Category Archives: Fans

Le football comme rituel, Zidane et le cinéma expérimental

Dans son livre Le Match de football paru en 1995, l’anthropologue français Christian Bromberger analyse les passions soulevées par le football, plus particulièrement dans les villes de Marseille, Turin et Naples. Il résume les conclusions de son étude dans un article en anglais, “Football as World-View and as Ritual.” Dans ce texte, il décrit le football… Read More »

Il calcio come rito, Zidane e un film sperimentale

Nel suo libro La partita di calcio. Etnologia di una passione, l’antropologo francese Christian Bromberger interpreta la partita di calcio come una sorta di rito paradossale attraverso cui la folla dei tifosi si riconosce e si celebra come una collettività omogenea, anche se con modalità contraddittorie. Il “rito” calcistico si presta così “a una pluralità… Read More »

El Futbol como Ritual, Zidane, y el Cine Experimental

En “Football as a world-view and as ritual”, el antropólogo francés Christian Bromberger (1995) explica las razones de la gran capacidad de convocatoria del futbol. Vinculando el gran éxito de este deporte con el hecho de que evoca los valores de las sociedades modernas (como la recompensa al mérito colectivo e individual), Bromberger también destaca… Read More »

Soccer as Ritual, and Being on the Pitch with Zidane

The French anthropologist Christian Bromberger has studied and written about football games as a kind of ritual that provides an “inexhaustible terrain of interpretation” for those who participate and watch. In his French-language book “Le match de football,” he studied how crowds experienced and interpreted games in the European football heartlands of Marseille, Milan, and… Read More »

¿Por Qué Nos Gusta El Deporte?

Para aquellos que no tienen una afinidad particular con el deporte, parece un poco extraño. ¿Por qué muchos de nosotros venimos juntos para rodear una televisión y ver dos grupos de hombres o mujeres atléticas patear una pelota a través de un campo, lanzar una pelota en un aro alto, o, aún más extraña, pasar… Read More »

For Club or Country?

Today in class, we celebrated “Jersey and Scarf Day”; many of the students in our Soccer Politics class brought in their favorite piece of soccer memorabilia and shared their story about how it was obtained, as well as the extent of their allegiance to their respective team. The class appeared to be roughly split 50/50… Read More »

The “I Believe” Chant: A Brief History

During Friday afternoon’s student protests at Duke University, the crowd approaching the Allen Building (which was occupied that afternoon by nine students, who are still in the building as of today), broke into a very particular chant, as seen here in a video posted by the Duke Chronicle.   They repeated the chant on Saturday… Read More »

Fútbol y la Identidad

¿Qué es lo que define la identidad de un equipo? Es una pregunta que puede parecer sencilla, pero en realidad, es un poco difícil de formular una respuesta adecuada. Obviamente, hay muchos factores que pueden afectar la forma en que se percibe la identidad de un equipo, incluyendo el estilo de juego del equipo, las… Read More »