Tag Archives: arc

I, Astrov

In this response I’ve tried to create a sort of narrative stream of consciousness, paralleling the action of the play and broken up (roughly) based on my interpretation of the beat- or tactic-changes. Despite the shifts, I’ve tried to maintain a sense of continuous flow between the moments.



Where could she be? I can’t wait around here all day. Why did she and that dick even drag everyone out on a walk, on a day like this?

Am I too old for her, Nanny? Be honest with me. I don’t even know who I’ve become!

If this were ten years ago – even one or two years ago – I’d be fine, but I can’t change the world anymore. It’s already a shithole… and I’m no saint. But I will try; I’ll try for you and for what beauty remains in the world.

Beauty! She must be returning soon. Maybe Vanya knows what the hell is going on here.

There she is. God, what is this feeling? I feel so…silly.

And what’s up with Ivan? Hey man, snap out of it. You’re ridiculous – you know that? – and I love you for it.

But I’m worried about you. I don’t know much about this Yelena, but it doesn’t sound good from the looks of things. What’s the big deal?

Well, well, let me see what she has to offer. We’ll just get this situation under control, and be on our way…

Yes. No. Right, the tea…dinner… You want to talk about some political theory, art, maybe?

Can you believe these two? Like children or…magpies, fighting over something shiny. And Nanny, with her chicks again. Ah-ha! There’s a smile.

What? Who? Um…yes. I’ll be right there. Where…? Ah, the bag, the bag.

I was so close! This is horrible. One last chance to impress.

Is she being coy? Please, you really don’t think these forests are beautiful? Allow me…Allow her to educate you.

EXCUSE ME, WHO ASKED YOU, IVAAAN? Do you really want to get into this now? Why do you even care, you little shit? How do you put up with him?

Sorry. I need to go. Maybe we’ll finish this discussion next time, ok?



We need music in here! It’s a beautiful autumn evening! Something…magical…is in the air…There’s a…storm? You know that dame, who comes around here? I’d hit that. Nice. Choice. Bro. hey. What’s up, Vanya? Are you LOVESICK?

Sorry. I don’t mean to OFFEND you. I just think. That life. Is pretty near where it should be right now. I’m on top of the world. SO WHERE IS THE MUSIC?? Beautiful moments need MUSIC! You know what else we need? We Need DRANK.

Hello there, miss. Top of the evening to you. Beg your pardon while I take a trip to tidy up a bit… Expertly maneuvered, Astrov.

You don’t have to be a jerk, little miss. I’m not going to be a jerk; I’m just going to walk away. And I don’t want to deal with any of the other jerks who live around here, either, ok?

I don’t understand how anyone survives around here. You’re all crazy. And I don’t even know what to think your step-mother! What’s wrong with her? She’s fucking beautiful!

Look, don’t listen to me. The world can be great, it just isn’t for me. I work my ass off for the people and the trees, and what have I got to show for it? I can’t even love anyone anymore!

I mean, you’re good to me. I appreciate that. But… I can only fall for beauty… And don’t be fooled. I’d certainly fuck that up.

Save your love for someone who’s flourishing, vigorous: That’s what I’d tell your friend. I’m dead now. I’m dried up, hollow. What are you..? I…need to go. Thanks, and all.



She wants to see my maps! This is my chance. We’ve hardly shared two words since she’s been in the district.

Does she care about the taxonomy of the flora and fauna. No… just, stick to the basics. Has she noticed me coming around? She must have, but maybe she avoids Ivan’s room.

Her eyes are pretty distracting. How many birds were there again? This must sound ridiculous. Ah, but she’s laughing! At me or with me? Dammit where’s the other monastery?? Something about cattle…

Focus, Astrov. Jesus there’s nothing in this one. Get it over with.

Ugh the third map. It’s horrible, isn’t it? To think, we had these beautiful things in our grasp, and we just let them…rot away. We’re better than this, aren’t we? Humans, us?

God she doesn’t care one bit. It’s over. She’s right, this is all silly.

