Monthly Archives: February 2017

Congratulations to Edward for winning the poster award!!

Edward won the poster award in the Biochemistry Department retreat.  He presented his work on the mechanistic study of MoaC using the uncleavable substrate analog (published in 2015 Biochemistry).  In this work, Edward found a MS evidence for the covalent linkage of the dead-end inhibitor with MoaC.  Congratulations!!  This is Edward’s second time for the same award; his first award was in 2014 for his work on NikJ/PolH characterization.  This is the lab’s fifth straight year poster award since the lab’s establishment in 2011.  Last year, Abhi won the award.


Welcome Hai!

Dr. Hai P. Nguyen joined us to study fungal cell wall biosynthesis.  He received a Ph.D. degree from University of Toledo.  One of his key achievements was a successful development of a synthetic method to construct beta-mannosides, one of the most challenging glycosidic linkages to create using synthetic approaches.  In our lab, Hai will work on development of chemical biology approaches to study fungal cell wall biosynthesis and the mechanism of action of antifungals.  He will also work partially on the molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis.