Tag Archives: facial hair

Everyone is jumping on our coat … I mean stache-tails.

In today’s Chronicle, in addition to Mike’s lovely column in the Recess section, I couldn’t help but notice an article on Duke’s cross-country teams quest for a berth in the NCAA Championships but also perhaps a spot in the 2014 Beard and Mustache Championships. It made me wonder if we should challenge them to a stache-off. I mean in this picture there are some impressive examples but (in my humble opinion) our offerings are equally impressive .



With the NCAA Southeast Regional Championships looming this Friday and a berth for the NCAA Championships on the line, Duke has turned to a training technique that every runner knows well: growing mustaches.

What do you think?



“The national championship is what we’re here to do. We’re here to run as fast as we can—but we’re here to do it in style,” said graduate student Mike Moverman, who sports a walrus mustache with a complementary chinstrap beard, a look he calls “the halfpipe.”

The phenomenon originated with the running website Flotrack.org, which has run a “Stachies for Nashies” photo competition in recent years. The setup is simple—run fast enough to qualify for the national cross-country meet (“Nashies”), grow a mustache, and document the lip lettuce to enter the online contest.

But while other teams halfheartedly grow top-shelf ticklers, the Blue Devils channel their inner Tom Selleck and use strategic timing to gain a leg up on their rivals.

“[Flotrack] tries to get us to do it from October through Nationals, which is usually Thanksgiving weekend,” Moverman said. “But my sophomore year we started taking it to the extreme. We started the first week of camp, a month and a half before all the other teams were starting.”

Yeesh, it looks ….


I don’t know if any of you have been in a Claire’s boutique or a Justice store geared to the Tween girl demographic but let me tell you that these places are filled with mustache tchotchkes and mustache branded jewelry, t-shirts, socks, duck tape(!), pencils and pencil holders … you get the picture. I’m not sure when, how or why this trend started but ever since we’ve been working on Vanya I’ve been reminded of Astrov’s “creep” assessment of his own persona, which includes “this huge mustache.” Maybe it’s the Steampunk aesthetic winding its way down the age ladder. I’ve not seen mustaches on the One Direction singers so it doesn’t seem to be driven by boy band love. And I think it’s too much to hope some pioneering marketer has embarked on a campaign to encourage young women to embrace a broader gender performance spectrum. Honestly I’m just stumped.

And just as I’d been pondering this and thinking about our own sharing of facial hair stories during rehearsal breaks, I found an examination of this “mustache moment”  in a post on one of my favorite contemporary art blogs: Hyperallergic. In their piece they discuss the work of photographer Greg Anderson whose recent portraiture looks like this:

The epitome of all this, surely, is captured in the photography of Greg Anderson, which has been making the rounds on the internet recently. Anderson, who’s based in Las Vegas, traveled to New Orleans to photograph the 2013 Beard and Mustache Championships after missing the 2012 version in his hometown. “There were a few eccentric types,” he noted in an email with Hyperallergic — although he copied and pasted responses from another interview he had done — “but largely these are regular, down to earth guys who enjoy being a part of the bearding community and gathering once a year to see their friends and have a good time. It seems to be more about the camaraderie than the competition.”

More camaraderie than competition. Sounds just like all of you who are doing your best to grow those beards and mustaches for the show. So in your honor, and in honor of the grand and glorious beard/stache combo of our director, here is some more inspiration.


And I’ve grown this huge mustache.

I know many of you trying to grow facial hair for the show are feeling the weight of Astrov’s line, so I thought I’d offer some inspiration in the form of the paintings of Aaron Smith, a fine art painter and the Associate Chair of the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.

His recent work:

Ginger, 2012, oil on panel, 48" x 36"

Ginger, 2012, oil on panel, 48″ x 36″

uses his own collection of Victorian/Edwardian era photographs of men who represent (or at least are posed in ways that represent) a masculine ideal. To further enhance the contrast between their spectacular facial hair and formal dress with their stiff poses and dour demeanor, Smith transforms his black & white/sepia photos into large-scale expressionistic portraits with colors inspired by Birds-of-Paradise and “the extravagantly decorated Huli Wigmen of Papua New Guinea.” While our set is not in this exact palette, I do see bright touches of blue, blue-green, yellow, and orange-red in the photos Jeff & Sonya identified as the central touchstones for our production.

Huli Wigman, National Geographic photograph.

Huli Wigman, National Geographic photograph.

 A few more in Smith’s series:

Chopsy, 2011, oil on panel, 28"x24"

Chopsy, 2011, oil on panel, 28″x24″

Kicker (Roger Casement)  2012, oil on panel, 24” x 22”

Kicker (Roger Casement) 2012, oil on panel, 24” x 22”

Pommie, 2012, oil on panel, 48" x 32"

Pommie, 2012, oil on panel, 48″ x 32″

Jeek, 2011, oil on panel, 28" x 24"

Jeek, 2011, oil on panel, 28″ x 24″

Sprater, 2010, oil on panel, 28" x 18"

Sprater, 2010, oil on panel, 28″ x 18″

I wish you all strong and bushy follicles.