplifies the distinguished place that Kookaburras hold within Australian culture. From this song, the average American might think that Kookaburras only inhabit Australia; however, there are actually four species of living Kookaburras and only two are found within the Australian coasts. The two species commonly known as the Laughing and Blue-winged Kookaburras are endemic to Australia, while the other two, the Spangled and Rufous-Bellied Kookaburras, can be found in the Aru Islands, Indonesia, New Guinea, Papuan Islands, Irian Java, and the Islands of Geelvink (Forshaw). Kookaburras are not unique to Australia. The kookaburras belong to the Kingfisher clade, which is a group of birds that exists all throughout the world (minus oceanic islands and polar regions) (Scott).There are various similarities and distinctions between the evolutionary history and ecology of kookaburras and their sister kingfishers that inevitably led to the existence of separate species.

The name “kingfisher” refers to the birds’ royal blue and imperial purple plumage and their diet of fish, although not all prey on aquatic animals. The commonalities that exist between all kingfishers include their long, heavy bills, large heads, thickset bodies, short legs, specific feet, short wings, and feathery crests (Strahan). Their feet are one of the main differentiating factors from other birds; their talon formation is an exclusive characteristic of the kingfisher clade! More specifically, their second and third toes are joined at the base, the third and fourth are united for most of their length, and their first toe points backwards while perching (Scott). Also due to the built of their bodies, kingfishers cannot walk on the ground. Instead they need to hop from place to place! One might think this is a hindrance on their predation abilities, however their binocular vision combined with their fast flying enables them to catch plenty of prey. Once one of these mighty birds spies an animal of prey from his/her perch, they swiftly swoop down, either into the water or close to the ground, to successfully claim their food (Strahan). All things considered, the structure of the bill and the feet are the most discernible features of a bird in the kingfisher clade (Forshaw).



The phylogenetic tree of the Kingfisher clade.

The phylogenetic tree of the Kingfisher clade.

A common kingfisher.

A common kingfisher.




The kingfisher clade is a monophyletic group which implies that this group of organisms are derived from a common ancestor. The Kingfisher clade also has the Linnaean biological classification as being the Alcedinidae family, stemming from the Coraciiformes order.  This family is divided into subfamies, genera, and species. Since the division lines are not clearly defined by current or past scientists for the different Linnaean taxonomic groups, there is often disagreement and inconsistency between different sources. Some believe that there should be three distinct subfamilies, while others only use two. The recent sources of the 21st century sources agree that there should be three subfamilies: Alcedininae (river kingfishers), Halcyoninae – also known as Daceloninae from earlier authors (tree/forest kingfishers), and Cerylinae (water kingfishers) (Christidis). According to the authors of “Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds” these three subfamilies were determined by DNA-DNA hybridization, chromosomes, myology, moult patterns, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Those who fight for only two subgroups leave out the Cerylinae classification and just have the tree kingfishers and one group for the kingfishers that are found in water habitats (Scott). The actual number subfamilies is not important, but instead one should pay attention to the differences between the tree and water kingfishers. The tree kingfishers are physically distinct by their wide, flat bills that occasionally have a hooked tip, while the water kingfishers are known to have slender, sharp pointed bills. (The hooked bills are hypothesized to be an adaptation useful for digging in the ground (Forshaw).) Another key difference is their nesting locations. Tree kingfishers habitually nest in tree-holes, whereas water kingfishers tend to build their nests in burros (Strahan). Kookaburras are part of the tree kingfishers, also known as either Halcyoninae or Dacelonina.  After the separation of these birds into tree and water kingfishers, the groups are divided into more specific clusters called genera.

The subfamily of the Halcyoninae contains four genera, one of which is Dacelo. Dacelo is the genus that contains the two Australian kookas (Christidis). The Dacelo genus is soley composed of the four kookaburra species. The two Australian species are Dacelo leachii, the blue-winged kookaburra, and Dacelo novaeguineae, the laughing kookaburra (the old Latin name was Dacelo gigas). The laughing kookaburra also contains a subspecies, Dacelo novaeguineae minor (Strahan). Some characteristics are universal to all kookaburras including their social system, the size and function of their territory, their vocal behavior, their visual behavior, the growth of their young, and their moratlity and predation patterns. These universal characteristics shared by the Dacelo genus will be further elaborated on in the following paragraphs.


Characteristics of the genus Dacelo

A family of kookas! A mated pair with an auxiliary.

A family of kookas! A mated pair with an auxiliary.

To begin to describe these wondrous living organisms, kookaburras actively take part in a social system that is not common to many birds or animals.Typically a similar social dynamic is seen amongst primate and human populations. Yes, some birds like the pied-butcher bird, have a comparable social system, but when Veronica Parry (a scientist who devoted her life to the studying of kookaburras) first witnessed their dynamic she was flabbergasted. To understand their social dynamic, one should know that kookaburras are quite territorial. Once mated, (Kookaburras mate for life, unless their mate dies. If so they might find another mate in order to sustain their fitness as a species and continue to pass on their genes.) they occupy the same territory year round; within this territory exists a “family” of kookas. Kookaburras tend to congregate and live with 3 or more individuals. These families consist of a mated pair plus their auxiliaries. As defined by Parry, an auxiliary is an “adult non-breeding birds which instead of dispersing and breeding themselves, remain within their parents’ territory year round and aid in the territory defense, incubation of eggs, feeding and protecting of young”. Basically, auxiliaries actively take part in the nesting duties as if they were the actual parents. They incubate the eggs before they hatch and then after they hatch they take part in feeding and protecting the chicks and fledgings until they can survive on their own. These auxiliaries tend to continue to help their parents for up to three years even though they are sexually mature after one year and technically can mate and reproduce. It is believed by Parry and other scientists that auxiliaries do not leave their territory once sexually mature due to the fact that their urge to breed is suppressed by their subordinate position within their family.  Families have two separate hierarchies, one for the females and one for the males. The breeding pair is considered to be dominant within their respective hierarchy and is therefore challenged by those below him/her. Although kookas generally coexist in peace, the dominance is settled through sparring matches. A sparring match entails two birds to grasp each other’s bills and twist and turn for thirty seconds to fifteen minutes. If one of the two birds is thrown off his/her perch or simply flies away, the match is over. This social dynamic of having a “family” in which the matured offsprings take equal part with their parents in raising their brothers and sisters (well not in the actual conception part) is not widely seen within the bird species.

As mentioned earlier, kookaburras lay claim to permanent sets of territory. Since Australia’s climate is quite mild, birds tend not to migrate and therefore these permanently settled kookas get to know their personal hunting grounds quite well. Food resources, the existence of at least one hole large enough to nest in, a grounded clearing to frequent for food, some area of dense tree cover to be used as a roosting site or, later on, a refugee site for fledgings, and an area that is consistent with the amount of space a kooka can efficiently defend are all factors that limit the size of a kookaburra’s territory. After all thse factors are taken into an account, an average adult kooka will have approximately three acres of land. If a family’s territory is dependent on the number of individuals within that family. So, a family of three will span over 18 acres of land. Since an auxiliary is an adult kooka, they also account for a portion of the family’s territory. Each auxiliary accounts for 3 acres of a family’s territory therefore creating a ceiling on the number of mated pairs that can breed in a set-sized territory.  Auxiliaries are seen as “acting through sociality as a method of birth control” because they limit the amount of breeding territory in an ecosystem. Once a mated kooka pair and its family has established a set territory, they vigilantly guard their borders against intruders who attempt to encroach on their land; this is an aspect of kookaburra’s visual behavior.

A kookaburra demonstrating "stick pose" to avoid the eyes of their predators.

A kookaburra demonstrating “stick pose” to avoid the eyes of their predators.

Besides specific territory defense behavioral patterns, kookaburras also exhibit particular fear, camouflage, roosting, feeding, and courtship behaviors. When a kooka is caught in a near death situation, he/she will do its best to appear as menacing as possible. First he/she will become absolutely motionless. Then he/she will simultaneously open his/her bill to its full extent and raise his/her short crest feathers to give the head a peculiar shape. This is a kooka’s last resort for saving its life in the face of danger! Another common technique for avoiding being eaten is camouflage. When a flying predator, like a wedge-tailed eagle, is a round the kookas like to assume ‘stick pose’ to help them blend in with their surroundings. To assume the ‘stick pose’, the kooka stops all activity and points its bill skyward. Then using their keen eyes, the kookas follow the passage of the bird of prey with their entire body. Since the kooka is coated with brown plumage along its head and back and moves as a solid unit, to the hungry eyes above they appear as sticks! Hench the name ‘stick pose’. Another defense mechanism for staying alive has to do with their sleeping habits. At night while they sleep (kookas are diurnal), they bunch up together so that they look like one long line of feathers. This is tactic is used to disguise their exact size from nocturnal creatures, like the powerful owl, that may be lurking around while they rest. Kookaburras stick to two or three regular roosting trees for sleeping; these are the same tree that they use to perform their evening chorus. All in all, when these birds are not hiding from those animals that eat them, they are often hunting for their own food.


A kooka eating a lizard, yum!

A kooka eating a lizard, yum! Watch this link to see how their neck muscle help them kill their prey:

Kookas also have some mischievous methods to alluding and capturing their own prey (Cheeky little birds!). Worms, snails, snakes, insects, freshwater crayfish frogs, lizards, snakes and occasionally small birds and rodents generally compose the diet of these insectivores/carnivores.  In order to catch their prey, kookaburras first make use their keen eyesight while perching in a tree to spot their next meal. Once an edible creature is discovered, the kooka uses its strong neck muscles (Adapted from their kingfisher ancestors who would dive into water for food) to kill their prey. The neck muscles are used to bash the victim against a hard surface until death. Once dead, the bird tosses back its head and swallows the food within a jerk or two. Anything indigestible is brought back up in the form of a food pellet (yum)! (Parry) Eating is necessary task for survival, especially when the mother kooka needs to form eggs. In order to remain alive and reproducing in the wild, the kookaburras have adopted these advantageous behavioral patterns.

Another important behavior to remain reproductively fit is the actual act of courting another kookaburra. There are two main steps before the final step of courtship, copulation, is achieved: courtship feeding and the nest-showing ceremony. Courtship feeding begins as much as 44 days before egg-laying and could continue up to 6 days after. This feeding period consists of the male kooka passing food to his egg-laying mate in order to ensure that she is nutritionally stable to properly form durable eggs. The male typically ends up gathering more food for his mate rather than for himself during this time period. Since the kookaburras attempt to plan the hatching of their eggs in conjunction with the peak of the food season,  there is no guarantee how abundant food will be in the days leading up to the egg-laying date which validates the usefulness of courtship feeding. While courtship feeding is occurring, the mated pair also begins the nest-showing ceremony. This ceremony begins about 40 days before egg laying and is a ritual for choosing a  nesting location for the mates’ eggs. The kookaburras either visit their old nest from the year before (as long as no bees or possums have taken over it) or look for a new hole! Once they agree on a hole, they visit the nest together every day in order to make it ready for egg laying. This part of the courting is accompanied by ‘soft squawk’ calls which give comfort to the life-long partners. The nest-showing ceremony ends four days before egg laying; although it is common for the kookas to return to the nest alone during this four day period to simply perch outside of it. There is no special ceremony for the actual copulation, but the act does tend to occur close to the nest!

This is a typical tree hole used as a nest by the kookaburras.

This is a typical tree hole used as a nest by the kookaburras.

A termite mound is another nest option for kookaburras.

A termite mound is another nest option for kookaburras.

Sparring kookaburras! To see a fight in action wat this video :

Sparring kookaburras! To see a fight in action watch this video :

Another well-known behavioral characteristic of these birds is their defensive nature. There is a variety of ways to accomplish in which kookaburras defend their territory: a trapeze display, a circle flight, or a physical attack. The most common of the three is also the least hostile, a trapeze act. One can guess from the name what this behavior is similar to: a circus performance! This defense mechanisms occurs at the boundary of a family’s territory. Opposing families gather on either side of the boundary and one bird from each family begins to fly to and fro, from perch to perch, while passing the other in midair. Neither family ever crosses the territory boundary and the performance ends when the invaders fly away. Circle flights, on the other hand, are slightly more hostile way to defend territory. Circle flight are most often seen during the months June to September (this is the time period when families are in search of more territory for mating which begins around September). A circle flight is triggered by seeing an intruder within the territory boundaries. The territory owner then proceeds to burst into song and jump into a high-speed flight pursuit (aka fast and furious in the bird world) until the intruder is no longer within the boundaries. If the intruder decides to stand his ground, and not leave, then the bird’s most hostile form of defense is used: a physical attack. This attack begins with the bird emitting a low chuckle and is followed by the up and down pumping of its tail and ultimately ends with an assault of the offender. (Funny aside: These physical attacks are the reason why kookaburras crash into glass doors! They are not aware that glass can reflect images. So when they see themselves in the reflection of the glass door, they often forcefully attack the glass leading to a broken door and injured kookas.) Defending ones territory is a family activity that all kookaburras take part in. This activity not only aids in keeping the chicks and fledgings safe, but it also helps form stronger bonds within the family.

Frequncy of calls during a general year!

Frequncy of calls during a general year!

Before one can see a kooka, they often hear them. Kooaburras are known for their boisterous, some might say obnoxious, songs. Kookaburras communicate using six different calls and one song which are unique to each species. As defined by Parry, the difference between songs and calls are as follows: a song is the “most characteristic vocalization of the species”, while a call is “socially serviceable within the species concerned for they communicate”. Certain vocal sounds are used more often than other depending on the time of the year. For example, as mentioned before, the ‘soft squawk’ is more frequent during the breeding months. The six characteristic calls that are used between families include the chuckle, chuck, squawk, soft squawk, cackle, and kooaa. Each call has its own meaning. The chuckle locates family members year round. When one abbreviates a chuckle, they get a chuck! A chuck is often connected with feeding fledgings and chicks. Also it is used to locate family members during the breeding season. Next is a squawk which is a food begging and submissive call to reduce aggression among family members during the breeding season. Also used during the breeding season, but for a completely different reason is a soft squawk. This type of squawk is a courtship call of the mated pair, specifically to reduce the breeding female’s aggression. Oppositely, a signal of aggression is a cackle. Cackles are considered a war cry which occurs before an attack. Last but not least, a kooaa is a warning device heard year round which draws attention of the group. These calls all are only used within families to communicate. The more defining characteristic of different families is their song. Songs are sung at least twice a day, once at dawn and once at dusk in the roosting site. Singing is found to be a group activity for kookas; family members sing together to either maintain their pair bond (mates) or cement the social family bond. Also the singing of these songs is quite revered. Two families will not sing at the same time, they will wait for the other to finish. Also demonstrating their importance is the fact that the songs are known to stop fights. If two birds are sparring and they hear a neighboring family’s song they will instantly pause their fight for the duration of the song and then pick back up again after it finishes. During the breeding months, less kooka songs are heard because normally one of the mates incubating the eggs and the mates wont singing a dusk/dawn song if they are apart. Conversely during the three months before breeding season (around June to September), one will hear more of the kookas songs because this is the time of the year when territorial boundaries are challenged. Kookaburras’ songs are used to advertise ownership of their territory too (Parry). These iconic songs are an identifying aspect of the kookaburra and contain considerable meaning in their everyday life.

As with most animals, death takes its highest toll in the first year of a kookaburra’s life. The main cause of kookaburra death comes from predation. For example, brushed-tailed phascogale (a carnivorous rat-sized marsupial that lives in hollow branches) licks the contents of the kooka’s eggs and enjoys preying on young nestlings. Cats and foxes tend to be the main cause of fledging death. Fledgings actually have a higher mortality rate when they leave the nest because they are no longer under the constant parental care. However, after a kookaburra gets past its first year of life his/her ability to survive greatly increases and he/she tends to survive for about twenty long prosperous years (Parry)!


Australian Species

The left most bird is a Laughing Kooka, while the bird on the right is a Blue-winged!

The left most bird is a Laughing Kooka, while the bird on the right is a Blue-winged!

The general habitats of the two Australian species.

The general habitats of the two Australian species.

The Dacelo novaeguineae species.

The Dacelo novaeguineae species. Listen to this kooka:

The two Australian Kookaburras are dissimilar enough in their habitat, appearance and behavior to be classified as different species. The Dacelo novaeguineae, according to Strahan were “dubbed by Sydney settlers as the: giant Australian kingfisher.” The current common name, the laughing kookaburra, echoes its laughing call and preserves an aboriginal connection. Over the past couple centuries this kookaburra has accumulated numerous names: alarm bird, breakfast bird, bushman’s/settler’s/shepard’s clock, giant or laughing kingfisher, Ha Ha or Woop Woop pigeon, kooka, kookaburra, and laughing jackass. All of these in some form or another describe these 400 to 470 millimeter length birds. The laughing kookaburra is cream white with brown accentuating its eye strip, wings and back. Only dominant males can have a bright blue rump, this is a species specific trait! Their laugh is also unique to their species, it begins with a “kook-kook-kook” (rolling/gurgling noises) and grows as the rest of the family chimes in to a loud staccato “kook, koo, koo, koo, haa, haa, haa”. This laugh used to be only heard in eastern Australia, but the laughing kooka has since been introduced to New Zealand, Tasmania, King Island, and Western Australia. Currently it can be found in eastern Australia, southern Australia, and southwestern Australia, Cape York Peninsula, and south to Cooktown. Actually within these regions there are believe to be the Dacelo novaeguineae and the Dacelo novaeguineae minor; the minor species is a subspecies. The subspecies is smaller and common in the Cape York peninsula and Cooktown areas. Both of these forms of the species can be found within urban parks and gardens, eucalypt forests, and woodlands areas. Within these habitats their nests tend to be either in a hollow tree or in a termite mound (the northern race) (Strahan). Although the species is quite commonly found in the wild, it is at some risk due to the loss of tree-holes from land clearance and ingestion of pesticides; it would truly be a loss to have this lovely laugh disappear from the world.

The Dacelo leachii species.

The Dacelo leachii species. To listen to this kooka

The blue-winged kookaburra is similar to the laughing in many respects, like diet and vocal and visual behavior, however there are key difference. The common name of this bird is derived from the large blue patch on its wing. It also has various names that are similar to the laughing’s such as: Leach’s Kookaburra, Howling Jackass, and barking jackass. The tell-tale difference of the laughing and blue-winged kookaburra is their songs. Kookaburras are not visually conspicuous, but they are vocally. Instead of sounding like a mocking laugh, their songs are compared to a machine-driven hacksaw and begin with a howling scream starting with “huff, huff…”and ending with an “o wow ow”. If kookas did visually stand out against their leafy habitat then their appearance would also give away their species name. They are approximately 400 – 460 millimeters long with pale heads and dark streaks across the crown and face. These features are also coupled with bright hues of blue covering their wings and back. There is a subspecies, d.l. cliftoni, which has a completely white head. In both of these forms of the species, the males’ tails tend to be dark blue and are distinct from the females’ tails of evenly barred blue-black. The d. lechii can be seen from Brisbane to Darby and its subspecies is found in Western Australia. These birds are often around creeks, in the tropical woodland areas, or perching near melaleuca swamps. Within these habitats one may spot a family of 12, which is common for blue-winged; however the laughing kookas are usually in families no larger than 4 birds (Strahan). These blue-winged birds are fairly common and a least concern on the threatened list, so it should be secure for the next couple of decades!

