Welcome to Duke Tri! The Duke Triathlon club is dedicated to the development of triathlon talent within the Duke Community. We focus on the education, participation, and athletic development of current and future triathletes through training, racing, and special topics clinics. Our goal is to encourage growth within the sport of triathlon, no matter the previous experience of the athlete.
Team member experience ranges from first time novice athletes to veterans of the sport. The team is the most important part of this club, and we foster good triathlon vibes through weekly practices, team social events and weekend trips to races.
Triathlons are for anybody. Even if you’ve never swum more than a few laps in your life or don’t have a bike, it’s easy to fall in love with the atmosphere of the sport. All you need is a good attitude and a pair of running shoes.
We encourage you to sign up, and give the sport a try!