Category Archives: Video Games

El coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) y el fútbol

El síndrome respiratorio agudo grave (SARS, por sus siglas en inglés) es una enfermedad respiratoria viral causada por un coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Originalmente, un brote de SARS-CoV-2 surgió en la ciudad de Wuhan en China y actualmente está afectando a todo el mundo – existe una pandemia. Hasta hoy, el 22 de marzo del 2020, se… Read More »

Soccer Robots: Imperfect Men

Perhaps a byproduct of playing FIFA , highlight reels, constant social media clips and the focus on amazing goals and plays in soccer, many have come to expect constant greatness, perfection out of soccer. We see Messi touch the ball, Ronaldo take a free kick and our stomachs tighten, waiting for the inevitable goal. Something… Read More »

Grant Wahl: segundo álbum Panini y primer juego de fantasía para la WWC 2015

A menos de 3 meses del inicio de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Femenino (WWC por sus siglas en inglés) Canadá 2015, los equipos se siguen preparando. Estados Unidos, No. 2 a nivel mundial, se vengó de la derrota que sufrió ante Francia, No. 3, en el amistoso que disputaron en Lorient el pasado 8 de… Read More »

Women’s soccer in FIFA 20??

I have never played competitive soccer in my life. I have also never played recreational soccer in my life. I have never followed any league or any player at any level of soccer as a fan. Yet, when it comes to naming the rosters and formations of soccer teams, I can converse with almost any… Read More »

FIFA and the American Public

  Growing up in a soccer-crazed family, I was introduced to the game at an incredibly young and impressionable age. Born right-footed, my grandfather used to take me outside and force me to kick with my left for hours until my weakness became a strength. However, while I was practicing set pieces in my backyard,… Read More »