During my time down under my interactions with this iconic, beautiful creature were limited but memorable. Each morning in Kakadu National Park, I woke up to the majestic melody of the blue-winged kookaburra. I didn’t have a chance to spot one, but I was lucky enough to see a laughing kooka in Manly. My Australian visit wouldn’t have been authentic without this awe inspiring jackass. 🙂

Photographer: Jenna Freedman! This is the kookaburra I saw on Manly!

Photographer: Jenna Freedman!
This is the kookaburra I saw on Manly!


Work Cited

Christidis, Les, and Walter Boles. Systematics and Taxonomy of Australian Birds.      Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Pub., 2007. Web. 15 July 2014.

Forshaw, Joseph Michael., and William T. Cooper. Kingfishers and Related Birds.    Melbourne: Lansdowne, 1983. Print.

Parry, Veronica A. Kookaburras. Melbourne: Lansdowne Pty Lrd., 1970. Print.

Scott, Thomas A., trans. Concise Encyclopedia Biology. Ed. Friedrich W. Stöcker. Berlin:    Walter DeGruyter &, 1995. Web. 15 Jul 2014.

Strahan, Ronald. Cuckoos, Nightbirds & Kingfishers of Australia. Sydney, NSW: Angus &  Robertson, 1994.

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Pteropus: Flying Foxes of Australia


Pteropus: Flying Foxes of Australia

Bat fossil found in Wyoming from 52.5 mya)

Not only are bats are among only three groups of organisms that have evolved true, powered flight, bats are the only mammals that possess the power of flight. Much like their winged counterparts, they have evolved greatly and live in numerous habitats across the world. For several decades, scientists have classified bats into two suborders: microchiropteran and megachiropteran. Microchiropteran, or microbats are primarily carnivorous, with most feeding on insects. Megachiropteran, or megabats, are entirely herbivorous eating fruit, nectar, and pollen. All bats belong to the order Chiroptera, with all megabats falling in the pteropdidae family. The genus pteropus within the megachiroptera group contains the Old World bats, colloquially known as flying foxes. These members of the genus pteropus have dog-like faces with extended muzzles and large eyes, and this appearance led explorers to refer to the bat group as “flying foxes”. Australia has 8 endemic species of Pteropus and four species of flying fox.

Phylogeny & Evolution

The fossil record of bats is quite sparse though the archaeological evidence that does exist shows us that bats today are remarkably unchanged from their ancient ancestors. Bats first appeared approximately 65 million years ago in Africa before moving north into Laurasia and then back south into Gondwana.  From the little fossil evidence that does exist scientists believe that bats evolved from small tree-dwelling nocturnal mammals. Bats competed with birds for food sources and became nocturnal to adapt. These tree-dwelling animals would leap from branch to branch looking for prey and raising young, and “gliding membranes like those of the sugar glider” likely evolved to facilitate this process.

As a result of the limited fossil remains of bats, there has been much debate over the evolutionary path of microbats and megabats. Striking differences between microbats and megabats suggest that the two groups do not possess a close common ancestor, but instead are diphyletic. The convergent evolution of bats is also known as “The flying-primate hypothesis” as proposed by scientist John Pettigrew.

The flying-primate hypothesis of diphyly

Pettigrew and his supporters believed that microchiropteran and megachiropteran are not at all closely related, but rather are an example of strong convergent evolution. Pettigrew believed that megachiropteran are more closely related to small gliding primates. He also believed that microchiropteran evolved earlier than megachiropteran from small arboreal mammals like the tree shrew. Differences in anatomy and presence of echolocation in microbats, but not in megabats support this theory. Pettigrew published a paper stating that the similarity in the megabat and primate neural connections between retinal cells suggested that they may in fact be more closely related to primates than to microbats. Pettigrew et al. further constructed a phylogeny grouping two genera of megabats as more closely related to an early primate branch called the dermoptera or flying lemurs. On the phylogenetic tree microbats are categorized with the tree sloth as their closest relative. Such observations led to Pettigrew’s belief of diphyly in the major bat groupings.

The deaf fruit bat hypothesis of monophyly

However, similarity in appearance and physiology between the two groups suggests that microchiroptera and megachiroptera are monophyletic with a close common ancestor. This theory of common ancestry states that megabats evolved from existing microbats and simply lost their ability to echolocate while gaining distinct anatomical differences. This is the widely-held theory among scientists today, and definitive proof of bat monophyly came via molecular testing of amino acids and eventually of DNA. Teeling et al. analyzed four nuclear and three mitochondrial genes from 16 various species with representatives from the microchiroptera and megachiroptera as well as human, flying lemur, dog, and mouse to determine the genetic similarities. Through this testing, the group was able to reject the flying lemur hypothesis. Thus, megachiroptera and microchiroptera do have a close common ancestor.

Species diversity

Though all are classified as megabats, megachiroptera range tremendously in size. The largest flying fox in the world Pteropus giganteus is found in Pakistan, India, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. P. giganteus can weigh between 1300 and 1600 grams and have a wingspan of up to 1.7 meters. The smallest bats within the megachiroptera grouping are blossom bats which can weigh as little as 20 grams. The largest genera of flying fox is Pteropus and the genus varies greatly in coat color and pattern. Below are facts and figures about three of Australia’s more iconic flying fox species:

Pteropus Poliocephalus (Grey-headed Flying Fox)

The grey-headed flying fox has a collar of orange/brown fur around the neck with a gray head and gray fur sometimes flecked with other colors, only bat species with fur that extends down the legs to the toes.

 Pteropus Alecto (Black Flying Fox)

Pteropus alecto has the largest body of the four species of flying fox endemic to Australia. It has a wingspan of up to one meter. Pteropus alecto has a dark black body sometimes with patches of brown fur.

Pteropus Scapulatus (Little red Flying Fox)

Pteropus Scapulatus are much smaller than the pteropus poliocephalus and pteropus alecto. They weight between 300 and 600 grams Little red flying foxes often cluster together tightly while roosting. Males defend harems of two to five females. Unlike the vast migration range of the pteropus poliocephalus, pteropus scapulatus migrate only 20-30 km from their roosting space. Pteropus scapulatus tend to fly much lower than the other two species and as such are sometimes caught in barbed wire fences only one or two meters high.



            In general, the endemic Australia species of pteropus don’t stray far from the Australian coastline. Grey-headed flying foxes range from as far south as Melbourne through New South Wales, up to Queensland. The black flying fox lives close to coastal Queensland, through the Top End, down to parts of Western Australia. The little red flying fox lives more inland starting in Victoria, spanning the entire Eastern and Western coast of Australia.  The three bat species often overlap in habitat and as a result interspecies mating sometimes occurs.

Flying foxes migrate seasonally, driven primarily by food and climate. Bats cannot tolerate temperature extremes and have been known to die from heatstroke when temperatures rise above 40 degrees Celsius. Flying foxes will fly up to 1000 kilometers in search of food and roosting space. Unfortunately, as the grey-headed flying fox shares much of its territory with humans this trek for food can be sometimes long and uneventful as habitat fragmentation continues to occur.


During mating, male and female flying foxes share roosting space, but during child rearing (September to January) male flying foxes roost elsewhere. Male flying foxes pose a threat to babies still attached to their mothers as they are very aggressive and territorial as mating season approaches. Courtship involves females roosting in areas marked by territorial males. If females are interested males may begin a grooming session and if all goes well mating occurs soon after. Mating occurs from February to April and female flying foxes typically give birth to one young six months later around late September through November. Multiple offspring in a litter is quite uncommon. Little red flying fox reproduction timing differs from the rest of their genus, young are typically born in May, four months earlier.


Banksia flower

Most flying foxes eat by crushing fruit against their teeth then swallowing the juice and some pulp while discarding the seeds and most of the pulp. However, some seeds are swallowed unintentially and travel through the digestive system to be excreted later. In this way, they disperse seeds and help plant new fruit trees around their foraging area.

Eucalyptus blossom

Flying foxes are quite vocal. They use sound to communicate with other members of their species. They often communicate the location of good roosting or food sites to other bats. Only those bats that use echolocation roost in caves. Flying foxes roost in trees, using a keen sense of sight and smell to find their food. Flying foxes of Australia primarily eat the nectar and pollen from native eucalypts, melaleucas, and banksia flowers.

Conservation Status & Relationship with Humans

Many species of pteropus are threatened by human destruction of habitat or by capture for food. Fruit bats are considered a delicacy in the Marianas, and as a result were captured and killed in massive numbers. Fruit bat meat is also believed by some to cure various illnesses like asthma. Sadly, myths like that have contributed to the large-scale hunting of fruit bats in areas of the Pacific, Southeast Asia, and some parts of Africa. All species of the genus pteropus are on the CITES list forbidding international commerce or trade of their meat for consumption. Australian Black flying foxes and spectacled flying-foxes are listed as least concern. However, the iconic grey-headed flying fox is listed as vulnerable. Habitat fragmentation and disruption have affected flying fox roosting and foraging sites. Orchestrated mass relocation of urban grey-headed flying foxes is in part the cause of habitat disruption.

In 2011, Australia’s minister for environment protection approved a plan for the mass relocation of over 22,000 grey-headed flying foxes that had taken up residence in the city’s Royal Botanical Gardens. Proponents of the move cited tree and plant destruction as the cause for relocation. They displaced the bats by utilizing loud, disruptive sounds during the day, encouraging them to roost elsewhere in a quieter area. This method is not unique to Sydney. Melbourne Royal Botanical Garden staged a similar relocation earlier. Where the bats would relocate to is uncertain, though, several proximate national parks have been speculated as potential new roosting sites. The decision was highly contested by several bat advocacy groups who argued that the RBG had been a historical roosting site for bats and this relocation would be disruptive to their established rhythm. With the grey-headed flying fox listed as vulnerable, the move could have serious implications in the future conservation effort.

My adventures!!!

Though we went on numerous excursions in search of wildlife, not one brought me close to seeing a flying fox in person. I couldn’t dedicate an entire blog and presentation to an animal I hadn’t even seen in person so I did a bit of googling in search of a nearby roosting site. After doing a bit of research, I discovered that there was a local park where around 1000 grey-headed flying foxes roost. With Evan and Elizabeth in tow, I headed to Turella Reserve, a part of the Wolli Creek Park where regular bat-counting takes place. At first we were unsure about where to find the bats, but quickly enough we found a trail into the woods. Wandering along the path, I was growing worried that I’d led my friends astray and that there weren’t in fact any bats in the area, until I glanced to the side and saw a giant tree with huge black fruits hanging from it. Except…they weren’t fruits…THEY WERE BATS. I signaled my discovery with an appropriate shriek and the three of us gazed at at least 200 flying foxes in simultaneous excitement and horror. I’ve never been that close to wild bats nor seen that many in one place at one time. It was incredible and totally worth the two punches on our bus passes. We stayed watching until dusk when they woke from their sleep and flew out in search of food. Below are just a few of our pictures and a youtube link to the videos I was able to capture of the experience.

Youtube links:

Grey-headed flying foxes at Turella Reserve in Sydney

Grey-headed flying foxes at Turella Reserve in Sydney

Grey-headed flying foxes at Turella Reserve in Sydney

Grey-headed flying foxes at Turella Reserve in Sydney

Grey-headed flying foxes at Turella Reserve in Sydney

Grey-headed flying foxes at Turella Reserve in Sydney

Works cited

AAP with AG Staff. “Say Goodbye to Sydney’s Colony of Bats.” Australian Geographic. Australian Geographic, 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 30 July 2014.

Churchill, Sue. Australian Bats. Frenchs Forest, NSW, Australia: New Holland, 1998. Print.

Hall, Leslie S., and Gregory Richards. Flying Foxes: Fruit and Blossom Bats of Australia. Sydney: UNSW, 2000. Print.

Lin, Y.-H., and D. Penny. “Implications for Bat Evolution from Two New Complete Mitochondrial Genomes.” Molecular Biology and Evolution18.4 (2001): 684-88. Web.

Pettigrew, John D. “Wings or Brain? Convergent Evolution in the Origins of Bats.”Systematic Zoology 40.2 (1991): 199. Web.

Rosa, Marcello G.p. “Topographic Organisation of Extrastriate Areas in the Flying Fox: Implications for the Evolution of Mammalian Visual Cortex.” The Journal of Comparative Neurology 411.3 (1999): 503-23. Web.

Wilson, Don E., and Merlin D. Tuttle. Bats in Question: The Smithsonian Answer Book. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1997. Print.

Images Cited

black flying-fox

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The Emu: Australian Native Ratite



Class: Aves

Order: Casuariiformes

Family: Casuariidae

Genus: Dromaius

Species: Novaehollandiae


Dispersion of Ratites

As one of the seven species of flightless birds belonging to the ratite clade and native only to the Southern continents (its relatives include: living ostriches, rheas, cassowaries, kiwis, as well as the recently extinct moas and elephant birds), Dromaius novaehollandiae, commonly known as the emu,continue to fascinate evolutionary biologists who have been questioning their phylogeny for over a century.

Historically, there has been much contention over the origin of ratites. Before the theory of continental drift became widely accepted, there were two recognized arguments: that ratites came to be as they are by convergent evolution, or divergent evolution. The convergent evolution hypothesis claims that ratites are of polyphyletic origin, that they arose on any given continent from flying ancestors and then later became flightless and “convergently similar in anatomy and way of life to the ratites on other continents (Prager et al. 1976) .” According to the divergent evolution hypothesis, the ratites’ common ancestor was much more similar to them and reached their currently inhabited continents by walking across land bridges; this suggests that they are of monophyletic origin. Now that geologists have confirmed the existence of land bridges between the southern continents during the Cretaceous period, ornithologists mostly prefer the monophyly hypothesis and the theory of divergence is most commonly accepted.

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Figure A

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Figure B







Figure A shows the “geographic distribution of ratites and tinamous. The numbers within the dashed lines indicate, in millions of years ago, the times of disappearance of land bridges between the continent~ and islands shown. The ostriches, rheas, emus, and casso- waries, weighing 80-140 kg, are often known collectively as the “large ratites”, in contrast to the 2-3 kg kiwis. The tinamous, unlike the ratites, are able to fly; they are included in this figure since their phylogenetic relationship to the ratites is demonstrated. The extinct flightless moas and elephant birds existed in New Zealand and Madagascar, respectively (Prager et al. 1976).”

Figure B shows the “conjectural phylogenetic model for the origin of flight in 2 stages. The dark, striped, and clear areas represent flightlessness, non-sustained flight, and sustained flight, respectively. The number of species in the ratite-tinamou assemblage is less than I% of the nearly 9000 living bird species (Prager et al. 1976).”

Morphology and Species Diversity

Size (H): 1.5m – 1.9m (4.9ft – 6.2ft)

Weight: 18kg – 60kg (40lbs – 132lbs)

Top Speed: 40km/h (25mph)

Color: Black, Grey, Brown

Skin Type: Feathers

Distinctive Features:Enormous body size and large eyes

Ranging from 1.5m – 1.9m and weighing in at 18kg – 60kg, Dromaius novaehollandiae is Australia’s largest native bird, and second only in the world by height to its ratite relative, Struthio camelus (ostrich). Shaggy grey-brown feathers on the body and a naked, bluish-black neck and shoulders are characteristic of emus, as are reduced wings and long and powerful legs. Their feet have only three forward-facing toes and a small number of bones and associated foot muscles. They are the only birds with gastrocnemius muscles in the back of the lower legs. Their speed is attributed to their highly specialized pelvic muscles; they are Dromaius novaehollandiae’s “flying muscles,” in the sense that they contribute the same amount to total body mass as the flight muscles of flying birds.

Before European settlement, three different Dromaius species were abundant in Australia: Dromaius novaehollandiae, that remains common, and the small emus, Dromaius baudinianus and D. ater, which both became extinct shortly after European arrival. The island emus of Tasmania and the Maria Island have become extinct, leaving only the introduced population of Kangaroo Island to thrive in its breeding grounds.

Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 11.52.10 PM

Dispersion of Emus

The total population varies depending on rainfall, but it is estimated that the emu population is 625,000-725,000 and growing, with 100,000-200,000 in Western Australia and the remainder in New South Wales and Queensland. There are three extant subspecies: D. novaehollandiae novaehollandiae, which is primarily found in the southeast; the northern D. novaehollandiae woodwardi; and D. novaehollandiae rothschildi in the southwest. The three subspecies differ slightly in morphology; although all three are large and flightless, D. novaehollandiae woodwardi are slender and paler than the other two. D. novaehollandiae novaehollandiae sports a whitish ruff when breeding where D. novaehollandiae rothschildi has none and is darker.


Diet: Omnivore

Favorite Food: Fruit

Main Prey: Fruit, Seeds, Insects, Flowers

Lifestyle: Flock

Habitat: Open grasslands with bushes close to water

Predators: Human, Wild dogs, Birds of prey

Life Span: 12 – 20 years

Average Clutch Size:11


Dromaius novaehollandiae is endemic to Australia and lives throughout most of the continent. While climactic conditions (that affect food and water supply) may influence them to move, Dromaius novaehollandiae are rarely found in rainforest or arid areas and prefer to inhabit sclerophyll forests and savanna woodlands. They will reside in one area for as long as supplies last, and then travel up to hundreds of kilometers to a more suited location. They have even been known to traverse 15 to 25 kilometers a day.

As an omnivore, Dromaius novaehollandiae’s diet consists of plants, seeds, fruits, insects, small animals, and animal droppings. 

During nesting season (winter), the male and female remain together for about five months (this includes courtship, nest building and egg-laying). The female is the dominant partner during pair formation, and leaves the male to perform all of the incubation. At this time, the females will sometime find another male with whom to breed while her former male is bound to the nest, going the entire incubation period of 55 days without eating, drinking, or defecating.

Once they have hatched, the striped chicks stay with their father for four months, or until they can feed by themselves. They stay close together until they are six-months-old, newly full of feathers and ready to take on the world alone. They reach full maturity at 20 months at which time they may begin breeding .


Newly hatched chicks

  Conservation Status 

All three subspecies of Dromaius novaehollandiae have been deemed of least concern and are in fact growing in numbers. However, in recent years there has been a growing interest in the emu farming industry as the large birds are prized for their meat, leather, oil, and feathers. But with the average emu pair producing up to ten eggs a year under decent captive conditions, Australia’s largest native bird as at no risk of extinction.

Works Cited 

Cracraft, Joel. 1974. “Phylogeny and Evolution of the Ratite Birds.” Ibis 116 (4): 494–521. doi:10.1111/j.1474-919X.1974.tb07648.x.

“Isolation and Characterization of Micro Satellite Loci in the Emu – Google Scholar.” 2014. Accessed July 29.

