National Anthems- Group E: Switzerland, Ecuador, France, Honduras

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Written by: Jordan Pearson (2013)

Edited by: Paige Newhouse (February 2015)



“Schweizerpsalm” (German)
“Cantique suisse” (French)
“Salmo svizzero” (Italian)
“Psalm svizzer” (Romansch)
Trittst im Morgenrot daher,
Seh’ ich dich im Strahlenmeer,
Dich, du Hocherhabener, Herrlicher!
Wenn der Alpen Firn sich rötet,
Betet, freie Schweizer, betet,
Eure fromme Seele ahnt
Gott im hehren Vaterland!
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland!
Swiss Psalm
When the morning skies grow red
And o’er their radiance shed,
Thou, O Lord, appeareth in their light.
When the Alps glow bright with splendour,
Pray to God, to Him surrender,
For you feel and understand,
For you feel and understand,
That he dwelleth in this land.
That he dwelleth in this land.


The “Swiss Psalm” has four official sets of lyrics, one in each of Switzerland’s four languages. The French, Italian, and Romansch lyrics are official translations of the original German text, a poem written by Leonhard Widmer. Although the song’s popularity grew in the early twentieth century, the government did not officially adopt it as its national anthem until 1981. [1]

Gokhan Inler is the player to watch on the Swiss team. Learn more here.



Salve, Oh Patria!
¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! ¡Oh Patria,
gloria a ti! Ya tu pecho rebosa
gozo y paz, y tu frente radiosa
más que el sol contemplamos lucir.

Los primeros los hijos del suelo
que, soberbio, el Pichincha decora
te aclamaron por siempre señora
y vertieron su sangre por ti.
Dios miró y aceptó el holocausto,
y esa sangre fue germen fecundo
de otros héroes que, atónito el mundo
vio en tu torno a millares surgir.

We Salute You Our Homeland
O homeland, we greet you a thousand times!
Glory be to you, O homeland, glory be to you!
Your breast overflows with joy and peace,
And we see your radiant face shining
More brightly than the sun.

The worthy sons of the soil
Which Pichincha on high is adorning,
Always acclaimed you as sovereign lady
And shed their blood for you.
God observed and accepted the sacrifice,
And that blood was the prolific seed
Of other heroes whom the world in astonishment saw
Arising in thousands around you.


Juan León Mera wrote the Latin American epic anthem “We Salute You Our Homeland” in 1865, and Antonio Neumane set the lyrics to music the following year. Interestingly, whenever the anthem is performed, it is almost always done with the chorus, followed by the second verse, and then the chorus. [2]

Keep an eye on Ecuador’s Antonio Valencia!



La Marseillaise
Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L’étendard sanglant est levé!
L’étendard sanglant est levé!
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Egorger nos fils et nos compagnes!CHORUS:
Aux armes, citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons! marchons!
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!
The Song of Marseille
Arise children of the fatherland
The day of glory has arrived
Against us tyranny’s
Bloody standard is raised
The bloody standard is raised
Listen to the sound in the fields
The howling of these fearsome soldiers
They are coming into our midst
To cut the throats of your sons and consortsCHORUS:
To arms citizens
Form you battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Water our furrows


One of the most recognizable anthems in the world, “La Marseillaise” gained recognition as a revolutionary tune and serves as an early example of a “European march” anthem. Its lyrics, though bloody in nature, capture the independent spirit of the French Revolution. [3]

French players have stirred controversy in the past for not singing the anthem, as some of their ancestors were oppressed during French colonial rule. Many view the Anthem to be racist because of its lyrics and/or its past history. [4] Here is a clip of the French players during “La Marseillaise”.

Check out France’s Franck Ribery here!



Himno Nacional de Honduras
Tu bandera, tu bandera
Es un lampo de cielo
Por un bloque, por un bloque
De nieve cruzado;
Y se ven en su fondo sagrado
Cinco estrellas de pálido azul;
En tu emblema que mar rumoroso
Con sus ondas bravías escuda,
De un volcán, de un volcán
Tras la cima desnuda
Hay un astro, hay un astro
De nítida luz.

India, virgen y hermosa dormías
De tus mares al canto sonoro,
Cuando echada en tus cuencas de oro
El audaz navegante te halló;
Y al mirar tu belleza extasiado
Al influjo ideal de tu encanto,
La orla azul de tu espléndido manto
Con su beso de amor consagró.

National Anthem of Honduras
Your flag is a splendour of sky
Crossed with a band of snow;
And there can be seen, in its sacred depths,
Five pale blue stars.
In your emblem, which a rough sea
With its wild waves protects,
Behind the bare summit of a volcano,
A star brightly shines.

Like an Indian maiden you have been sleeping,
Lulled by the resonant song of your seas,
When, set in your golden valleys,
The bold navigator found you;
And on seeing, enraptured, your beauty,
And feeling your enchantment,
He dedicated a kiss of love to the blue hem
of your splendid mantle.



This anthem will get stuck in your head! The operatic feel and the fanfare introduction establish this tune as a Latin American epic anthem. Seven verses outline Honduras’ history, adding a unique quality to this anthem. During the World Cup and at other official occasions, only the chorus and the final verse are performed because of the anthem’s length. The final verse calls Hondurans to defend their country and further describes the Honduran flag. [5]

Be sure to watch Roger Espinoza, a defensive midfielder on Honduras team. Click for more about him.


[1]  “Switzerland »” Ed. David Kendall. Web. 9 Dec 2013.

[2] “Ecuador »” Ed. David Kendall. Web. 9 Dec 2013.

[3] “France»” Ed. David Kendall. Web. 9 Dec 2013.

[4]  “#BBCtrending: Is the French national anthem ‘racist’?” 16 May 2014. Web. 2 March 2015. 

[5]  “Honduras»” Ed. David Kendall. Web. 9 Dec 2013.

How to cite this article: “National Anthems: The Music of the World Cup,” Written by Jordan Pearson (2013), Ed. by Paige Newhouse (2015), World Cup 2014, Soccer Politics Blog, Duke University, (accessed on (date)). 

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