Rivers and waterways throughout the world flow across borders: international borders, state borders, city borders, property borders. The use of transboundary water resources requires cooperation and diplomacy. As climate change perpetuates water scarcity, cooperation can turn to conflict. This symposium will include discussions of interstate water issues in the United States as well as international water scarcity issues as they relate to conflict and migration. Learn from professionals in the field to see how academia, governments, NGOs, and local residents are addressing and impacted by issues related to water and borders.
Day 1: Interstate Water in the United States
View Recording: tinyurl.com/WaterBordersDay1
Day 2: Water Scarcity and International Borders
View Recording: tinyurl.com/WaterBordersDay2
Keynote Speakers:
Day 1: Dr. Sharon Megdal, University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center
Day 2: Dr. Aaron Wolf, Oregon State University
Day 1:
Bidtah Becker, Navajo Nation
Brett Cyphers, Northwest Florida Water Management District
Sara Larsen, Upper Colorado River Commission
Day 2:
Charles Iceland, World Resources Institute
Dr. Erika Weinthal, Duke University
Carol Chouchani Cherfane, United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia
View Duke Water Network Fall Symposium 2020 Agenda
View Duke Water Network Fall Symposium 2020 Speaker Bios