Milàn, Jesper. 2006. “Variations in the Morphology of Emu (dromaius Novaehollandiae) Tracks Reflecting Differences in Walking Pattern and Substrate Consistency: Ichnotaxonomic Implications.” Palaeontology 49 (2): 405–20. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2006.00543.x.

Prager, Ellen M., Allan C. Wilson, David T. Osuga, and Robert E. Feeney. 1976. “Evolution of Flightless Land Birds on Southern Continents: Transferrin Comparison Shows Monophyletic Origin of Ratites.” Journal of Molecular Evolution 8 (3): 283–94. doi:10.1007/BF01731001.

Reid, J, and M Fleming. 1992. “The Conservation Status of Birds in Arid Australia.” The Rangeland Journal 14 (2): 65–91.

Photos and Fast Facts

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Marine Turtles in a (Nut)shell

Intro and Ancestry

While turtles are admired for their cute features and leisurely lifestyle, they actually hide a great deal of history under their shells. Australia is home to a diverse range of marine turtle species. Analyzing the distribution of these species provides a great deal of insight into the ecological history of the Australian biomes they call home.

The order Chelonia contains all turtle species, many of which are found in Australia. The existence of turtles in the land down under can be traced through the fossil record to an ancestor, Proganochelys Quentstedi, which lived approximately 200 million years ago. This progenitor wasn’t a shell dweller in the traditional sense. This turtle was unable to retract its neck into its shell; instead it flexed its neck in a vertical plane. To this day, a defining characteristic of its descendants is an ability to flex the forward-facing head at the neck joint, even when retracted in the shell. From this common ancestor, two main lineages evolved: Cryptodira and Pleurodira. The order Cryptodira lives mainly in temperate areas in the Northern hemisphere, and the only members of this family that exist in Australia are the marine turtle families Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae. Members of Pleurodira are found in Australia, New Guinea, and South America, making it endemic to the southern hemisphere. This group is unique, as it is the only group of reptiles with a distinct Gondwanan origin.

Cladogram Representing the Cheloniidae

The fossil record of Australian turtles is based mainly on osteological comparisons of skull anatomy. The earliest date back to two taxa of Early Cretaceous origin, the Chelidae and Carettochelyidae. Most of the historic groups have died, but the majority of remaining species of freshwater turtle are classified in the Chelidae family. Today, there are only seven total species of sea turtle, and six of the seven can be found in Australia. The six species found in Australia are the green, loggerhead, olive ridley, hawksbill, leatherback, and flatback. The flatback sea turtle, Natator Depressus, is endemic to the waters around Australia and Papua New Guinea. The flatback turtle has the most limited habitat of all, preferring shallow, soft-bottomed waters. Large populations of flatbacks rarely leave the protected waters of the continental shelf. Due to the threats imposed by habitat loss and predation by non-native species, the flatback turtle is classified as vulnerable to extinction.

Flatback Sea Turtle

Flatback Sea Turtle


The sea turtle population of Australia is of particular interest to many biogeographers. While marine turtles are found around the globe, they typically gravitate to a common habitat, preferring tropical and temperate waters to those at colder temperatures. The vast majority of sea turtles are found off the coast of northern Australia, and in areas off the coast of Queensland, though some nesting sites have been found on the coast of the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Temperature is a limiting factor in turtle reproduction, because turtles rely on warm sands and soils to form their nests and incubate their eggs. Sea turtles are especially vulnerable to extreme temperature changes. For sea turtles, sexual differentiation depends on the sand temperature during the middle third of the incubation period. Warm temperatures yield female hatchlings, while cooler temperatures yield males. In order to produce a viable population capable of reproduction, eggs must be laid in a temperate area.


There is a great deal of variety in diet between the sea turtle species. Some are omnivores that enjoy both plants and animals, while others have more specialized diets consisting of such things as jellyfish or sea sponges. Jaw morphology provides a great deal of insight into what a sea turtle may enjoy eating. For example, green sea turtles have a beak with serrated edges that allows them to munch on sea grasses and scrape algae off of hard surfaces. Loggerheads have strong jaw muscles that enable them to crush shellfish. The huge leatherback turtle has pointed jaw cusps so they can grab jellyfish and pierce their gelatinous bodies. Barbed cusps in the back of the throat ensure that their meal goes down in the right direction.

A Leatherback turtle's mouth

A Leatherback turtle’s mouth


Another unique aspect of a sea turtle’s diet is how it changes from hatchling to adult. Hatchlings are mainly carnivorous, eating a variety of items such as crustaceans, fish eggs, and pelagic mollusks. Adults of most species are herbivores, though there are some strange exceptions. Hawksbill sea turtles are known as spongivores; they have a specialized diet consisting only of sponges. The species of sponge in their diet are actually poisonous to nearly all other species, so they face much less competition for food resources. Loggerheads remain carnivorous for their entire lives, consuming crabs, conches, and whelks. One of the most interesting facets of the dietary habits of sea turtles is the extensive migration they make in search of food. The leatherback has been known to traverse the entire Pacific, following swarms of jellyfish. The sea turtles of Australia are also important for maintaining the health of the coral reefs. Turtles eat the algae surrounding the corals that would otherwise obscure the coral polyps.

 Conservation Efforts

In Australia, all 6 species of sea turtle are protected under the government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. The loggerhead, leatherback, and olive ridley are endangered, while the green, hawksbill, and flatback are classified as vulnerable. A national recovery plan for marine turtles was adopted in 2003, and regulates factors such as fishing and habitat destruction in an attempt to allow populations to recover. An interesting component of the restoration effort is how it takes the needs and culture of the native people into account when imposing restrictions on hunting.


Surprisingly, it is legal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders to hunt turtles and use them for food and ceremonial purposes. The native peoples of Australia have a unique relationship with the turtle population. Marine turtles are very important in their culture not only for their meat and eggs, but also for their traditions and customs. Hunting these species is an important way of maintaining kinship and social standing, and their shells have been used in rituals and ceremonies. Aboriginal communities are in the process of working collaboratively to find ways to respect both the ancient culture and the ancient creature.

 Risks Faced by Marine Turtles

Some of the greatest modern risks facing marine turtles are those imposed by commercial fishing nets. Because sea turtles are migratory creatures, they are likely to encounter prawn-trolling ships that use large nets to capture as many prawns as possible. The turtles can become trapped in the net, and many asphyxiate. In order to prevent this, new nets are being developed with turtle exclusion devices: separate parts of the upper net that allow the turtles to escape while still retaining as many prawns as possible. This solution satisfies both the commercial fishermen and the ecological conservationists, as it allows for a profitable trade to continue while preventing unintentional harm to a vulnerable species. Education efforts in Australia and beyond intend to help ensure that sea turtles are around for many generations to come.


Successful Implementation of a Turtle Exclusion Device

Successful Implementation of a Turtle Exclusion Device


Works Cited

Fujita, M., Engstrom, T., & Starkey, D. Turtle Phylogeny: insights from a novel nuclear intron. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 31, 1031-1040.

Gaffney, E. A Review of the Fossil Turtles of Australia. American Museum of Natural History, 27, 1-38.

Jones, T., Bostrom, B., & Hastings, M. Resource requirements of the Pacific leatherback turtle population. PLoS One, 7.

Legler, J., & Georges, A. Biogeography and Phylogeny of the Chelonia. Fauna of Australia, 18, 1-18. Retrieved June 30, 2014

Morreale, S., Ruiz, G., & Spotila, J. Temperature-dependent sex determination: current practices threaten conservation of sea turtles. Science, 216, 1245-1247.

Marine turtles. (2014). wwf. Retrieved July 24, 2014, from

Diet of the Sea Turtle. (2014). SEE Turtles. Retrieved July 19, 2014, from


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Macropodidae: The Big Hoppers

Evolutionary history/Biogeography

Marsupials are some of the most bizarre and fascinating creatures on Earth. We know them stereotypically as kangaroos and wallabies, but there are in fact 280 living species. More specifically, the family Macropodidae includes all larger marsupials: extant kangaroos and wallabies for a total of 54 species.

Marsupial distribution is interesting as this class of mammals resides not only in Australia but also throughout South America and as far north as Canada. The ancient evolutionary history of the marsupial is somewhat controversial and only recently has one theory emerged. This widespread and seemingly arbitrary dispersal traces its roots back to the supercontinent Pangaea and its southern component, Gondwana.


Scientists now believe that the initial phase of marsupial diversification and radiation might have occurred in Laurasia towards the end of the Cretaceous period. The fossil record indicates that both placental and marsupial mammals were evolving quickly at this time. However, molecular evidence indicates the marsupials that eventually colonized Australia are not descendants of the original radiation. Geology also supports this as North America became separated from South America with the meteor impact that ended the Cretaceous. Therefore a second radiation must have occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period and beginning of the Paleocene. This theory is supported by a strong genetic connection to South American marsupials, which are thought to have quickly radiated due to mass reptile extinctions in the late Cretaceous. These extinctions opened ecological zones that were rapidly filled through adaptation. At this time in Earth’s history, South America and Australia remained attached to Antarctica forming the landmass Australasia. Additionally, Antarctica was not the icy continent that it is today, and marsupials would have been able to easily traverse this region. Much debate exists between scientists as to the exact method of marsupial colonization. Some believe that a single wave traveled to what became Australia and never returned. Others think that there must have been considerable back and forth movement through Antarctica for these strong genetic similarities to exist.


Nilsson, M. A., Churakov, G., Sommer, M., Tran, N. V., Zemann, A., Brosius, J., & Schmitz, J. (2010). Tracking Marsupial Evolution Using Archaic Genomic Retroposon Insertions. PLoS Biol, 8(7), e1000436. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000436

Early fossil evidence for marsupials in Australia was only recently discovered in southern Queensland. These 55 million year old fossils resemble Australian bandicoots and dasyurids, but more interestingly several species of Peruvian marsupials, further evidence of the migratory connection between South America and Australia. This ancestor would not have hopped like modern macropods but lived in trees. One of the most interesting aspects of marsupial biogeography is their tremendous success and rapid radiation in Australia compared to other placental mammals. Even early marsupials were probably highly adapted to living in harsher environments. They were better equipped to survive the journey from South America to Australia due to unique physiology that allowed them to travel long distances efficiently. Upon reaching Australia, these ancestors found a place with substantially open niche space and this factor likely aided their rapid radiation. A fascinating comparison shows the convergent evolution of placental mammals on other continents and marsupials in Australia. This also shows the similarities between placental and marsupial mammals.

The first macropods are thought to have evolved around 23 million years ago but still were drastically different from modern kangaroos and wallabies. It wasn’t until a global cooling event that occurred 14 million years ago that macropods began to look like their modern descendants. As the world cooled it also dried, particularly in Australia and the landscape was now sparse and open rather than densely forested. Subsequent evolution resulted in anatomical and metabolic adaptations that allowed these animals to travel efficiently between food sources that were increasingly far apart. Other modifications include changes to teeth and jaws as well as specialized stomachs that permitted consumption of hard-to-digest grasses.


Macropodidae are extremely successful because they can live almost anywhere. Preferred habitat depends on the species but these animals can be found in deserts, woodlands, and rainforests. Macropus rufus (red kangaroo) technically inhabits nearly all of Australia, excluding the northeast most part where the climate is too wet. This species prefers grassy plains with some tree cover for shade. Alternate habitats include mulga scrub, saltbrush scrubland, extremely dry grassland, and even deserts.

Diet and Feeding

All kangaroos and wallabies are herbivores, eating mostly grass but also leaves and flowering plants. Red kangaroos have specialized feeding behavior and diet selection that helps them to thrive in a variety of conditions. During times of prolific rain their diet consists primarily of forbs. In the dryer months, shrubs are increasingly consumed and during severe drought, red kangaroos consume grasses almost exclusively. They intelligently make the connection between rain and food and will travel long distances to places that have recently received precipitation because of good grazing at that location. As human impact on the land has grown, red kangaroos have learned to benefit from this intrusion by grazing on the open plains cultivated by cattle farmers during desperate times.

Adaptations and reproduction

The macropodidae family displays many adaptations that allow for widespread success but the most fascinating are those that allow them to endure severe heat and dryness. Instinctively these animals seek shelter under shading flora (typically mulga bushes or saltbushes). They also stand with their tail beneath their bodies, effectively shading themselves. Like other mammals, kangaroos pant but this is particularly useful in the dry habitats of Australia because it effectively cools the core and brain without requiring loss of precious water. Unlike some other mammals, macropodidae can also sweat. Instead of sweating indiscriminately, this method of cooling is only utilized during periods of intense exercise.

Besides their unique pouches, kangaroos are perhaps best known for their unique mode of transportation, hopping. Using a combination of elastic tendons and extremely large feet, macropods are able to jump incredible distances in a single bound. While not effective at slow speeds (most kangaroos use a pentapedal gait for this), hopping is significantly more energy efficient at high rates of travel. Studies show that above 18 km/hour, hopping requires much less energy than quadrapedal running. To travel faster, a kangaroo increases the distance each hop carries it, rather than increasing the rate of physical exertion.

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Mammalian reproduction is can be very difficult and physically taxing, but it’s also critical for species survival. Kangaroo reproductive habits and anatomy are both strange and useful. Most macropodidae are able to breed all year round, and this opportunistic reproduction allows them to easily survive natural disasters and other short-term population declines. In the case of the red and grey kangaroos and some other macropodidae species, mothers can have independent young approximately every 240 days. Unlike other mammals, kangaroos have double the sex organs. This fact combined with pouch development (rather than extended uterus gestation) means that a female can mate just days after giving birth. A phenomenon known as embryonic diapause lets the fertilized egg effectively remain dormant within the uterus until the already-born joey leaves the pouch. After approximately 35 days, the gestation period concludes and the tiny joey climbs into its mother’s pouch to begin suckling. Joeys will predominantly reside in the pouch until they are around 235 days old, at which point they leave for good.


Unlike many other unique species of Australia, most macropodidae maintain a healthy (sometimes too healthy) population. Larger varieties such as the red kangaroo thrived with the expansion of Europeans into Australia. Dingo populations were reduced and well-tended fields meant to feed cattle provided a reliable source of food. In fact, several state governments have recently published management strategies for excessive populations that include harvesting.

However, there are some localized threats including rural land use and urbanization. Kangaroos are often attracted to roadside habitats, probably because they tend to be less dense but sadly, the fragmentation of these areas by roads results in vehicle collisions. Habitat loss has the potential to increasingly effect macropod species that require wooded areas such as the tree kangaroo since these habitats are already somewhat rare in Australia. Fortunately the macropodidae group appears to be predominately safe from the extinction threats that affect many other animals in Australia and most species have and IUCN status of ‘least concern.’



Archer, M., & Bartholomai, A. (1978). Tertiary mammals of Australia: a synoptic review. Alcheringa2(1), 1-19.

Bailey, P. T. (1971). The Red kangaroo, Megaleia rufa (Desmarest), in north-western New South Wales. 1. Movements. Wildlife Research16(1), 11-28.

Coulson, G., & Eldridge, M. (2010). Macropods: The Biology of Kangaroos, Wallabies and Rat-kangaroos. CSIRO PUBLISHING. Retrieved from

Cowen, R. (2013). History of life. John Wiley & Sons.

Dawson, T. J. (1995). Kangaroos: the biology of the largest marsupials. Ithaca, N.Y: Comstock Pub. Associates.

Dawson, T. J., & Taylor, C. R. (1973). Energetic cost of locomotion in kangaroos.

Kirsch, J. A. W. (1984). Marsupial origins: taxonomic and biological considerations. Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia, 627-631.

Nilsson, M. A., Arnason, U., Spencer, P. B. S., & Janke, A. (2004). Marsupial relationships and a timeline for marsupial radiation in South Gondwana. Gene, 340(2), 189–196. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2004.07.040

Springer, M. S., Kirsch, J. A., & Case, J. A. (1997). The chronicle of marsupial evolution. Molecular evolution and adaptive radiation, 129-161.

Tyndale-Biscoe, H. (2005). Life of marsupials.

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Class- Aves

Order- Sphenisciformes

Family- Spheniscidae (Penguins)


Evolutionary History of Penguins


Penguins, Sphenisciformes, are the only order within the class Aves that are a homogeneous group of flightless, aquatic birds (Hoyo 140). Sphenisciformes comprises only one family, Spheniscidae. There are 17 currently recognized species: Aptenodytes forester, A. patagonicus, Eudyptes chrysocome, E. chrysolophus, E. pachyrrhynchus, E. schlegeli, E. sclateri, E. robustus, Eudyptula minor, Megadyptes antipodes, Pygoscelis adeliae, P. antartica, P. papua, Spheniscus demersus, S. humboldti, S. magellanicus, and S. mendiculus (Bertelli 211).

Divergence from a common ancestor happened probably in the late Eocene, 45 million years ago (Marchant 125). Penguins are descended from ancestors who had the power of flight but their “evolutionary energy” has “transformed their wings into flippers” (Bertelli 211, Hoyo 140). Skeletal modifications have developed their upright locomotion, adapting these sea birds to a lifestyle suited for both land and water (Bertelli 211). Their closest relatives, according to a combination of morphology and mitochondrial sequences, appear to be the divers, Gaviiformes, the petrels and the allies, Procellariiformes (Hoyo 140).

The first remains of a fossil penguin were found in New Zealand, the species was named Palaeeudyptes antarcticus by T. H. Huxley in 1859 (Hoyo 140). The fossilized bone found displays a “fusion of the tarsus and the metatarsus in a way peculiar to penguins” (Hoyo 140). Penguin fossils have since been discovered in New Zealand, Australia, South America, Antarctica, southern Africa and various islands of the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic (Hoyo 140). Penguins clearly originated somewhere in the southern hemisphere, but the exact location is still to be determined (Hoyo 140). In Australia, New Zealand and the Antarctic penguin remains have been dated as far back as the late Eocene. No definite penguin remains have been found from earlier periods. The oldest penguin remains found in South America date back only as far as the late Oligocene (Hoyo 140). The oldest penguin remains found in South Africa date only to the late Miocene (Hoyo 140). While a more exhaustive evacuation for penguin remains is necessary, one can hypothesize that penguins colonized these areas later (Hoyo 140).

There are 21 genera and 32 species of extinct penguins known to science today (Hoyo 144). The extinct species were more diverse than the four extant genera, Aptenodytes, Eygoscelis, Eudyptula and Spheniscus, and reached greater sizes (Hoyo 140). The number of extant species in the family Spheniscidae is widely debated. Currently, 17 is the most commonly accepted number of species.


All living penguin species are similar in structure and coloration (Hoyo 141). They all have “large heads, short necks and elongated [bodies]” (Hoyo 141). Penguins’ have short, wedged shaped tails that they use as a prop when standing on land (Marchant 144). Their legs are “situated far back on the body causing an upright stance” (Hoyo 141). All penguins walk with a similar waddling, gait however they often prefer to toboggan on their bellies when on land (Hoyo). Penguins are a highly specialized group of seabirds; “their structure and physiology have been molded both by their marine habitat and the climatological peculiarities of their environment” (Hoyo 141) Most species of penguins exhibit “highly modified plumage” for insulation in cold conditions (Bertelli 209). Their feathers are “short, with broad flat rachis, and closely spaced barbs, especially near rachis and tips”. Interestingly their feathers are “considerably less water-repellant than those of other water birds” (Bertelli 209). Penguins also have small downy feathers that serve as a second layer of insulation (Bertelli 209). In general penguins coloration is “blue-black to grey-blue above, and white below” (Bertelli 209).

