NCCU-Duke Digital Humanities Fellows Program

NCCU-Duke Digital Humanities Fellows Program

From August 19-21st we kicked off the NCCU-Duke Digital Humanities Fellows program. This is supported by Mellon Humanities Futures and was undertaken as an activity connected to the Duke Digital Humanities Initiative.  I co-taught the kickoff workshop with the help of my colleague Hannah Jacobs, who shared some of her tutorials on timelines, maps, and online archives with our group. We met some great colleagues who will be developing courses and DH projects over the next year and a half. One interesting and important challenge is thinking about how to do project-based courses when you don’t have fancy labs or TAs to help. We really had to fine down what the pedagogical and research purposes are of the “tools” we select, and also to consider how relying on public-facing, hosted tools impacts privacy and sustainability. We are looking forward to hosting some joint DH workshop events over the course of next year, and to find some good partners for parallel courses, shared course modules, and other experimental pedagogical strategies that will enable the NCCU and Duke colleagues to teach parts of courses together around topics of shared interest. Stay tuned!