Category Archives: Statistics

Soccer Robots: Imperfect Men

Perhaps a byproduct of playing FIFA , highlight reels, constant social media clips and the focus on amazing goals and plays in soccer, many have come to expect constant greatness, perfection out of soccer. We see Messi touch the ball, Ronaldo take a free kick and our stomachs tighten, waiting for the inevitable goal. Something… Read More »

The Perceived Disconnect Between Soccer and Analytics

By Timothy Nyangacha It’s an idea that I have spent considerable time pondering: What makes soccer so exceptional in that its community has not been swept up by the rise of analytics in other sports? Is there something unquantifiable about the game of soccer that allows it transcend statistical analysis and predictions? Post-match statistics include… Read More »

African Nations Cup 2015 Stats

Here are some statistics from the African Nations Cup 2015 that was held between January 17 2015 and February 8 2015. The Ivory Coast national team took home the goal and table one shows just how the tournament played out. Table 1 Table 2 shows some stats from the tournament.

Disparité: L’assistance de matchs féminins

Apres avoir lu In a League of their Own, écrit par Gail Newsham, et en apprenant la riche histoire de l’équipe Dick, Kerr de Preston, j’étais frappé par l’immensité du public qui la suivait. Chaque fois qu’elles jouaient un match, il y avait vingt, trente, ou presque soixante milles spectateurs qui venaient pour regarder cette… Read More »