Biogeography & Species Diversity

Penguins can swim exceptionally long distances. Therefore they seem unsuited for a biogeographical study. However, they “exhibit remarkable nest-site fidelity, so the breeding ranges of penguins offer great potential for historical biogeographical reconstruction” (Bertelli 213). As a group penguins are isolated to the southern hemisphere. Though popularly associated with the southern polar region, most species breed on sub-Antarctic and even cool temperature islands (Marchant 125). The temperature range of the family is massive! Galapagos Penguins occur in “waters of 15 degrees Celsius to 28 degrees Celsius, while the emperor Penguin occurs in temperatures ranging from -60 degrees Celsius to 0 degrees Celsius” (Marchant 144).

Penguin distribution “is not random but closely related to cold water currents and food availability” (Marchant 125). The highest density of penguins occurs near convergences and upwelling (Marchant 125). These waters are areas of “high marine productivity that support extensive food webs” (Stahel 14). High levels of nutrients “result in increased plankton abundance, which in turn supports krill, fish and squid”, the exact diet of all species of penguins (Stahel 14). Species of the Antarctic and the sub-Antarctic feed on krill and cephalopods, while those that live further north tend to feed on fish (Marchant 144). Apentenodytes and Eudyptes are offshore feeders, while the rest all feed in inshore waters (Marchant 144).

Penguins’ bills are “composed of horny plates and its shape is adapted to suit the typical prey” (Hoyo 141). The bills are long and thin in species that are fish eaters, but “shorter and stouter in those that take plankton” (Hoyo 141). There are “distinctive bill-plates” in all species of penguins, as there are in all species of petrels (Stahel 14). For example the Eudyptes have bills that are very heavy (Hoyo 141).

Penguins become steadily larger as one travels south into colder temperatures, this is known as Bergmann’s Rule (Hoyo 141). The principle states “optimum size changes with the increased energy requirements in colder zones” (Hoyo 141). The species diversity by temperature is also reflected in there morphology. For example the area of bare skin near Penguins’ feet is often bigger in penguins of warmer regions (Stahel 14). One important exception to Bergmann’s Rule is the Gentoo Penguins; “the smallest representatives of this species are found in the southernmost, coldest regions of its range” (Hoyo 141). On the subject of size, sexual dimorphism is also present in all species of penguins to a very small degree. In general male penguins are found to be ever slightly larger than females. This difference is most notable in the genus Eudyptes (Hoyo 141). The greatest variety between penguins’ species is exhibited by their plumage coloration. Face and crown coloration are often distinct to each unique species (Stahel 14). Coloration varies from yellow to orange plumes or other colors; “Patterns of head are the most important character for field identification at sea” (Stahel 14).


Penguins spend the majority of their lives in the southern oceans but nesting habitats varies with distribution. Some species are suited to breed in a wide variety of places while others have more specific needs. Some of the more surprising types of nesting habitats include: Emperor penguins that use frozen seas to breed, Chinstrap Penguins that breed on steep slopes, Fiordland Penguins in wet, coastal rain forests and the Galapagos Penguins in volcanic caves or cracks in the rock (Marchant 144). Australia’s very own Little Penguins’ dig holes in its coastal sands for their breeding season (Fortescue 365).

Conservation Status

In general Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins are most abundant, while temperate and tropical penguins are less numerous (Marchant 126). The inshore feeders of these lower latitudes have suffered from over fishing and human interference resulting in damage to breeding grounds (Fortescue). These negative environmental factors have caused a noteworthy decline in temperate to tropical penguin populations. The Yellow-eyed Penguins are a tropical penguin species that’s population is worryingly small (Marchant 126). In regards to the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins “uncontrolled taking of adults and eggs for food and bait for whalers and sealers, from the 18th century to early twentieth century, reduced or destroyed some populations”. The King Penguins, in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctica have suffered the greatest (Marchant 126). However, an “increase of some species in the last 30 years is attributed to greater availability of krill because of a decrease of Antarctic whales” (Marchant 126).

As human society enters a time of amplified conservational planning, “the nature of habitats and ecological data which contribute to the well being of species” becomes essential (Fortescue). According to the Endangered Species Committee of 1992 certain penguin species will be more likely to be threatened with extinction than others. Those “endemic to islands, birds more than 500g, and those that nest on the ground” are most threatened. Through a biogeographical examination of species one can see that Australia’s Little Penguin, a1kg bird, ground nesting, and island-dweller, is a species most in danger of extinction (Fortescue). To protect the Little Penguins and other species in similar danger, increased data and conservational laws are imperative.


Works Cited:

Bertelli, Sarah, and Norberto P. Giannini. “A Phylogeny of Extant Penguins (Aves: Sphenisciformes) Combining Morphology and Mitochondrial Sequences.” Cladistics The International Journal of the Willi Society 21.3 (2005): 209-39. Print.

Dann, Peter, Ian Norman, and Pauline Reilly. The Penguins Ecology and Management. Chipping Norton NSW: Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty Limited, 1995. Print.

Fortescue, M. E. Biology of the Little Penguin Edyptula Minor on Bowen Island and at Other Australian Colonies. Vol. 1995. N.p.: Penguins, n.d. Print.

Hoyo, J., A. Elliott, and J. Sargatal. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 1. Barcelona: Lynx, 1992. Print.

Marchant, S., and P.J. Higgins. “Sphenisciformes.” Handbook of Australian, New Zealand & Antarctic Birds 1 (1998): 125-259. Print.

Peucker, Amanda J., Peter Dann, and Christopher P. Burridge. “Range-Wide Phylogeography of the Little Penguin (Eudptula Minor): Evidence of Long-Distance Dispersal.” The Auk (2009): 397-408. BioOne Online Journals. Web. 14 July 2014. <>.

Stahel, Colin, and Rosemary Gales. Little Penguin Fairy Penguins in Australia. Kensington: New South Wales UP, 1991. Print.







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Live Every Day Like Its Selachii (Shark) Week

Introduction & Evolutionary History

Although Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” has become part of cinematic history, it inaccurately depicts sharks. The film gave viewers not only one of the scariest motion pictures of its time, but also a negative view of these animals. The “man-eating machine” has an extensive evolutionary history and an important ecological role in marine ecosystems. However, their reputation amongst people has made it a challenge to raise awareness about conservation issues.

Sharks belong to the class of chondrichthyes, which also consists of rays, skates, and chimeras. This class is part of the infraphylum gnathostomata, the jawed vertebrates. Other characteristics of this super group include teeth and paired appendages such as pectoral fins in the first gnathostomes. These creatures roamed all over the “gondwanan waters”- there was no unique place to find them. Existing as early as the late Ordovician 460 million years ago, the “Jaw Mouths” specialized into four slightly different classes: the extinct Placodermi and Acanthodii and the extant Chondricthyes and Teleostomi.


Time scale of gnathostomes. (

Placoderms were armored fish that existed from the Silurian to the end of the Devonian. Besides being the earliest jawed fishes, records show that they were the first in the fossil record to show pelvic fins. Even though the placoderms had some of the most important developments in early vertebrate evolution, they could not compete with the extant gnathostomes that exploded during the Carboniferous period. Chondricthyes appear on the fossil record about 420 million years ago, which marks the end of the Devonian and the end of the placoderms. The armored fish could no longer compete against the early cartilaginous fish such as the Cladoselache and Ctenacants. The clade is separated into two subclasses, Holocephali and Elasmobranchii, that may have diverge 410 million years ago and diversified in the Devonian. The Carboniferous period is referred to as the “Golden Age of Sharks,” because the Elasmobranchiis underwent adaptive radiation that eventually led to 45 families of shark to arise. Further diversification during the Jurassic Period led to the rise of the batoids, which includes the skates and rays. Since then there has been two major sister clades within the Lasobranchii: Batoidea (skates and rays) and Selachii (sharks).

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Phylogeny of Chondrychthies (Wikipedia)

Selachii and their Characteristics

The sharks and batoids have many similarities. For example, most live in marine habitats with very few that have adapted to freshwater ecosystems. They also tend to grow to a considerable size due to the flexibility of their cartilaginous skeleton. Being cartilaginous fish hints that they lack true bone. Only their teeth, and sometimes their vertebrae, are calcified. Due to this reason, it is difficult to find complete remains of these organisms since preservation and fossilization requires very special conditions. Since the jaw is not composed of true bone, the teeth become somewhat unattached and these fish constantly lose their teeth. Any species of shark can grow up to 30,000 teeth throughout their lifetime.

Other defining characteristics include the absence of swim bladders, two-chambered heart, and placoid scales. The placoid scales, which are also known as dermal denticles. These scales are sharp, small-toothed like scales that act as the skin. The shape of these scales helps Selachiis swim faster. Rays, on the other hand, secrete a mucous layer to serve as their skin, providing protection against bacteria and other infections. However, the most defining characteristic of this group is the ampullae of Lorenzini. These sensors provide the ability to detect electricity in the water, which is an ability that greatly helps in the search for food. The development of this “sixth sense” may have played a huge role in the success of sharks and served as a huge advantage in competition against the now extinct placoderms.


Placoid Scales (,%20scale,%20muscle/Text3lnk.html)


Ampullae of Lorenzini (

Reproduction is basically the same for the two classes. There is internal fertilization by the use of two pelvic male claspers. There is diversity in the way that offspring are born. They can either give live birth to “pups” or give “birth” to an egg with the fully developed embryo inside. A great number of species are oviparous, simply laying their egg cases amongst rocks and kelp forests where the embryo grows and develops.


Shark Egg Case (

The differentiation between the Selachiis and the Batoids is more evident in their body shape, and location of their gills. Rays and skates have flat bodies that are usually in the shape of a diamond or oval. Unlike rays and skates, sharks have their gill arches on the sides of their bodies

Ecology and Background

Sharks are labeled as apex predators since they are at the top of marine food chains. Majority of sharks become active after dusk. For the most part they prey on smaller fish. The most recent sharks, such as the great white and bull sharks, prey on larger animals such as seals, sea lions, dolphins, and even some sea birds. Although they comprise about 1% of all living fishes, their ecological role is important in keeping marine ecosystems balanced. Being at the top of the food chains, sharks keep populations of certain prey at healthy levels by eating the diseased or dead animals.


Food Chain (

They are mostly found in tropical and temperate waters worldwide and many species have extensive migratory patterns. About 400 species are found worldwide where 170-180 of them inhabit Australian seas and about 70 are believed to be endemic. The Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland contains more than 50 of these species. Australian coasts are home to some of the most impressive shark species, such as the Great White, Whale, Basking, Tiger, and Bull sharks.

Australian Species

The infamous “Jaws” protagonist is a Great White Shark, the largest predatory fish on the planet. It can be easy to understand why it is considered the most threatening species, growing up to an average of 15 feet in length. It is found worldwide in cool to temperate shallow seas but is commonly seen in Australian waters. Although they have and pretty lengthy lifespan of 25 years, they do not reach sexual maturity until they are 20 years old. This late sexual maturation presents a challenge in their conservation. Currently, it is believed that there are about 10,000 Great Whites left in the wild.


Great White Shark (


Great White Distribution Map (

The Whale Shark is another species that although migratory, it spends a lot of time in Australian waters. They are the largest living cartilaginous fish whose ancestry goes back to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. They are one of the only filter feeding sharks found in planet. Besides their enormous size, they are usually recognized by their unique colorization. The pattern of lines and spots on their skin allows them to blend in to their surroundings. These sharks are currently listed as vulnerable.


Whale Shark (


Whale Shark Distribution (


More than 200 shark species are listed as threatened where 50 of them are vulnerable. Only the Great White, Whale, and Basking sharks have been protected internationally. Many of these sharks have been victims to over fishing issues around the world. However, the most concerning cause for plummeting shark numbers is the shark finning industry. This industry has been an important factor in reducing shark populations. A study estimated that about 100,000 sharks of various species are killed at the hands of fishermen in search for the famous shark fins. The shark fins are a delicacy in various Asian countries, where the cartilage from the fins are used the primary ingredient in shark fin soup. Various countries have begun to ban the consumption of these products, becoming aware that shark populations are reaching extremely unhealthy levels.


Shark Finning (

Although the recent limitations on the shark finning industry have helped certain shark species, conservation of these animals is still a huge challenge. A lot of people do not see sharks as an important species that should be saved; especially because of their negative reputation. Sharks have been the cause for various deaths in the ocean, causing for people to be scared rather than being appreciative of them. However, it is important to emphasize to such believers that sharks are not “man-eating machines” and instead are one of the most important keys to healthy marine ecosystems.

Australia became the 14th country to sign the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks. This Memorandum was developed under the Convention of the Conservation of Migratory Species. This treaty covers seven shark species, where six of them are mostly found in Australian waters. Two of the six species are the Great White and Whale Sharks. In 1999, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act made it an offense to kill, trade, keep, transfer, or injure any threatened species on Australian government land or Commonwealth waters without a permit. The Act also listed various shark species that were legally caught by fishers as threatened.

The Selachii clade is one of great diversity. It has been one of the most successful clades in evolutionary history; being present since the a bit before the Carboniferous period. They have an important ecological role in oceans worldwide. However, their numbers are dwindling at rapid rates and if further action is not taken, the only place where these incredible creatures will be seen are on the big screen.


Works Cited

“Chondrichthyes.” Chondrichthyes. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.

“Great White Sharks – Shark Pictures – Great White Facts – National Geographic.” National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.

Janvier, Philippe. “Gnathostomata.” Tree of Life Web Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.

“Shark Facts!.” Shark Facts RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.

“Sharks in Australian waters.” Department of the Environment. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.

Stevens, J. D. , R. Bonfil, N. K. Dulvy, and P. A. Walker. “The Effects of Fishing on Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras (chondrichthyans), and the Implications for Marine Ecosystems.” ICES Journal of Marine Science 57.476-494 (2000): n. pag. The Effects of Fishing on Sharks, Rays, and Chimaeras (chondrichthyans), and the Implications for Marine Ecosystems. Web. 26 July 2014.

“Whale Sharks – Whale Shark Pictures – Whale Shark Facts – National Geographic.” National Geographic. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014. <>.





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My Misconceptions and Adventures of the Daintree Rainforest

“Isn’t Australia too dry for a rainforest?” This was my reaction when I learned we were traveling to the Daintree Rainforest in Cairns–Australia couldn’t have tropical areas when all I had ever heard about the continent included the dry Outback, crocodiles, and kangaroos. Flying into Cairns and seeing the mountainous oceanside and luscious vegetation changed that misconception.

The Daintree Rainforest is over 400 million years old and is home to hundreds of endemic species, including the (too cute) Bennett’s Tree Kangaroo. Over half of Australia’s invertebrate species are thought to live here, with only an estimated 30 percent scientifically described. A whopping 350,000 people visit Daintree every year. However, Daintree was not always considered something worth conserving. In the 1980s, there was a call for a road to be built to connect Cape Tribulation and Cooktown that required the clearing of part of Daintree. Large crowds inhabited the area calling for the preservation of the rainforest, but to the public’s and federal government’s dismay the road was completed in 1984. However, the federal government won the war when Daintree was listed as a World Heritage Listing in 1988 that mandated conservation efforts.

After settling into P.K.’s Jungle Village, we took a walk to look at the various habitats within the camp area. The Daintree Rainforest boasts an array of habitats for numerous endemic species of plants and animals, including mangroves, creeks, swamps, beaches, rainforest, dunes, and open forests. Prop-rooted rhizophora mangroves grow along the creek, creating a home for marine life including eels, barramundi, rainbow fish, prawns, and waterdragons. These rhizophora mangroves have prop roots, called “snorkles”, that allow the tree to breath and shelter the tree against wind and waves. Tree snakes, saw shelled turtles, and eel-tailed catfish inhabit the creeks and swamps within Daintree. Deanna’s good eye for “critters”, as she calls them, spotted an eel in the shallow water, as well as a few other fish.

Daintree has many types of endemic species of plants, including the beautiful gardenia actinocarpa. An interesting fact: Daintree has the greatest concentration of flowering plants (angiosperms) In the world. Many species help disperse and colonize these flowering plants, such as the eastern tube-nosed bat. The seven species of fruit bats found in Daintree lick and pollinate trees and flowers, while the white-tailed rat (another endemic species) eats and distributes figs and other seeds along the forest floor. These fruits come from black palms, medinilla balls-headleyi, and many other plants.

To my surprise, I didn’t see that many eucaplyts but I did see my fair share of various types of palm tree, including the fan palm. Other plant species abundant in the rainforest included scirpodendron, and rattan or “lawyer vine”. Scirpodendron are plants with razor sharp edges that indicate areas with permanent bodies of water. Rattans are climbing palms that grow when another tree falls and allows sunlight to come through. These trees have spiny tendrils that wave in the breeze and catch onto other trees to pull them up. These are one of the longest plants in the rainforest–measuring up to 200 meters long. They also have efficient pumps that run water from the roots to the top of the plant at rates of a meter per minute.

The next morning we took a walk down the beach, chatting about coconut trees, the tide, corals, and hermit crabs. Never would I have thought that we would be discussing marine biology in a rainforest. Overall, this trip has taught me that there is a lot more in this world to explore than just what you hear about on vacation websites. Out of all the places we have visited on this trip, this has been my absolute favorite–the beach, rainforest, and the chance to see a cassowary and tree kangaroo all at once.

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Family Hexathelidae: Subfamily Atracinae–The Funnel-Web Spiders of Australia

Evolutionary History of Spiders

The class Arachnida includes not only spiders, but also ticks, scorpions, and mites, comprising over 640 families, 9000 genera, and 93,000 species within this class (Beavis, 2004). Spiders form the order Araneae, with over 110 families, 3,600 genera, and 39,000 species (Beavis, 2004). Forty species include the infamous Australian Funnel-Web spiders, such as the Sydney Funnel-Web (Atrax Robustus) and the Northern Tree Funnel-Web (Hadronyche formidabilis).

Spiders evolved on land about 400 million years ago shortly after Arachnids migrated to land with other arthropods (Gray, 2013). The earliest spider fossil is from 380 million years ago, when the earliest spiders (called the Mesothelae) had spinnerets under the middle of the abdomen, ate cockroaches and millipede, had parallel fangs, and lived on the ground floor (Gray, 2013). About 250 years ago, the Opisthothelae evolved to have spinnerets at the end of the abdomen like modern spiders, as well as learned to use silk as a safety dragline and catch prey (Gray, 2013). Aerial webs and modern prey-capture methods were adopted about 191 million years ago. While there has been a lack of spider fossils in Australia, other fossil records have shown that the modern spider is extremely similar to those from 30 million years ago (Gray, 2013).

