
Hi, my name is Shannon. I am from Santa Barbara, California. I consider myself to be aggressively Californian, idk why I even came to NC for college, but Duke is pretty great so I guess that’s a good enough reason. I am an Environmental Science major and I’m getting a certificate in Marine Science and Conservation Leadership (entirely too long of a name for an expensive piece of paper).
I am on Little Team as the Social Chair/External Affairs Coordinator/Party Person this year. When I’m not doing Ubu stuff, I love to rage on environmental issues, cook good vegetarian food, watch Parks and Rec in the gym (and on the couch tbh), hang out in the Chapel Basement with my PCM (Presbyterian Campus Ministry) fam, go backpacking/hiking whenever studying stress levels are low, and do cool stuff with water, soil, and plant samples at my job in a lab on campus. That was a HUGE run on sentence, can you tell that I’m not an English major?
I am still surprised that I am a junior this year, and I’m a little sad missing my abroad friends. BUT I am psyched to be at Marine Lab this spring semester. Come hang with Harper and me in 301 F for friends if you want tea, beer, and an overload of Californian.