Oh? Is she flirting with me? Powerful language. Hmm…Sonya. Do I…want to be Sonya’s… father, you ask? Do I want to be Sonya’s… something else. No. Oh no. No not that.

Is this what you wanted to tell me? I should maybe lea– Why would you do this? Are you messing with me?

Wait you– you are. You’re toying with me. Well, well, well. I can play this game, too.

You’re really into the game, aren’t you? Ok, come on, I know what you’re feeling. I saw it in your eyes. I felt it too. Just give in to it! I’ll give in. Here.

What’s stopping you? Look at you. Look at us!

Electricity. Just listen to it.

We could have this forever.

Oh shit. Where’d he come from? WHY IS HE HERE? This is bad. It’s ruined. It’s all ruined. Don’t make it worse.



How could he even try to…? I don’t believe it. I have to stop this, and I don’t even have time.

Where is that little smelly rat? Vanya, I know you’re here!

Ok, stop being a child. This is very serious! I’ve got bigger things to worry about, you little shit. Why do you insist on making all of our lives more difficult?

Can you even hear yourself? Think about someone else for a change, you creep. Oh, you don’t even want to get me started on Yelena. But this isn’t about that, so just shut up for a minute!

You know, there’s nothing wrong with you. Probably. Life’s a bitch –everyone feels this way– And you have to take it.

And you definitely can’t just hide from it, or drown it, or whatever you think you’re doing. You have to face it. You have to ACCEPT that we have screwed up beyond all repair. WE have, you and I both.

Maybe if we’re being completely honest, we’re not entirely to blame. Bad luck. Bad cards. “Better luck next time, sucker!” as we say…

Okay, now, look: I might have a chance left with Yelena; I need to get out of here. I mean, go ahead and kill yourself if you want! But don’t drag me down with you.

Sonya! Please please pleeeease help! I don’t know what else to do. He’ll listen to you.

She’s so loving, so good. And he’s fine. I understand, Vanya. I feel you.

Well…I better get ready to go. I don’t even know what I would say.

There she is. Look at Vanya, being led away like a steer. No, I will not be that. I will not have that. This is my life I’m fighting for.

What is she thinking? What is she feeling? Why is she still here? Is she trembling?

She is. She’s scared. Scared of leaving? Yes! Why won’t you stay? Just stay? What could I possibly do to make you understand that it’s right for you to stay? Do I need to tell jokes? Do tricks?

She’s smiling. I’m close. This Is It.

Excuse me? Handshake. No no no. What’s wrong with you???

You know what, fine. You can go if you want to. I don’t need you. Maybe you had me…for a little while… but I’m stronger than this. And I’m stronger than you. Because I’m not going around causing trouble, making people fall in love with me. Go if you want to; you haven’t beaten me.

Ok now she’s close. Why did she get so close. It’s not…uncomfortable. It’s just a little bit too…exciting. And why did she take my pencil? Why do I care?? Relax, Astrov. She hasn’t beaten you yet. You take your prize, and then you go.

Oh my god. I can’t leave this. Where does my life go from here?

Did she feel it too? No? Why isn’t she leaving? She felt it too.

People are coming, people are coming. I can’t leave her, I’ll die. What if it happened for us? It’s too good. I couldn’t maintain it. But I need it. They’re here…

I’ll never be the same.

I didn’t deserve it. I couldn’t take it. Why didn’t you try harder, Vanya??

They’re gone. I have to move on. At least I still have my Nanny. She’ll comfort me.

How will I ever leave this behind? No, I must. I should get out of here. Get the formalities out of the way and here I go.

No, they deserve more. All the love they gave me, where would I be without my two loves?

Vanya… what could I ever say to him? I hope he can forgive me. Things could be worse, I guess. We’re probably pretty lucky here, when you think about it.

Ok, let’s numb the pain and get this operation over with. One more look at things: This is the end and this is the beginning. I can’t say goodbye any more, I have to leave, Nanny. I have to just do it. I’ll miss-.