Biogeographic & Phylogeographic History

The Atracinae comprise the Hexathelidae family, whereas the similar-looking “sister” species belong to the Dipluridae family (also known as the funnel-web tarantulas), both part of the spider superfamily Hexatheloidea. 174 species belong in this superfamily, found all over the world in the tropics of central and South America, Australia, Africa, and Central Asia (Hexathelidae). Yet how did these spiders migrate to these regions? The theory of plate tectonics may help explain the biogeography of the Hexathelidae and Dipluridae families. About 180 million years ago, Gondwana, the supercontinent that included present day South America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, New Zealand, India, and Madagascar, began to break apart as the tectonic plates began to move (Gondwana). Africa and South America broke away first, then the rest, until the breakup of Australia and Antarctica.

*Biogeography of the Hexathelidae family (

*Biogeography of the Dipluridae family (

The ancestor of the Hexathelidae family arose in East Antarctica in the early Jurassic period, then migrated into Africa, India, and Australia as Gondwana broke apart (Raven, 1980). Another ancestral sister group was the Pleisiothele, which migrated to Tasmania from Antarctica. The Pleisiothele group then crossed a land bridge from Tasmania to Australia and distributed into Laurasia, Africa, and India (Raven, 1980). The convergence of both of these ancestral spiders ultimately led to the Hexathelidae family.

Some species are often mistaken for Hexathelidae, including the trapdoor, mouse, and wolf spiders. These separate species build and reside in small holes lined with silk, but the difference lies in the fact that these spiders do not build a door for their burrows (Funnel-web spiders, 2013). Species from the Dipluridae family often fall into this category since they build funnel-shaped, messy webs (Szalay, 2013). The funnel-web tarantulas have a pair of vertical fangs, spinnerets, and range 3 to 15 millimeters in length. Their habitat includes living under logs, in the bark of trees, or underground, much like the Hexathelidae family (Dipluridae). The Sydney Funnel-Web (Atrax robustus) used to be categorized in the Dipluridae family before being moved to the Hexathelidae family in 1980 (Hexathelidea).


*Phylogeny showing clade encompassing the Hexathelidae family (

Species Diversity & Physical Characteristics

The Hexathelidae family is found is Australia, New Zealand, Asia, South America, the Mediterranean, and central Africa (Hexathelidea). The Atracinae subfamily is found in eastern Australia, with over 40 species in two genera: the Hadronyche and the Atrax (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). These two genera include the two most poisonous spiders in the world–the Sydney Funnel-Web (Atrax robustus) and the Northern Tree Funnel-Web (Hadronyche formidabilis).

Atracinae range from 1 to 5 centimeters in length, typically brown or black with no unusual markings, hairy, and glossy. Their eyes are closely grouped, have shiny carapaces, short spines on lower lips, venom sacs and vertical fangs that do not cross each other (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). Atracinae have a lateral pair of silk-spinning organs called spinnerets on the abdomen that are typically larger in species belonging to the Atrax genus than the Hadronyche (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). The Atracinae is the only subfamily with numerous capsules on the labium, making it a monophyletic group (Raven 1980).

Females have shorter legs and a larger abdomen whereas the lighter males have two modified legs for mating that females lack (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). Males have a spur on the second leg to hold the females fangs while mating (Sydney Funnel-web Spider).  Males live shorter lives, about 3 to 4 years, whereas some reports show that females can live up towards 20 years (Atrax robustus, 2007). The female lays hundreds of eggs in the burrow where the young spiders remain until they leave on their own. Female juveniles will leave the burrow after the first few molts to wait for a mate in their own burrow, while males will leave much later, about two  years after birth to search for a mate  (Funnel-Web Spider, 2012).

Another difference between male and female Atracinae  is more apparant with the infamous Sydney Funnel-Web (Atrax robustus). Only male Sydney Funnel-Webs are responsible for all recorded human deaths–this is due to the male’s venom that contains a unique toxin, robustoxin, that attacks the central nervous system (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). This toxin is absent in females even though females have venom. The male venom is over five times more poisonous than that of the female Sydney Funnel-Web (Szalay, 2013). Males search at night for mates during the warmer months, which is another explanation for the higher percentage of bites coming from male Sydney Funnel-Web (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013).


Australian funnel-web spiders (Atracinae) are found mostly in eastern Australia, from Tasmania to North Queensland (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). Since Atracinae are prone to drying out, they typically dwell in wet, cool areas that include temperate forests, rainforests, and urban gardens (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). Atracinae are found in highlands, such as in the hanging swamps of  the Blue Mountains, as well as in urban areas in New South Wales (Atrax robustus, 2007).

The funnel-web spider family is famous for its  method of survival–awaiting prey in a tunnel structure lined with silk  (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). Funnel-web burrows are mainly found under logs, rocks, tree roots, forests, gardens, or decomposing trees (Atrax robustus, 2007). This structure leads to a small chamber, sometimes more than 30 centimeters deep, where the spider waits at night for something to set off the silk trip wires outside the burrow. When something comes across the trip wires, the funnel-web senses the vibrations and lunges out to attack its prey (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). The Atracinae spider family is one of top predators–these spiders will not only eat small insects, but also prey on other spiders, lizards, and small frogs (Atrax robustus, 2007).

*Sydney Funnel-Web (Atrax robustus) in burrow (×300/Funnel_web_spider10001.jpg)

However, some funnel-web spiders do not live in the ground or under wet logs. The Northern Tree Funnel-Web (Hadronyche formidabilis), arguably the most poisonous spider in the world, inhabits rot holes in trees, while others live in deadwood trees to prey on insects residing within the same tree (Funnel-web Spiders, 2013). The Southern Tree Funnel-Web (Hadronyche cerberea) live in Banksia, Casuarina, and eucalypts (Southern Tree Funnel-Web Spider, 2012).

*Northern Tree Funnel-Web (Hadronyche formidabilis) (

The two main genera of Atracinae  include Atrax and Hadronyche. Both genera live sympatrically but favor different niches–the Atrax genus favors underground burrows, under logs or rocks, and sometimes gardens in urban areas (Beavis, 2004). Spiders belonging to the Hadronyche genus only burrow in decomposing logs. Therefore, spiders in the Hadronyche genus are habitat specialists and are highly sensitive to habitat changes. However,  Atrax spiders have a wider dispersal since they are able to live in various niches and thus must disperse to find new habitats to adapt (Beavis, 2004).

There is no current effort to preserve the Atracinae population because they are not an endangered species. However, as long as the Hadronyche spiders remain habitat specialists, it is ecologically important to preserve their habitats. The destruction or clearing of forests would likely negatively impact the Hadronyche population. Overall, it is important to recognize that even spiders should be protected.

Works Cited

Atrax robustus (Family Hexathelidae). (2007, February 7). Retrieved from Australian Government Department of the Environment Species Bank: (

Beavis, A. (2004). Phylogeography of Two Australian Species of Funnel Web Spider(Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Hexathelidae) in Tallaganda State Forest, New South Wales. Brisbane, Australia: United States Department of Agriculture.

Coddington, J. A. (2005). Phylogeny and Classification of Spiders. In D. Ubick, P. Paquin, P. Cushing, & V. Roth, Spiders of North America: an Identification Manual (pp. 18-24).

Dipluridae. (2013). Retrieved from World Heritage Encyclopedia: (

Funnel-web Spider. (2012, May 15). Retrieved from CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences: (

Funnel-web Spiders. (2013, May 6). Retrieved from Australian Museum:

Gondwana. (n.d.). Retrieved from Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Gray, D. M. (2013, May 6). Spider Origins. Retrieved from Australian Museum: (

Hexathelidea. (2013). Retrieved from World Heritage Encyclopedia: (

Raven, R. J. (1980). The Evolution and Biogeography of the Mygalomorph Spider Family Hexathelidae (Aranae, Chelicerata). Journal of Arachnology, 251-266.

Southern Tree Funnel-Web Spider. (2012, August 8). Retrieved from Australian Museum: (

Sydney Funnel-Web Spider. (n.d.). Retrieved from Australian Reptile Park: (

Szalay, J. (2013, November 25). Funnel-Web Spiders: Families, Bites & Other Facts. Retrieved from Livescience: (

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The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid

Coming of Age of the Princess  

Ursula, Triton, Eric: Lynn Zhang
Ariel: Elizabeth Kim
Aside: Madison Acton  


Act One: A Moment of Disbelief
Ariel and Ursula

Ariel: Ursula, I need your help…I am in love with a human. I cannot help but observe him from a distance every dusk and dawn. His presence makes my heart race and my tail flutter. But my father King Triton and my friend Sebastian both told me it was a horrible idea and that it would bring disaster upon us. I do not understand why. I have never felt so lonely and downtrodden…you are such a wise woman, you have lived in the human world for so long as a pet octopus, please give me some advice!!

Ursula: Well honey, I am afraid that I might disappoint you again…based on my knowledge…there is no way that any human could possibly fall in love with you!!!

A: Oh Ursula…why do you need to be so harsh…is it too much to ask for a human’s love even as a mermaid princess?

U: My dear, you cannot live in fairy tale forever, it is time to grow up and understand who you really are. Early humans from the region Malaysia first named your kind mermaid in their language because they saw your ancestors in a misty distance and thought they were the goddesses of the sea. But as time progresses they realized they had made a big mistake.

A: What do you mean, Ursula, my father has always told me that we are the most beautiful beings in the entire ocean!!

U: Well I am pretty sure every shark, turtle, sting ray, clownfish, catfish, mudskipper daddy says the same to their baby daughters…My dear, take a deep breath, I regret that I would have to reveal the truth to you…you see, your true name in human language is dugong. Most humans know you by an even less elegant name—sea cow! The reason is that you have a giant appetite for 50 kilograms of sea grass a day—ask yourself if I am lying or not. Look at yourself…Rather than soft beautiful lips you have a gigantic vacuum cleaner shaped snout. Rather than a chiseled nose you have two blowholes. Your kind can grow as long as 10 feet, and weigh as much as 1000 pounds (although I suspect you probably weigh a little more…anyhow). You are of a dirty grayish brown color. If you haven’t noticed, your body is not curvy, but of an enlarged pear shape! I have watched enough TV shows with my owner (thankfully he put my octopus tank in his living room) to know that giant pear-shaped girls do not appeal to human males!!

A: (Deeply appalled) No…this cannot be true!!! This must be a lie…I cannot be that different from humans!!

U: Fairy tales made you believe that your kind and humans are descendents from the same lineage, one remained on land, and another ventured into the ocean. But in fact you are more closely related to the elephants than any other living beings! If any human can love you, their love would not be romantic—they love your meat and skin and blubber! In fact, while you indulge yourself with this little romantic fantasy, your kins are being killed by motorboats, coastal pollution, strangling in fishing nets, and aboriginal over fishing!

A: (Extremely upset) Enough, Ursula, you are such a lier!! I have had enough insult from you. I never want to see your ugly face again!!! (Leave)

U: (With a contemptuous smile) Teenagers, no matter octopus, humans or dugongs, are such stubborn little creatures…never wanting to accept the truth, always living in fantasy…By the way, who has an ugly face?

Act Two: A Moment of Truth
Ariel and Triton

 Ariel: My dear father, if you have a moment, I would like to inquire you about some important matter.

Triton: Yes my daughter, I hope this is nothing related to humans…we have had enough conversations regarding that matter…you must not love a human!! They are incredibly dangerous!!

Ariel: Yes father, you have made this point very clear, but you have never told me why. I beg for your forgiveness, my dear father, in order to resolve my confusion I went to Ursula…our conversation went beyond my comprehension. Father, I ask you to be completely honest with me…are we really called dugongs or sea cows? Are we really so phylogenetically different from the humans? Is it really true that our kinds are on the verge of extinction, threatened by humans?

T: Alas, I know this day would come…but still a little sooner than I would like…yes my baby…as the king of our kind I have raised you in a perfect underwater bubble…although you are the most beautiful being in my eyes, you are indeed a sea cow to the human race.

A: Ursula was right after all…

T: Although I strongly detest the fact that the ugly octopus woman delivered the truth to you, I still appreciate her because it is indeed time to inform you about the fate of our lineage.

A: (Acting surprisingly calm and understanding) Daddy…you’ve always treated me like a little girl…now I am old enough to share your burden!

T: Thank you my darling, I shall then impart all of my knowledge to you. We are the surviving members of an ancient clade named Sirenia, originating in the distant Palaeocene era and reaching pinnacle diversity in Miocene. We resemble the cetacean order to which the seals and whales belong, yet we evolved from a completely unrelated mammal group known as Tethytheria. Our ancestors had strong kinships with elephants, although nowadays they roam the land while we swim the ocean. Nature drives the process of wax and wane, today only two families of our order persist. You have never seen your relatives of the genus trichechus because they live in the estuaries and in rivers. They differ slightly from you by size and color, also the shape of their fluke resembles that of a platypus. Together we constitute the only extant herbivorous marine mammals, yet despite our incredible value our survival is still threatened by the humans. My daughter, there is a reason why I forbid you from loving a human—some of them are indeed intelligent and empathetic, yet others can be senseless and cruel.

A: What a story, father…if you do not mind, would you tell me about the current status of our lineage?

T: With all honesty I shall inform you, our kind is dwindling down. We are born of some elegant traits, which ironically prohibit our prosperity. Our females give birth to children late and slow, with several years of intensive nurturing of each youth; we have exquisite taste for seagrass meadows, which greatly threatens us in an age when humans decides to wantonly pollute; our gracious movement and preference for coastal habitat also constitute a problem, since out of greed fishermen either spread nets into our territory or ruthlessly trespass with swirling metals…

A: Father…I am so appalled…how could you have concealed these facts from me for so long…

T: My precious little girl, as the king of our herd I endeavor my fullest to protect every member, using my special whistling sound to guard everyone from danger. Yet I cannot seem to prevent humans from hurting our kind, therefore the only thing I could do is to prevent you from knowing the reality…

A: Father oh dear father, how I appreciate your profound love, although I believe there is something I can do to help our lineage. I am no longer concerned about my petty romantic fantasy, I shall shoulder the responsibility of ensuring our survival. Father, if you can trust me, please allow me a chance to help you.

T: Daughter, your maturity astonishes me. Yes, you may, with all my blessings.


Act Three: A Moment of Reconciliation
Ariel and Eric

 At dawn, Ariel swims to the ship where Eric lives and finds him on the deck, watching sunrise, for the first time she decides to talk to this beautiful creature, but with a different state of mind

 A: My beautiful human friend, please do not be scared, I am here with my best intentions and a genuine will to talk to you.

E: Oh dear, are you a dugong, the mythical mermaid? Boy you are huge…but still beautiful!! By the way you can speak human language!! Just like in the fairy tales!!

A: Well there has to be a tiny bit of truth in every fairy tale…but I ask you to withhold your excitement and listen to me for a brief moment. My lineage is in grave danger from human’s unintentional trespassing and intentional killing, and my father, the king of dugongs, has been unable to prevent tragedy from occurring. I have observed you from a distance for many days and night—please do not ask me for what reason since a princess has to have her secrets—and I have seen you releasing stranded sea turtles and salvaging wounded humpback whales. I know you would at least be inclined to listen to me and to spread my words to the human species.

E: What an elegant speech, my respectable dugong princess…I am in awe of your courage and perception…I am so delighted to inform you that I am a marine biologist researching biodiversity on this vast ocean. It is my great fortune that you came to me and informed me of your plight. Now I could convince my kind to protect you and help you, such amazingly intelligent and beautiful creatures!

A: Thank you for the kind compliments my dear marine biologist friend, but words are feeble in the face of grave realities, how can you prove you would act on our behalf?

E: I can immediately think of three ideas of helping your kind. First, creating a marine special sanctuary encompassing your territory, where trespassing and fishing shall be gravely punished. Second, appealing to our government to enforce the existing laws protecting your lineage. Last but not least, working with the indigenous communities to gradually stop the harvesting of your kind, and helping them transition to a more sustainable lifestyle. How does that sound?

A: Truly amazing. Thank you my wonderful friend. I see a brighter future for my linage.

E: Thank you my dear princess. I see a brighter future for the human kind.

 The sun has lightened up the horizon, casting a golden hue onto the tranquil ocean. Ariel swims toward her distant home at a jubilant pace, disappearing into the burning blaze of the sun’s reflection.

The End.

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Sirenia: The Vanishing Mermaids


The ocean, vast and mysterious, has nurtured and sheltered one of the most fascinating mammal lineages on the planet—Sirenia. The sirenian order received their poetic name in light of the mythological sirens that lured sailors to misty shores. Their reclining posture when nursing and suckling their calves created an illusion of mermaids. Originating in Palaeocene era and reaching pinnacle diversity in Miocene, today the sirenian order contains only two surviving families, under which one species of genus dugong and three species of genus trichechus persist. Together they constitute the only extant herbivorous marine mammals.

Once broadly distributed, the mid-Miocene global cooling has restricted the sirenian order to tropical and sub-tropical regions. As habitat specialists that feed on coastal seagrass meadows, sirenians are susceptible to anthropogenic perturbations. The development and exploitation of coastal natural resources have casted profound impact on their status. As of the year 2000, all members of the order Sirenia are listed as vulnerable to extinction. Effective marine protected areas must be developed and current conservation legislation must be enforced to ensure the survival of the vanishing mermaid lineage.


The order Sirenia is comprised of four families, Prorastomidae, Protosirenidae, Dugongidae and Trichechidae, two of which went extinct in Eocene era (Prorastomiade and Protosirenidae). They are herbivorous marine mammals that have undergone a separate convergent evolution with other large-bodied marine mammals in the Cetacean order. The current surviving genera include the following four species: dugong dugon (Dugong), trichechus manatus (North American manatee), trichechus inunguis (South American manatee), and trichechus senegalensis (west African manatee)


Figure 1 A mammalia cladogram for living taxa (Shoshani and Mckenna)

Figure 1 A mammalia cladogram for living taxa (Shoshani and Mckenna)

Sirenia constitutes one of the five existent marine mammal clades. Although morphologically resembling the cetacean order, to which the seals and whales belong, the sirenian order actually evolved from an unrelated Paleocene mammal group known as the Tethytheria. Evolution has never failed to bear bountiful surprises—Sirenia shares a common phylogenic ancestor with the elephants (order Proboscidea).

Figure 2 Phylogenetic tree of marine mammals (Uhen)

Figure 2 Phylogenetic tree of marine mammals (Uhen)

Fossil evidence reveals that the earliest sirenians of the Prorastomid family were semi-aquatic quadrupeds that possessed limbs for terrestrial locomotion (Uhen, 519). They appeared to be estuarine mammals with diets resembling those of the modern trichechus. Meanwhile, the Protosirenidae—the sister family of Prorastomids—consisted of nearly exclusive seagrass feeders that resemble the present day dugong (Uhen, 519). Sirenians had become fully aquatic by the end of the Eocene, a period of high average global productivity and warm weather. The Dogongidae family arose from the Eocene as fully marine mammals with only vestigial hind limbs (Doming, 2). During this period, the sirenian tail flukes may have also diverged. Today, the trichechids possess broad, round tails while the dugongs have flukes that closely resemble those of modern cetaceans.

Figure 3 Simplified Phylogeny of the Sirenians (Domning)

Figure 3 Simplified Phylogeny of the Sirenians (Domning)

The sirenian order achieved great species richness during the Eocene era, and continued diversification through the Oligocene. However, the Mid-Miocene global climate cooling resulted in significant reduction of the Earth’s tropical zone and caused progressive loss in sirenian diversity (Doming, 2). Around 3 million years ago, the closure of Central American Seaway further diminished the richness of this order by fragmenting their habitat and blocking genetic exchange between populations. The Dogonginae went locally extinct in the Atlantic basin and Caribbean ocean while the manatees remained. Today, remnants of the Dugongidae and the Trichechidae families persist in the tropical coastal zones.

Behavior, Physiology and Ecology

The intricate evolutionary history of the order Sirenia, albeit thought provoking, can only partially capture the fascination of this lineage. Their unique behavior, physiology and ecology invite greater interest. Sirenians are funny mammals exhibiting a “somnambulistic attitude…typified by a sluggish, peaceful and vegetarian nature” (Martin, 150). Scientifically speaking, the slow and nonchalant nature of sireanians reflects a relatively low nutrient level of their diets (Domning, 1). These calm creatures are largely nocturnal, spending the day asleep with only their nostrils emerging on the surface of water.

All sirenians have been tropical or sub-tropical dwellers apart from the hydrodamalis genera (Steller’s sea cow), which inhabited the North Pacific coasts but were hunted to extinction in the late 18th century. Trichechids generally favor shallow lagoons and estuaries, whereas dugongs are completely marine. With their smooth, cylindrical bodies and unhurried motion, sirenians are largely defenseless against predators. Therefore, they carefully confine their habitats to waters “too shallow for the Killer Whale and sharks, and too saline for freshwater crocodiles” (Martin, 148).

As the only herbivorous marine mammals, sirenians could afford highly specialized dietary preferences. They feed primarily on angiosperms in the Hydrocharitaceae and Potaogetonaceae families, which encompass only about 50 species of plants (Doming, 2). Despite their stubborn fondness for the above-mentioned sea grasses, sirenians are not strictly vegetarians—when food resources become scarce, they have been known to feed on benthic invertebrates such as sea-pens, mussels and tunicates (Van Dyck and Strahan, 712).

Notably, during their long history of grazing on the shallow ocean floor, dugongs have developed corresponding physiological adaptations, such as dense, heavy skeletons that stabilize them on the sea floor while feeding, a downwardly deflected snout as well as broad prehensile upper lips for gathering seagrasses, and a massive stomach for storing large quantities of fiber (Van Duck and Strahan, 712).

Despite numerous shared traits, dugongs and trichechus exhibit subtle yet remarkable physiological and ecological differences. Dugongs are present in geographical regions between the 30 degree parallel, mainly inhabiting the warm waters of the Indian and southwestern Pacific Oceans. Their range spans at least 37 counties and territories. Regarding their physiology, the adults can reach a length of 8 to 10 feet and a weight up to 348 pounds. Dugongs have a large tail resembling the cetacean fluke, which can propel them at up to 22 kmh by broad up-and-down strokes. In undisturbed natural environment, dugongs exhibit gregarious social behavior, with large, strong old males acting as leaders of the herd and offering commands with specialized whistling sounds. In addition, dugongs also possess the fascinating capacity of cultivation grazing: they alter the species composition of seagrass meadows by intensive grazing, facilitating the growth of their favored fast growing pioneer seagrass species such as Halophila ovalis, while suppressing the slower growing dominant species such as Zostera capricorni (Gales, Hindell & Kirkwood, 386).

Figure 4 The known range of the dugong (Wikipedia)

Figure 4 The known range of the dugong (Wikipedia)

In contrast with dugongs, trichechus are much more localized and restricted, inhabiting primarily warm marine and fresh waters of western Atlantic Ocean. Trichechus manatus (North American Manatee) can be found along the coast and coastal rivers of southeastern North America, the Caribbeans, and northeastern South America. They can reach a length of 6 to 11 feet and a weigh approximately 440 pounds. T.manatus’ favorite habitats are warm, turbid bays and muddy estuaries. Trichechus inunguis (South American manatee) inhabit the Amazon River and are restricted to fresh water. They constitute the smallest of all sirenians with a length under 6 feet and a weight under 440 pounds. Distinct from other trichechus species, the T.inunguis possesses iconic white breast patches and elongated flippers. The last member of the trichechus genus, Trichechus senegalensis (west African manatee) are found in tropical West Africa, both on the coast and in coastal rivers. Trichechus can be distinguished from dugongs by their tail shapes, which resembles that of the platypus. Furthermore, trichechus are remarkably more independent than dugongs though they may congregate during cold season migrations (Harrison and King, 165).

Figure 5 How to distinguish a dugong from a manatee

Figure 5 How to distinguish a dugong from a manatee

Conservation Status

In 2000, all sirenians were listed as vulnerable to extinct. Several factors may have contributed to their vulnerability. First of all, the sirenians’ life history has resulted in low intrinsic rates of population increase. Compared to other marine mammals, sirenians reach reproductive maturity relatively late, normally at age 6 to 10. Their long gestation period of 13 to 15 months coupled with their low birth rates and long suckling periods all work against rapid population expansion.

Secondly, sirenians’ highly specialized habitat and diet requirements have made them highly susceptible to habitat destruction. The 1992 Queensland Hervey Bay contamination exemplified the detrimental effect of dugongs’ habitat dependency. In this incidence, silt and other pollutants from flood runoff contaminated 1000 square kilometers of coastal Queensland seagrass meadows. Dugongs that used to depend on this habitat were denied of the previously rich feeding ground. Many died in Hervey Bay. The rest moved down to the cooler waters of coastal New South Wales and most died in emaciated conditions resulting from starvation.

Finally, in addition to biological and ecological factors, anthropogenic impact has long strained the sirenian populations around the world. Accidental tangling in fishing nets or traps constitutes a major cause of dugong mortality globally whereas vessel strikes in Florida cause alarming number of T.manatus deaths. Aboriginal overhunting continues to threaten the survival of dugong populations in Australia. Moreover, pollution of seawater may obstruct with the natural growth of seagrasses species favored by sirenians. Seagrass dieback can result from sedimentation, in which particles block sunlight and reduce seagrass productivity, or nutrient enrichment, whereby explosive epiphytic vegetations outcompete seagrasses. Last but not least, humans also cast indirect impacts on sirenians. For example, acoustic perturbation such as boat traffic can disturb sirenians’ regular feeding habits.

Among the order Sirenia, dugongs have the best prospect for survival because of their more globalized distribution than the trichechus although comprehensive conservation assessments suggest that dugongs are also threatened in many regions. Dugongs are “at risk of extinction in East Africa, India and Sri Lanka, Japan and Palau, [with uncertain prospects] in the Arabian Gulf, East and South-east Asia and Pacific Islands, and with reasonable prospects in the Red Sea (Gales, Hindell & Kirkwood, 393). With its vast marine protection areas and low coastal population density, Australia is recognized internationally as dugongs’ last stronghold. However, the urban coastal waters of Queensland and regions close to major Indigenous hunting communities still present great challenges.

What We Can Do

Three common themes have appeared in sirenian conservation proposals. First, governments need to establish more effective marine sanctuaries. Sanctuaries are the most effective if they are embedded in larger comprehensive conservation area such as the Great Barrier Reef. In addition, current protection legislation necessitates better enforcement. Seventeen countries have legislation that prevents killing sirenians, but most of them fail at implementation. Last but not least, governments should also engage the indigenous coastal communities in the conservation effort, raise their awareness in sustainable harvesting, and offer financial assistance if necessary.






Works Cited

Domning, Daryl P., and Hitoshi Furusawa. “Summary of Taxa and Distribution of Sirenia in the North Pacific Ocean.” Island Arc 3.4 (1994): 506-12. Web.

Domning, Daryl P. “Sirenia (Dugongs and Manatees).” Els.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2001. Web.

Gales, Nick, Mark Hindell, and Roger Kirkwood, eds. Marine Mammals, Fisheries, Tourisms and Management Issues, Chapter 20 A Future for the Dugong? Marsh, Helene; Penrose, Helen; Eros, Carole. CSIRO Publishing, 2003. Print.

Harrison, Richard H., and Judith E. King. “Manatees and Dugongs.” Marine Mammals.Hutchinson & Co LTD, 1965. 150. Print.

Martin, Richard Mark. “Dugong and Manatees.” Mammals of the Oceans.Hutchinson Group (Australia) Pty Ltd, 1977. 147. Print.

Shoshani, Jeheskel, and Malcolm C. McKenna. “Higher Taxonomic Relationships among Extant Mammals Based on Morphology, with Selected Comparisons of Results from Molecular Data.” Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 9.3 (1998): 572-84. Web.

—. “Higher Taxonomic Relationships among Extant Mammals Based on Morphology, with Selected Comparisons of Results from Molecular Data.” Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 9.3 (1998): 572-84. Web.

Strahan, Ronald, ed. The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Angus & Robertson Publishers, 1983. Print.

Van Dyck, Steve, and Ronald Strahan, eds. The Mammals of Australia, Order Sirenia. Third ed.Print.



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Vombatidae A.K.A. Wombats

Phylogeny Diverging from placental mammals 110 MYBP (million years before present), marsupials have evolved into some of the most unique living mammals on the planet. Nilsson, Arnaso, Spencer, and Janke identified the first marsupial divergence to have occurred 69 MYBP between Didelphimorphia and the remaining orders. Gondwanan marsupials are the descendants of North American marsupials. The first South American marsupial fossil dates back to about 64.5 MYBP, indicating that South American marsupials are younger than 75 million years and that they colonized South America between 75 and 65 MYBP.

Wombat Phylogeny

Wombat Phylogeny

The Paucituberculata order (shrew opossums) diverged from Peramelemorphia (bandicoots), Diprotodontia (kangaroos, opossums, wombats, koalas), Dasyuromorphia (carnivorous marsupials), Notoryctemorphia (marsupial mole), and Microbiotheria (marsupial monkey) orders about 60 MYBP. The Diprotodontia order then diverged from the Microbiotheria, Peramelemorphia, Dasyuromorphia, and Notoryctemorphia orders around 50 MYBP. The Microbiotheria order then diverged from the Peramelemorphia, Dasyuromorphia, and Notoryctemorphia orders around 46 MYBP, which is the probable result of a vicariance event between Antarctica and Australia, which separated about 45 MYBP. The divergence between Tarsipes and the other Diprotodont species also occurred 46 MYBP. The Diprotodontia order is occupied by two main sub-orders, the Vombatiformes and Phalangerida, which diverged from each other about 40 MYBP. Wombats and koalas are part of the Vombatiformes sub-order, while kangaroos and opossums occupy the Phalangerida sub-order. The Vombatiformes have two families, the Vombatidae (wombats) and the Phascolarctoidea (koalas), which further diverged from each other around 35 MYBP. These two families are considered monophyletic based on morphology and molecular data. Phalangerida consists of five sub-orders: Macropodoidea (kangaroos), Tarsipedoidea, Phalangeroidea, Petauroieda, and Burramyoidea (last four are grouped as opossums). Using mitochondrial and ribosomal DNA sequence data, Osborne, Christidis, and Norman identified a clade of Macropodoidea, Phalangeroidea, and Vombatiformes, all of which were clustered as monophyletic groups. With nearly 70% bootstrap support, Phalangeroidea and Vombatiformes were recognized as sister lineages. Mitochondrial DNA sequences unearthed four trees of equal length, containing a group of Petauroidea, Vombatiformes, Phalangeroidea, and Macropodoidea. The results determined that Vombatiformes were basal to all diprotodonts (except Tarsipes). Taxonomy: Species Diversity During the Pleistocene, the vombatidae family consisted of nine different species of wombats. Presently, however, there are only three distinct wombat species: Vombatus ursinus (common wombat), Lasiorhinus latifrons (southern hairy-nosed wombat), and Lasiorhinus krefftii (northern hairy-nosed wombat).

All three species

1) Common Wombat    2) Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat    3) Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

The average size of a wombat is one meter long, weighing anywhere from 55-88 pounds. Wombats are stocky burrowing animals, with large, wide heads, and short, yet powerful limbs. Interestingly, they have tails that serve no purpose. Hairy-nosed wombats have distinct physical characteristics that set them apart from the common wombat. These include hair which covers the rhinarium (nose), longer pointed ears, and finer fur not seen in common wombats. The common wombat’s fur varies in color, ranging from a “pale gray to a rich brown,” while the hairy-nosed wombats have “silver-gray” fur. There is no difference in appearance between distinct sexes. Since they are burrowing animals, their skeletal structure is adapted to achieve optimum digging. In specific, their pectoral girdles (shoulder bones) are heavy and powerful, while their humeruses (bones in arms) are wide and huge. This in turn causes their forearms to be quite strong. In addition, their forepaws are wide and they have powerful claws. All these features allow it the opportunity to dig its home within the ground. Behavior Wombats live in large burrows with tunnels as long as 98 feet and wide enough to fit a lightly built human. The burrows have several entrances, side tunnels, and resting chambers. Their home ranges are usually less than 49 acres. All three existing species of wombats have different lifestyles. Common wombats are nocturnal, and live lonely lives compared to their relatives. Their simple burrows are distributed and only occupied by one wombat. In fact, one wombat may have several burrows, which it uses throughout its range.

Common Wombat

Common Wombat


Selfie with Common Wombats

Southern hairy-nosed wombats are more social. Except when they feed, then they like to be alone. Five to ten wombats co-exist in warrens, which tend to be big and intricate. Warrens are then connected by trails, which are marked using urine and excrement piles. Additionally, they are mostly nocturnal, except in the winter, when they occasionally lie in the sun.

Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

Northern hairy-nosed wombats are similar to their southern relatives. Instead of warrens, northerners have burrows arranged in clusters. The burrows within these clusters may have up to 12 wombats inhabiting them. They are like their southern relatives in that they use urine and excrement piles to highlight paths connecting the burrows within their cluster. However, they are like the common wombat in that they enjoy eating and resting alone (except mother and child).,d.dGc&psig=AFQjCNGtlMba1pHWrOJn9C-ieikHbHRASA&ust=1406178745691669

Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat Link Ecology and Biogeography Wombats are endemic to Australian woodlands. Common wombats live in areas with high rainfall such as temperate forests. They are common in southeastern Australia, including Flinders Island and Tasmania. The southern and northern hairy-nosed wombats inhabit somewhat arid open woodlands and grasslands. The southern hairy-nosed wombat populates a large area of central southern Australia, while the northern hairy-nosed wombat populates a small area in central Queensland within the Epping Forest National Park.

Biogeography of Wombats

Biogeography of Wombats

The diet of all wombats includes grasses. The common wombat specializes in eating sedges, rushes, and the roots of shrubs and trees. The southern hairy-nosed wombat feeds on forbs and woody shrubs during times of drought, while the northern hairy-nosed wombat feeds on sedges and forbs. Since wombats are nocturnal herbivores, feeding usually occurs at night. During the day, they rest in their burrows, which offer them protection from predators, like dingoes, and keep them cool from the rather dry heat radiating outside their burrows. Wombats are well adapted to their feeding habits. The coarse grasses they eat cause their teeth to wear down. Their open-rooted teeth allow these worn out teeth to be replaced by new teeth to enhance their grazing. They also have huge jaws that allow for short yet mighty chews on the fibrous grasses they eat. The small, chewed grass particles are then swallowed into the large gut for long periods of about 70 hours to extend the digestion of fibers. The digested material is then passed on to the colon. The long colon hosts specialized microorganisms that digest the cellulose from the plants. Due to their low basal metabolic rates, the long amount of time they keep food in their guts, and their effective digestive system, they are capable of staying in their burrows for long periods of time. Like all mammals, wombats have an internal reproductive system. As marsupials, however, wombats are born after a gestation lasting around 22 days. Common wombats are born at any time of the year, while hairy-nosed wombats are born during spring or summer. Newborn wombats remain in their mother’s pouch anywhere from six to nine months. Even after they have left the backward-opening pouch, they remain dependent on their mother’s for another year. It is believed that males compete with each other for the chance to mate with females. Conservation Status All three species have been affected by the arrival of Europeans 200 years ago. The English have cleared 75% of rainforests and 35% of woodlands in Australia, causing a major destruction of habitat for many animals. They also introduced non-native species, such as rabbits, which are now competing for resources with wombats. The introduction of the feral cat also added a predator to marsupials, whom only had few predators before Europeans arrived. Two of three wombat species are not endangered. The northern hairy-nosed wombat is critically endangered; making it one the most endangered mammals in the world. Sheep and cattle are assumed to be the cause of their decline, as they each compete for pasture. With almost 70 northern hairy-nosed wombats alive during 1995, there was a two-fold increase within this species from the 20-30 that existed in 1981 after cattle were eliminated from the Epping Forest. In the year 2000, there was an estimated 116 individuals within Epping Forest. More recent 2010 estimates reveal that there are about 163 in the forest. Although it may seem as though their numbers are increasing, it is important to consider that small populations tend to inbreed, causing a decrease in gene flow and increasing the probability of deleterious recessive alleles to be matched. If this were to occur, it would lead to inbreeding depression, and the species would become extinct much faster than it should.

Endangered Wombat

Endangered Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

Photo Source Interestingly, Tisdell and Nantha conducted a survey study in Brisbane to determine how the likeability and popularity of koalas impacted the funding and conservation of the species compared to that of northern-hairy nosed wombat. The researchers found that their sample liked both species, but koalas were liked slightly more. The global image of koalas has made a positive impact on Australia’s tourism industry, giving private companies and the Australian government monetary incentives to protect the species. Although Australians like the northern hairy-nosed wombat, the species is only a public good, making it more difficult to fund the conservation of the species. Sources Wombats General Wombat Diprotodontia Wombat Gondwana Wombat Extinction Wombat Conservation Wombat Government *Please note that I do not own any of the pictures attached above (except my selfie). Most of them can be found within my sources. Those that can’t be found have a source linked to them.*

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A History and Profile of Australian Whales

As one of the largest species that have ever evolved and the mammals best suited to aquatic life, whales have been depicted in art, literature, and folklore for thousands of years. There is, however, much more to the history of these incredible creatures than what is just documented by man. This paper will examine the origin and present-day ecology of whales, beginning with the phylogenetic evolution of the order Cetacea, and the diversity of families and species within it; it will then move on to focus specifically on Australian whales by studying their biological features and ecological role. Last, it will describe the conservation status and protection of Australian whales over the years.

Fossil evidence shows that the evolutionary history of whales dates back fifty million years ago. Whales are an interesting case in that evolution seems to have gone backward—after land animals arose from sea creatures making their way further up the shore, whales evolved much later from a few land mammals gradually going from the land into the water. Whereas whales might seem most similar to dugongs and manatees, DNA and molecular supermatrix analysis reveals that they are in fact more related to the order Artiodactyla, making them a close cousin of hippos and even more related to giraffes and moose than dugongs. In 1978 off the coast of Pakistan, a scientist uncovered the bones of what would later be called Pakicetus attocki (named after its place of discovery), the oldest known species of whales and cetaceans. Although at face value it seemed to be a typical carnivorous land mammal, their skeletons gave a clue to an important link to modern-day whales: the resemblance between their ear regions to today’s whales’. As Pakicetus attocki was still early in its evolution to whales, their ears suggest poor underwater hearing, and their lack of a middle ear also shows that it did not obtain dives at a notable depth. This changes with the next species in evolution, the Ambulocetus natans, whose recovered bones reveal through morphology and element composition (oxygen isotopes) that it could both swim and move effectively on land. It likely swam in the water by pushing its hind legs and undulating its tail, but although no attachment points have been found for walking muscles, it was probably not an efficient walker. Scientists have likened this creature to the modern-day sea lion. Kutchicetus minimus was an early whale that lived between 43 and 46 million years ago, which had even higher levels of oxygen isotopes than Ambulocetus, revealing that it spent increased time in the water. It had a long tail which aided in swimming, and nostrils that were further up its skull, which would eventually evolve to be the blowhole of the modern whale. The Basilosaurus and Dorudon were contemporary ancestors of whales; they were completely adapted to marine life, contained tail fins, small vestigial hindlimbs, and ears well suited for hearing underwater. They are the closest ancestral relative to today’s whales, which now split up into two suborders: Odontoceti and Mysticeti.

Evolutionary tree of a whale, taken from

Evolutionary tree of a whale, taken from

Phylogenetic tree, taken from

Phylogenetic tree, taken from

Whales, dolphins, and porpoises make up the order Cetacea, a group of highly evolved marine mammals. They are part of the kingdom Animalia; the phylum, Chordata; the subphylum, Vertebrata; the class, Mammalia; and the subclass, Eutheria. Cetacea, as mentioned above, branches off into two categories, Mysticeti (non-toothed or baleen whales) and Odontoceti (toothed whales). Baleen whales include right whales, blue whales, gray whales, and humpback whales, whereas toothed whales include many other species such as sperm whales, narwhals, beaked whales, killer whales, and many species of dolphins and porpoises. There are nearly 80 species of cetaceans, with 11 species of baleen whales and 67 species of toothed whales. Whales live in oceans all over the world, with some staying at higher latitudes during summer months and making long migration to lower latitudes during winter months. The specific destinations and journey of migrations depend on the particular species of whale. Sixty percent of species are found in Australian waters; the most commonly seen ones include the humpback, southern right whales, and killer whales, with the humpback and southern right migrating to Australia’s warmer waters every winter from Antarctica.

Mating habits differ between species of whale. Breeding often occurs in the warmer waters near Brisbane, where the female will return again to give birth the following year. Large whales may take as long as ten years to mature, whereas other cetaceans may take less than eighteen months. Often times, mother cetaceans are assisted in upbringing of the calf by the relatives, either an “aunt” or “uncle” whale or dolphin. The age range of cetaceans also varies, from dolphins that have a thirty year lifespan to whales that can reach sixty years.

The biology, morphology, and structure of whales are well-suited to aquatic life, even as mammals. Unlike fishes, their tail flukes are horizontal because they evolved from mammals, whose spines allow for up and downward motion rather than side-to-side. Thus, when swimming, their backbone undulates vertically, perpendicular to most other aquatic animals. Swimming is in fact made possible by reduction of interlocking vertebrae in the backbone and fibrous discs in between them. Their flippers are the equivalent of forelimbs in land mammals, as shown by comparison of the bone structure between land and marine mammals. On the other hand, the tail and dorsal fins of cetaceans are outgrowths of skin and connective tissue and have no skeletal support, with veins and arteries running through them to act as heat exchangers. The skin itself consists of several layers and has a thick layer of blubber under it to keep it warm in the cold waters. They are nearly hairless mammals, lacking both sweat glands and oil glands. Although cetaceans do not have a refined sense of “feeling” on the skin, nor do they have well-tuned eyesight or smell, their hearing is very developed and the most important, offsetting their other senses. Whales and dolphins are capable of both hearing a wide range of frequencies and also using echolocation (mainly among toothed whales) to locate prey and other animals. To feed, whales are proficient at diving deep depths, reaching depths of up to 999 meters and staying underwater for 90 minutes at a time. On the other hand, dolphins are not deep divers and can only stay underwater for about five minutes. Cetaceans are agile swimmers as well, reaching speeds up to 20-30 knots. Their efficient, streamlined body structure comes together to allow it to feed and play a vital role in the marine and land ecosystem.

Morphology of a whale, taken from

Morphology of a whale, taken from

Diets of cetaceans vary between baleen whales and toothed whales. Baleen whales tend to mass feed, engulfing large amounts of water and krill—small crustaceans–at once. As their name implies, baleen whales lack real teeth and instead contain two to three hundred flat plates at the edge of their jaws that function as filters for their food. After a baleen whale swallows its feed, it ejects the saltwater out through the baleen, leaving the krill in its mouth to eat. Toothed whales, alternatively, eat larger prey one at a time, feeding on animals such as fish, squid, sea lions, dolphins, and even other whales. Whales, however, do not have many predators themselves. Occasionally certain whales will attempt to eat other whales, but they are often so massive that this is not feasible. The species that nearly drove whales to extinction two hundred years ago was, in fact, humans.

Food web, taken from

Food web, taken from

Food web, taken from

Food web, taken from

Whaling in Australia started in the late 18th century, with the Davidson Whaling Station on the coast of New South Wales as one of the first commercial whaling operations in the country. The whales were used in a myriad of ways: the blubber was melted down and utilized as fuel for lamp fuel, lubricants, and candle, while the bones were made into corsets, umbrellas, and whips. Harpoons were used in early whaling, but as the industry grew, harpoon guns, explosive harpoons, and steam-driven whaling boats developed. This technology made whaling extremely efficient and drove the mammals nearly to extinction in the late 19th century. The dwindling number of whales forced the termination of the whaling industry in Australia, and all commercial whaling ended in 1978 with the shutdown of Cheynes Beach Whaling Company in Western Australia. The Australian government adopted an anti-whaling policy the year following, which permanently ended all whaling in Australian waters. Close to a decade later in 1986, Australia supported introduction of worldwide inhibition of commercial whaling in the International Whaling Commission. Furthermore, in 1999, Australia introduced the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act), which protects all cetaceans in Australian waters and creates an Australian Whale Sanctuary boundary where whaling is prohibited. Though policy has caused a noticeable rise in population recovery of whales, five species are still considered nationally threatened under the EPBC Act: the blue whale (endangered), the southern right whale (endangered), the sei whale (vulnerable), the fin whale (vulnerable), and the humpback whale (vulnerable). A number of efforts have been made to increase the populations of these species, including recovery plans for the five threatened species, reduction of noise pollution, prevention of ship strikes, protection of certain habitats, support of whale research, and organization of guidelines concerning whale watching.

Whales have been one of the most fascinating yet difficult creatures to study, and have had a long history. From the first land mammals daringly taking a step into the ocean to being hunted nearly to extinction millions of years later, these cetaceans have undergone many transformations, adaptations, and hardships to be where they are now. With the recent acts of conservation and protection of these crucial creatures, it is evident that human knowledge is being used constructively to preserve and learn more about these ancient mammals. Though progress has been made to rebuild the population of whales from past whaling, it is our next duty to delve further into methods to recover the last endangered and threatened species.

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Australia’s Venomous Snakes: Family Elapidae


Over half of Australia’s 156 terrestrial snakes are venomous, making it the only continent with more venomous than non-venomous species (Williams, Wuster, & Fry, 2006). The most venomous land snake in the world, the inland taipan, is endemic to Australia (Australia Museum, 2014). Death adders, lowland copperheads, and red-bellied black snakes also inhabit the continent while sea snakes swim along its coasts. These snakes are all members of the family Elapidae, or the elapids.

The inland taipan, Oxyuranus scutellatus, is the world’s most venomous land snake.

Fixed Fangs, Venom, and Build

Elapids are characterized by a pair of hollow, fixed fangs that inject venom from the rear of the upper jaw into prey. The rostral location of the venom delivery apparatus differentiates elapids and sea snakes from other snakes. Usually, the venom of elapids is neurotoxic, but some species produce myotoxins, procoagulants, and anticoagulants. Most species are incapable of delivering medically significant bites to humans. Many Australian species remain unstudied, and their venom may become a resource for future drug development.

Image depicting a typical elapid's fixed, hollow fangs and round pupils.

Image depicting a typical elapid’s fixed, hollow fangs and round pupils.

In general, elapids have smooth scales, slender bodies, and eyes with round pupils. Death adders are exceptions as some of these species are rough-scaled or cat-eyed (Shea, Shine, & Covacevich, 1993).

Species Diversity

Roughly 300 species in 61 genera are currently recognized as elapids (Keogh, 1998). Found primarily in the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Australia, Africa, and the Americas, elapids consist of big and small, colorful and dull, and banded and solid individuals. They range in length from 18 centimeter Drysdalia, crowned snakes, to the 5.6 meter Ophiophagus hannah, king cobra (JRank, 2014).  In the United States, the three species of native coral snake in the genera Micrurus and Micruroides are members of this family. These snakes are identified as venomous by the adage, “Red on yellow, kill a fellow.” Coral snakes in other parts of the world may be red and black, pink and blue, or have no banding at all (Szalay, 2014).

Eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius)

Eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius fulvius)

Blue Malaysian coral snake (Calliopsis bivirgatus)

Blue Malaysian coral snake (Calliopsis bivirgatus)

Cobras, a group of snakes found in Africa and Asia, are elapids that spread their necks into hoods when threatened. The four species of mamba in Africa in the genus Dendroaspis are diurnal elapids. The black mamba is one of the fastest snakes in the world; it slithers up to 20 kilometers per hour (National Geographic Society, 2014).

Of the seven families of snakes found in Australia, Elapidae is the biggest and most diverse (Phillips, Brown, & Shine, 2003). The genus Oxyuranus consists of the inland taipan, coastal taipan, and the central ranges taipan. The central ranges taipan was only discovered in the last decade through mitochondrial DNA analysis; this reveals the lack of exploration of remote areas in Australia and underscores the importance of genetic analysis in studying speciation (Doughty et al., 2007). Taipans feed on rats and small mammals, and their highly neurotoxic venom paralyzes their victims’ nervous system and causes blood-clotting. Notechis is the genus of Australia’s tiger snakes. These snakes give birth to 20 to 30 live young and received their common name from their alternating dark and light bands. Acanthophis are the death adders found in Australia and New Guinea. Death adders resemble other adders with their stocky builds and triangular-shaped heads, but they are not true vipers as they do not have long, hinged fangs. Their similarities are due to convergent evolution. Australian copperheads of the genus Austrelaps are also not pit vipers nor close relatives to Agkistrodon contortrix, the American copperhead (Australian Museum, 2014).

Evolutionary History

In the Cretaceous period (about 120 million years ago), it is speculated that the first snakes evolved from lizards that swam in the oceans or burrowed. The disappearance of limbs was a result of a modification of the Hox genes, the genes that control limb morphogenesis (Gilbert, 2000). Although the fossil record is poor, it is known that modern snakes diversified during the Paleocene (roughly 55 million years ago).

This marine lizard is a transitional fossil between lizards and snakes.

In the Miocene (approximately 20 million years ago), Australian members of Elapidae arrived from Asia. Upon their arrival, an adaptive radiation occurred in which elapids filled various ecological niches. This rapid evolution makes it difficult to determine the relationships between genera and species. However, it is generally agreed upon that the hydrophiines, the largest group of sea snakes, evolved from terrestrial Australian elapids 10 to 15 million years ago and radiated into 60 species. The Australian and Melanesian terrestrial elapids and sea kraits are also members of the sea snake subfamily Hydrophiinae. Their origin is Asian. Old world elapids found in Africa and Asia, like the cobras and mambas, belong to the subfamily Elapinae. It is suspected that their origin is Asian, African, or Afro-Asian. The Hydrophiinae and Elapinae combine to form the large family Elapidae (Keogh, 1998).

Two possible phylogenies depicting the relationship between terrestrial elapids and sea snakes.

Two possible phylogenies depicting the relationship between terrestrial elapids and sea snakes.

Evidence of the land bridge between New Guinea and Australia during the Pleistocene and even the Holocene (1 million years ago to 10,000 years ago) is supported by the sharing of several elapid species, such as Furina tristis, the brown-headed snake, Oxyuranus scutellatus, the coastal taipan, Pseudechis australis, the common king brown, Rhinoplocephalus boschmai, the Carpentaria whip snake,and R. nigrostriatus, the Australian black-striped snake. When low precipitation and freezing lowered sea levels, these species were able to migrate north and south and vice versa (Shea, Shine, & Covacevich, 1993).


Elapids mate in the autumn or spring, or sometimes both. Most elapids lay eggs (oviparous) although a few Australian species, such as the tiger and sea snakes, bear live young (ovoviviparous). Parental care for eggs or young has only been observed in king cobras. These snakes remain with their eggs to provide protection (JRank, 2014).

Depending on the species, terrestrial elapids may eat small mammals, birds, fishes, lizards, frogs, or other snakes. Some have specialized diets while others are less particular. North American coral snakes, for example, prefer dining on small lizards but will also eat frogs and other snakes (2014). Sea snakes munch on fishes, squids, or eels in coral reefs.

Elapids actively hunt, striking and biting their prey with their fangs. These fangs release venom that quickly slows the victim’s heartbeat, making it easier to eat. A unique adaptation of Australian death adders is to wriggle the tip of the tail in the air to fool prey into thinking a tasty grub is waiting to be eaten. When the prey gets close, the death adder strikes (Australian Museum, 2014).

Check out this death adder‘s grub-like tail!

Larger Australian elapids are generally diurnal, basking in the sun during warm days, while smaller Australian elapids are crepuscular or nocturnal, relying on transferred heat from objects and protected shelters for warmth. The activity of elapids varies by season. At the Top End, elapids are particularly active in the summer months when heavy precipitation occurs. In southern Australia, elapids may overwinter beneath superficial shelter and emerge during sunny, warm days (Shea, Shine, & Covacevich, 1993).

Elapids are suited to a variety of niches. Deserts, grasslands, woodlands, rainforests, and oceans make up a few of their habitats. Some elapids are found in rocky outcrops, like the Australian Hoplocephalus bungaroides, the broad-headed snake, while others have become specialized burrowers in arid environments, such as Ogmodon vitianus, the Fiji snake (Department of the Environment, 2014).

Three particularly hot spots for elapids exist in Australia: south-western Western Australia, south-eastern South Australia, and the region including eastern Queensland and extreme north-eastern New South Wales. These areas are rich in habitat diversity, providing elapids with more chances to specialize. Mixed vegetation thrives in the south-eastern Queensland region, and its subtropical climate supports animals adapted to both hot and cold weather (Shea, Shine, & Covacevich, 1993).

 Conservation Status

Herpetofauna include some of the most imperiled species on Earth. A combination of toxins, global warming, disease, non-native predators, over collection, and habitat destruction contribute to their declining numbers (Center for Biological Diversity, 2014). In Australia, several terrestrial elapids are listed as vulnerable. The broad-headed snake faces fox and cat predation. In addition, its range covers the populated Sydney area in New South Wales, putting its habitat directly at risk of disturbance and development by humans. Furina dunmalli, Dunmall’s snake, has lost habitat from mining, agricultural activities, and the draining of swamps. It likes brushy, wooded areas, and fallen timber and ground litter have become difficult to find. Invasive predatory and plant species threaten this snake, too. Denisonia maculata, the ornamental snake, is listed as vulnerable as a result of land clearing and the cane toad (Department of the Environment, 2014). The toxins in the paratoid glands of this invasive toad are enough to kill some snakes that mistake them for tasty meals (Phillips, Brown, & Shine, 2003).

Unfortunately, water is not a safe haven for elapids, either. In Western Australia, Aipysurus apraefrontalis, short-nosed, and A. foliosquama, leaf-scaled, sea snakes are restricted to coral reefs. They were abundant in the Ashmore and Hibernia Reefs during the 1970s and have since mysteriously declined, although their habitats are intact. Nine other species of sea snake have disappeared from these reefs in the last fifteen years. Possible causes include sedimentation, changes in salinity, and air-gunning during seismic surveys for oil and gas (Sanders, 2013).

Increased awareness and education can help erase the negative attitudes many people harbor toward snakes. The majority of species are quite reclusive and shy, and respect is all that is required to appreciate snakes and stay safe. These animals fill ecological roles as predators, and conserving their habitat and understanding their biology is crucial for their continued survival.

Me happily holding a non-venomous smooth green snake. Snakes rock!

Me happily holding a non-venomous smooth green snake. Snakes rock!

 Works Cited

Australian Museum. 2014. Search the Site. Retrieved from

Center for Biological Diversity. 2014. The Amphibian and Reptile Extinction Crisis. Retrieved from

Department of the Environment. 2014. Species Profile and Threats Database. Retrieved from

Doughty et al. 2007. A New Species of Taipan (Elapidae: Oxyuranus) from Central Australia.       Zootaxa, 1422: 45-58.

Gilbert, S. F. 2000. Hox Genes: Descent with Modification. In Developmental Biology Sixth         Edition. U.S.

JRank. 2014. Kraits Cobras Sea Snakes and Relatives: Elapidae. Retrieved from Net Industries:

Keogh, J. S. 1998. Molecular Phylogeny of Elapid Snakes and a Consideration of Their Biogeographic History. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 63: 177-203.

National Geographic Society. 2014. Black Mamba. Retrieved from

Phillips, B. L., Brown, G. P., & Shine, R. 2003. Assessing the Potential Impact of Cane Toads on Australian Snakes. Conservation Biology, 17: 1738-1747.

Sanders, K. 2013, February 21. Australian Endangered Species: Sea Snakes. The Conversation.

Shea, G., Shine, R., & Covacevich, J. 1993. Fauna of Australia: Family Elapidae. In G. J. Ross, P. L. Beesley, & C. G. Glasby, Volume 2A Amphibia and Reptilia. Canberra.

Szalay, J. 2014, March 7. Coral Sankes: Colors, Bites, Farts, and Facts. Retrieved from Live Science:

Williams, D., Wuster, W., & Fry, B. G. 2006. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Australian Snake Taxonomists and a History of the Taxonomy of Australia’s Venomous Snakes. Toxicon, 48: 919-930.

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42. That’s how many mosquito bites I amassed while exploring Kakadu national park, a gem in the Northern Territory of Australia, 171km southeast of Darwin. While some aspects of the outback camping experience may have (quite literally) gotten under my skin, I now realize that Kakadu may be the only place in the world where I can wake up to sound of a Kookaburra and later enjoy the sunset atop a mountain peppered with Aboriginal rock art. The cool thing about the rock art is that the stories depicted are still relevant in Aboriginal culture today. Getting to explore the land that has been incorporated in every way into native life was truly a privilege.


Rock Art at Ubirr







One of my favorite excursions in Kakadu was to Gunlom Falls, where we swam in nature’s version of an infinity pool. Even though getting there required a 90 minute brain-rattling bus ride on a 4WD-only road, the views at the end of our hike were most certainly worth the wait.

Gunlom swimming hole- don't get too close!

Gunlom swimming hole- don’t get too close to the edge!







The swimming holes at the top of the falls are supplied by the South Alligator River: an interesting misnomer, as there are no species of alligator native to Australia. Captain Phillip Parker King named the river in 1820, mistakenly assuming that the reptiles in the water were alligators. The infamous river beasts that call Australia home are actually crocodiles, and the saltwater crocodile is by far the most dangerous species to humans. Freshwater crocs are reportedly less vicious, but they all look pretty fierce to me. We got to see some crocs in action on our way into Kakadu, taking time to see a Jumping Crocodile Tour. The boat staff would dangle a huge chunk of buffalo meat over the water in an attempt to lure the crocs over to our boat. The croc would then propel its huge body out of the water to grab his midmorning snack.

3700 PSI of bite force  CHOMP

3700 PSI of bite force 

eyes on the prize

eyes on the prize













I was watching from the very top deck of the boat, thank you very much.

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On The Rocks!

 Some might call me cheap. Others might say frugal. I prefer “fiscally responsible”. No matter the term you choose to describe my spending it boils down to the same idea: I like to see value come from each and every dollar I spend. This guiding (financial) principle has served me and several of my classmates well as we’ve navigated the many ways to explore in Sydney. One of my favorite experiences thus far was at my favorite price: free.

In our maps of the city we found that free tours are offered around some of Sydney’s more historical venues. The one we chose chronicled the history of The Rocks, a bustling area not far from the Harbor, in a tidy 90 minute trek. Today, The Rocks is full of cute shops selling all kinds of things that make pretty gifts as well as bars and restaurants with loads of good food. There is even a regular market that shuts down the street each evening. There you can find all sorts of lovely hand-crafted Australian-made presents (at a price) for loved ones and friends back home. (For the not-so-loved try Paddy’s market in China town)

Our tour began a little after 6:00pm, in time for the city lights to begin glowing, dotting the skyline with yellow and white illumination. The Rocks area in particular is more dimly lit, and that in combination with narrow passageways and back alleys we wandered through gave the place an eerie feel typically absent during the daytime. The mood grew more appropriate as I realized that the history of The Rocks was a bit darker and spookier than I’d originally imagined.

Australia’s history as a penal colony is well-known, but few visitors know the more interesting parts of life as a prisoner in Sydney. For instance, the first prisoner caught breaking a rule was given the choice between accepting his hanging (the punishment for his crime at the time) or becoming executioner and orchestrating hangings himself! Most chose to become executioner and as such tended to be forgiving, sometimes forgoing hangings and letting prisoners off with a lighter punishment. The penal colony existed not only to punish, but also to rehabilitate and mold prisoners into upstanding members of society. To do this, executions were made public so convicts could see what fate befell them if they stepped out of line. Unexpectedly, these hangings became immensely popular among convicts and free men alike. The crowd grew so bloodthirsty that they had to cease these public displays and resume hanging people in private. An especially creepy part of the tour was the walk through a dark, narrow alleyway lit only by neon blue outlines of figures on the walls. Apparently, men blundered down the path enticed by scantily-clad women working alongside robbers known as The Rocks Push would ambush poor fools and rob them for everything they had.

The Rocks has a modern history as interesting and controversial as its storied past.  Many of the homes and apartment buildings along The Rocks are government-provided public housing for the poor. Property along the Sydney Harbor is valuable. So valuable that the government wants to relocate current residents, demolish existing properties and build million-dollar high-rises there instead. Many of the buildings in jeopardy have posters with a skull decrying their indignation and refusal to leave.

It’s these anecdotal accounts that made the tour so entertaining. At the end of the tour we did tip our guide so perhaps it wasn’t entirely free, but it was a small price to pay for access into Sydney’s rich history.

Walking across the bridge on our way to The Rocks.

Walking across the bridge on our way to The Rocks.

P.S. The Rocks gets its name from the rocks that the original settlement was built on. The shore along the harbor was incredibly rocky and the builders simply built on top of them. The unevenness and tilt to many of the buildings in the area hint at this original foundation.

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Discussion Questions

An Aboriginal Australian Genome Reveals Separate Human Dispersals into Asia

  1. Where did all human life originate?
  2. Using the phylogenetic tree in figure 1, describe the difference between the single and multiple dispersal models.
  3. What existing evidence conflicted with the single-dispersal model?
  4. What type of genetic data was used in this study?
  5. What model does the article finally support?

The Peopling of the Pacific from a Bacterial Perspective

  1. What is Sahul?
  2. How did this study analyze patterns of human migration?
  3. Why is it surprising that there was little gene flow between New Guinea and Australia?
  4. Is there any evidence of migration between New Guinea and Australia?
  5. What is Austronesian and where did it originate?
  6. Describe the pattern of divergence as shown in figure B. What lineages came first?


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Here’s a list of deadly animals in Australia!


Name: Inland Taipan

Scientific name: Oxyuranus microlepidotus

Inland Taipan



Name: Funnel Web spider

Scientific name: Atrax robustus


Name: Box Jellyfish

Scientific Name: Chironex fleckeri

Name: Honey Bee

Scientific Name: Apis mellifera

Name: Bull Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas

Name: Eastern Brown Snake

Scientific Name: Pseudonaja textilis

Name: Saltwater Crocodile

Scientific Name: Crocodylus porosus

Name: Common Death Adder

Scientific Name: Acanthopis antarticus

Name: Blue Ringed Octopus

Scientific Name: Genus Hapalochlaena

Name: Cone Shell

Scientific Name: Conus sp.

Name: Dugite

Scientific Name: Pseudonaja affinis

Name: Mulga Snake

Scientific Name: Pseudechis australis

Name: Red-bellied Black Snake

Scientific Name: Pseudechis porphyriacus

Name: Tiger Shark

Scientific Name:Galeocerdo cuvier

Name: Tiger Snake

Scientific Name: Notechis scutatus

Name: Redback Spider

Scientific Name: Lactodectus hasselti

Name: Yellow-bellied Sea Snake

Scientific Name: Pelamis platurus

Name: Great White Shark

Scientific Name:Carcharodon carcharias

Name: Irukandji

Scientific Name:Carukia barnesi

Name: Highland Copperhead

Scientific Name: Austrelaps ramsayi

Name: Common Lionfish

Scientific Name:Pterois volitans

Name: Collett’s snake

Scientific Name: Pseudechis colletti

Name: Bluebottle

Scientific Name:Physalia physalis

Name: Blue-bellied Black Snake

Scientific Name: Pseudechis guttatus

Name: Smooth Toadfish

Scientific Name: Tetractenos glaber

Name: Reef Stonefish

Scientific Name:Synanceia verrucosa

Name: Bull Ant

Scientific Name: Myrmercia pilosula

Name: Australian Paralysis Tick

Scientific Name: Ixodes holocyclus

Name: Giant Centipede

Scientific Name: Ethmostigmus rubripes


Welcome to the Land Down Under 🙂

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Welcome to the Land Down Under

Doing Things the Aussie Way

The first couple days of our month long journey through Australia started off in the capital city of the Northern Territory, Darwin. Darwin has a population of about 130,000 and is 112 km 2 which is roughly half the size of Durham. It’s a town with one main strip which, luckily, we are in walking distance of. If there’s one thing we can be certain of, it’s that we will be doing a lot of walking in this country. Australia is approximately the same size of the continental United States but has significantly less people. In fact, there are only two people per square kilometer on average! When looking at the geography of Australia, it’s quite clear why many places are uninhabitable. About 20% of the country is strictly desert and 70% is considered arid, semi-arid or desert. In the “Top End” where we are, it’s winter time, but we are in shorts and t shirts since it’s about 28 degrees outside. Well, 28 degrees Celsius that is. In Australia, like most other countries in the world, they use the International System of Units commonly known and SI. This is very noticeable when looking at speed limits and gas prices, and, of course, everyone gives you strange looks when you say “It’s 100 degrees outside!” It’s pretty clear that they do things a bit differently here, but it’s a great thing to banter about. Australians are fairly easy going people who generally love to joke around and poke fun at each other. Unlike the work oriented life of Americans, when 5 O’clock rolls around, work is completely over. They have a ‘No Ts’ saying here: “Not today, not tomorrow, not on Tuesday, not on Thursday.” Basically, relaxing is essential to their daily lives. One of the first Aussies we met as a group goes by Nick, who is a dean at the University of New South Wales. He’s helping us get acquainted with our new surroundings and helpings us get where we need to go. One of the first things he talked to us about is Jet Lag which most of us have. Australia is fourteen hours ahead of the United States so it took us a while to get our clocks in sync with theirs. We were exhausted around 8pm and most of us woke up around 4am. Thankfully most of us were solid within three days and really enjoyed our time in Darwin. Here are a few places we went.

Northern Territory Museum

Here we learned a lot about aboriginals and their artwork as well as some of the species that live in the Northern Territory. I found the aboriginal section of the museum very interesting because I love to learn about natives and their cultures. One of the quotes really got my attention because previous to this trip I was reading a book that discussed the relationship between science and religion, (more specifically Darwinism and Christianity) and the author had a place in the book where he said that the universe was created for us to discover. Here’s the quote that captured the essence of that statement.

“I am not painting for pleasure; there is meaning, knowledge and power. This is the earthly painting for the creation and for the land story. The land is not empty, the land is full of knowledge, full of story, full of goodness, full of energy, full of power.” –Wandjuk Marika 1995


There was also an exhibit on Alfred Wallace who we learned developed the theory of evolution around the same time as Darwin by studying island biogeography which is basically what our course is about. In addition to that, there was a wealth of information about animals in the Northern Territory. There were spiders, turtles, wallabies, lizards, and even the largest species of sea snail in the world! There was also a stuffed saltwater crocodile named Sweetheart. She weighed 780 kg, was 5.1 meters long and her snout length was 2.4 meters long. I think it’s unfortunate that such a massive and beautiful creature is stuffed and put on display, but I do have to say that he’s one of the last things I want to be in the water with.


Darwin Botanical Gardens

While we were there we saw Red-Tailed Black Cockatoos which are a rare species now and we even ate green ants! Almost everyone in the group gave it a try and we all agreed that they taste like sour apples. Liz, told us about their nests and how they make them. The ants are arborial meaning that they live in trees. Their nests are made out of leaves and a sort of mucus that their larvae secrete. They look a lot like a small package made out of leaves and the way these ants build their nests are quite fascinating. One of the ants uses its front and back legs to hold two leaves together while another takes the larvae and rubs it along the edges of the leaves to make it sticky. Then a third ant uses its front legs to sort of weld the mucus into place. The inside of this nest, surprisingly, isn’t that intricate-it’s basically hollow and filled with ants. We also saw a mango tree, Bayobab trees (you may have heard it from The Little Prince) and we even saw a huge wasp like insect dragging an enormous spider! Speaking of spiders, Australia has many deadly ones and for a  list of deadly animals check out my blog post about them.


Welcome to the Land Down Under 🙂

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Termites and Waterfalls – Litchfield Nat’l Park

Today was our first full-day excursion! Our destination? Litchfield National Park. Our goal? Learn about termites.


Although the termite isn’t the most glamorous animal in Australia, learning about them was actually a lot cooler than I thought it would be. That isn’t really saying much though, because my expectations were pretty low to begin with.

As we were driving into the national park, we started to see these tall, sand-colored, oddly shaped, boulder-like things popping up between the trees.

“How did those rocks get there?” one of my classmates asked. “Those aren’t rocks,” Rytas replied ominously.

That’s right. These monsters are termite mounds:imageIn case you just cringed, here’s a comforting thought: 3/4 of the mound is actually underground. That’s right, this is only 1/4 of their home. Oh wait…that just made it worse, didn’t it?

Ranging from little bumps in the ground to 6 meter tall “cathedrals”, the mounds are pillars of soil and cellulose held together via salivary excretions from the termites. They are built specifically to serve as termite mansions, but they often house other insects as well. They grow to this size because when the ground floods in the wet season the termites need a safe place to hide out.

Termites, like ants, are social insects. Inside the nests live termites at all stages of life. The queen rules over her minions: workers, soldiers, larvae, nymphs, and alates. The queen gives birth to all the larvae, who eventually grow into nymphs and go through the molting process. Some of them become alates (termites capable of reproduction), and fly off to start their own colonies. Others become workers; workers are blind, sexless drones that seek out food (it’s very robotic and kind of freaky). Soldier termites protect the nest, occasionally injecting venom into their enemies. In addition to their complex caste system, termites are voracious herbivores – supposedly 70% of all eucalyptus stems are hollow from termite consumption. That fact is either impressive or horrifying, depending on how you look at it.

One cool thing about Australian termites is how they’ve adapted to their environment. First of all, since bush-fires are so common, these termites (and their homes) are virtually fire-resistant. Another cool thing is that the same species of termite builds mounds of different shape depending on the type of land it lives on. If it lives in the dry bush, the termite builds the buttressed, cathedral-like mound in the picture above. But, if it lives in a grassy wetland (often times adjacent to the dryland), it builds a “magnetic mound”. These mounds are flat and long, and look kind of like giant gravestones. The weird thing is, they are all perfectly aligned North/South, so that they can catch the most sun. Pretty fancy, I know. (Scientists think that their instinct is mostly environmental, although some studies may show that the termites can sense the magnetism of the earth, which is pretty crazy)

Magnetic Mounds: imageWe eventually left the termites to do what they do and moved on to Florence Falls for lunch. Lunch was a nice break from the termite talk, complete with Australian flavored potato chips (honey soy chicken?!?! What?!!?). But, what came after lunch was even better than termites AND food: swimming!

We went on a short hike to the waterfall, which was stunning (as are most things in Australia, I am quickly learning)imageThe water was pretty cold, but very refreshing. A few of us scrambled up 5-10 feet on the red, slippery rocks in between the two falls and took some pictures. Once we were up there, we were met with a small issue: climbing back down. The rocks were a little too slippery to go back the way we came, but a brave little 7 year old showed us how to slide off them, introducing us to the most natural/painful water slide I’ve ever had the pleasure of going down.

Afterwards, Allison and Maddy decided to free-climb up the cliff to the right of the falls. When they got up there, they faced the same problem as before: getting down. Unfortunately, there was no water slide this time. They had 2 choices: die on top of the cliff, or jump. So, they blatantly ignored the warning sign advising swimmers not to jump or dive (because death had actually occurred in the past), and they both plummeted 30 or so feet back into the water.

imageThey both survived. So, naturally, I had to do it too. Evan and I followed their path up the cliff and plunged into the water after them. To be perfectly honest, I thought the climb was much scarier than the jump, but that might just be the diver in me talking.

imageThe few. The brave. The cliff-jumpers.

After swimming we went back to the apartments and then headed down to Mindil Beach for the weekly Sunset Market. It was like a mix between a state fair and a flea market, except the food wasn’t quite as fried and the goods were all Australia-themed. Stands selling boomerangs, seafood, and exotic smoothies were peppered by the occasional fire-breather, or aboriginal didjeridu player. It was very cool.

At the market I had a mango smoothie and some fried rice and paid way too much for both. Then I watched the sunset and splurged on a beautiful tapestry that probably isn’t Australian in origin and also probably won’t fit in my dorm. Oh well. It was worth it. Call it a belated birthday gift to myself? Yeah, we’ll go with that.

The sunset was amazing, once again. Check it out: imageAnd with that, we went back home to Alatai Apartments and crashed. Here’s to another exhausting, fun-filled day in Darwin!

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Sydney —> Manly

Friday, July 11, 2014

Map of the Sydney Harbor

Map of the Sydney Harbour

Map of the Sydney Harbour

Most of us probably didn’t realize how exciting our field trip to Manly would be. Beginning with the ferry ride, we got to see parts of Sydney that seem way cooler from the water than they do on land. Especially if you were seated on the right end of the ferry. I don’t think the view gets any better; you have the Harbour Bridge to your right, the Sydney Opera House and downtown area in the center, and the Suburbs to your left. Enough about the scenery, let’s talk about all the neat stuff Manly had to offer.


Blue-tongued lizard

Blue-Tongue Lizard

This is the blue-tongue lizard, which, as you guessed, has a blue tongue. We first learned about this little guy on our bush walk through the Blue Mountains. There, the guide told us that these skinks tend to travel an incredible 12-15 km every night, while stopping to visit several girlfriends throughout their journey. These players tend to prey on insects and grubs, which is why they are common in gardens. As you can see in the picture, the lizard we saw was sunbathing on a road in Manly. Don’t be alarmed, though; Rytas persuaded him to get on the grass, where he was safer.


Acacia: Golden Wattle

This beautiful tree is an Acacia, which is also known as a wattle. It is the Floral Emblem of Australia, probably because of its widespread distribution throughout the continent. Interestingly, Aussies celebrate Wattle Day on the first of September every year. Wattles flower throughout the whole year. However, they tend to flower more during spring and summer. One of the main uses of the wattle for humans is the tannin within the bark of the tree, which is extracted for tanning hides.



Banksia Leaves

Banksia Flower

Banksia Distribution

Banksia Distribution

I’d say Banksias are the quintessential flora of our trip. Even though they are not distributed throughout the whole country like wattles, we still see them everywhere we go. There are about 170 species of Banksia, of which 169 are endemic to Australia. Banksias, like wattles, have evolved to thrive in environments where fires are common. In fact, Banksias depend on fires to reproduce. The seeds produced by the plant are only released from their follicle when there is a fire.

On our walk with Johnny through Kakadu National Park, we learned the ways in which Aboriginals use Banksias. When the flower spike is dried out, Aboriginals collect them. Since the spike burns slowly, they can use it as a lighter, keeping it lit in a pouch (they somehow manage not to get burned). The spike can also be used as a natural water filter. Rytas also pointed out that these dried out flower spikes can be sliced horizontally and used as beautiful coasters.




Our introduction to the Kookaburra was quite pleasant. We learned how much Australians love this bird, and that there is a folk song dedicated to it. Our first actual encounter with the kookaburra, however, was not so pleasant. Being awakened by this bird on our first night in Kakadu was cute for a couple seconds. But when you can’t go back to sleep because it won’t stop singing, it becomes just a little annoying. Don’t take my word for it, though, because I am a city boy, and birds just don’t wake you up in the city.

Kookaburras inhabit areas with woodlands and open forests along the east coast of Australia. They feed on reptiles, like snakes and lizards, but also consume insects. As kingfishers, they pay attention to a specific area waiting for prey to pass. Rytas tried to feed a beef stick to the kookaburra in the picture above, but it wasn’t interested. Instead, it just laughed at him, like this.



View from Manly

View from Manly #SelfieKing

Although we got lost a couple of times, and sped through most of the trails, visiting Manly was quite amusing (sorry Stephania, you were missed). Check out this awesome view from the top of Manly.

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